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61 answers

yes your mum is right... i am speaking from experience i was 16 (almost 17) when i gave birth to my first child 4 years ago, i dont ever regret having him but i will say that it is NOT as easy as you think as other people havee said you need money mostly to take care of a baby they are expensive.
not only that but at 15 you might think you are ready to have a child but i can tell you if you were to have one you would not be emotionally ready the chances of you getting the "baby blues" are much higher and its not a nice thing to go through i never suffered from it myself but i watched a few of my friends fall apart because of it and neglected their babies for a while (they had their babies not long after i did) i was used to babysitting and always looking after my younger brother and sister but i can tell you now having your own does not compare at all there is no one to give that child back to at the end of the day or when there is something wrong.... its also better to be in a stable RELATIONSHIP before even considering it i am lucky i am still with the father of my child and i am also 8 months pregnant with our second please dont have a baby yet give yourself a couple of years atleast enjoy being a teenager you have no idea what you will miss out on if you have one now.... you cant just go out when you want to and expect to find a babysitter all the time its not that easy you will be doing yourself a favour by really thinking things through and waiting till you are a couple of years older

*************in regards to what someone has said below about your body not being mature enough to have a child, that is untrue your body is physically more capable to have a child between 15 and 21 and birth is much easier but it is still not right for you to have a child at your age please dont do it ***************

2007-02-28 23:53:23 · answer #1 · answered by sherice r 2 · 6 0

Yes, u are cause your body isn't mature enough for an unborn child and if u are super skinny they will cut the child out of u and staple your belly 2 gether and just after that they will sen in a nurse to push on your belly to see if your uterus has returned 2 its normal place.Can u handle the c-section? can u handle the pain, after and during and before u have a child? U know that u will lay in that hosp. bed hooked up 2 an ivy then they will put a strap around your belly and a monitor attached 2 it. Then u cant eat or drink,but chew on ice chips u cant even get up and go 2 the bathrm. They will leave the rm and when are young its scary 2 go through that alone. when the Dr.finds a preg he sets u up w/ a obgyn and that dr tests u and runs blood tests 2 see if the baby is ok like downs syndrome.....etc.your breast will sa from the milk and your young body will be srethed so bad u will have stretch marks everywhere.U gain lots of weight u eat like a pig.U sleep a lot and u drink alot and pee a lot and u get constipated(cant go #2) etc.U have to buy bigger clothes and baby items.
like a crib,toys clothes. etc.U cant hang out w/your friends,u have 2 pay for day care. U wll be trying 2 sleep and the baby will not lay still sometimes it moves all the time.Sometimes a baby can be dry and fed and it wil cry all the time. they drool and sometimes what they do in there pampers doesnt always stay in ther it sometimes leaks and sometimes smells bad.Sometimes when u are preg.u sometimesswell up hands feet.U also get morning sickness in the begining and hemorrids and sore and tender and swollen breasts. These are the thing u will go through dont through your life away trying 2 be a teen mom.

2007-03-01 00:32:04 · answer #2 · answered by thelilsxysmoothone 3 · 2 0

No you are not stupid.. but can you support the child? Do you have a job and house and automobile? Does the job offer insurance to help pay the hospital bills.. at can cost up to 17,000.00 or more dollars. Can you afford to pay at least 300.00 to 400.00 dollars a month to feed, clothe, diaper, babysitter and don't forget doctor visits. Do you have the education to make sure that your child will never need for anything? I mean if you have a home that is yours and you are paying all the bills.. like electricity, water, sewage, trash p/u, cable, phone, internet services, and have a car that needs gas weekly.. oh and have all the baby needs.. like a baby bed, carseat, diaper bag, bottles, clothes, and much more.. then go ahead.. since you are only 15 and have it all together. Shoot I am 33 and struggling to make my ends meet.. and have my 2nd child on the way. It is not easy.. and you just can't have it and want others to watch it while you want to go out and have fun. Wait a while.. there is plenty of time to have a baby and make sure you have had all the fun you can stand til you have a child. Daycares are not cheap and usually only opened 5 days a week and close by 6pm. I was 28 when I had my 1st child and now 33 on my 2nd one. And believe me I had alot of fun in between with my freedom.

2007-03-01 02:15:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stupid may not be the right word... misguided..yes. Having a child is a huge responsibility not only for caring and nurturing but on the financial standpoint also. Before you think about having sex or trying to have a child, try making a budget.

Figure out how much it would cost for the following things:
Rent, utilities (heat, water, electricity, gas, and telephone) Food for you and formula for your child, day care/ babysitter fees, Health insurance, and transportation.

Most high school graduates would have extreme difficulty affording all these things... Even if you live with your parents now how would you afford the best for your child without a quality education?

The bottom line is its wonderful that someday you want to be a mother and someday you will probably be a very good one, however right now you need to live life to the fullest, go to school and get a great education. So that one day you will be able to afford to have a child and give it the best of care.

2007-03-01 13:35:03 · answer #4 · answered by artisdestiny 2 · 0 0

Please consider having one after you're able to financially support you and your child. This is much easier done after one graduates High School, and preferably some college under one's belt...
are you in a stable relationship? can you look after yourself? can you support a child? do you have your own place? could you not go out and enjoy yoursel? i reckon all the answers to these questions are no. wait enjoy life trust me i no im 15 and have always wanted a baby but its better to wait and besides ur not fully grown or in any way perpared to have a baby. and who would look after it while ur at school. or pay for it? it's expensive to buy baby stuff. and even more when u have no money.

Once u have a baby ur life will change FOREVER u will never be able to do the things u use to cuz everything will be around the baby. get a baby rabbit or somthing and bottle feed. i've done so. and if u can't handle that then ur NOT ready for a baby. raising a baby is A LOT of work even if it's not human.

do ur family and then world a favor and wai!

2007-03-01 07:22:27 · answer #5 · answered by wonderbunny22 2 · 0 0

OH SWEETIE for once in your life listen to your Mama,she does know best in this subject.You are just a child yourself wanting to bring a child into this world.It's not all fun and glamour that way it looks.It takes a ton of money, love, time, sacrafice, patience, understanding, heartache,sleepless nights and days this is just a few of the many things you have to be ready for the minute the little thing enters this world,and frankly my dear you are no where near old enough,wise enough,grown up enough,or responsable enough to take complete care of yourself at 15 let alone a helpless little baby that depends on a mature Adult For everything that they need to live,eat & surrvive.Honey dont do it not only are you punishing yourself but you are punishing a helpless little baby also.Take this time and enjoy your life and be a child while you still are,you will grow up soon enough one day and then trust me you will long to go back to child hood when you find out what it's all about.

2007-02-28 23:54:40 · answer #6 · answered by Sunshine 5 · 2 0

You are not stupid. You have a wrong idea about what it means to have a child. I don't care how much money you have or how many children you've dealt with. A baby costs over $1,000 a month. If you're going to breastfeed, you need to do that every hour. if you plan to use formula, you're looking at $1,500 a year. Nearly 80% of unmarried teen mothers have to use welfare. Only 41% of teenage mothers graduate from high school and only 1.5% will earn a college degree by age 30. Think about it. It's not smart, and if thats what you think, than you really are a STUPID girl.

2007-03-01 00:42:43 · answer #7 · answered by Tangy & Cherry 3 · 1 0

if you really think you can sufficiently provide a child with everything it needs at age 15 then yes, you are very stupid. nobody in high school has enough time to spend with their child, they go to school for around 7 hours a day, they have to do tons of homework, and they want to have fun with their friends. where in this could a baby possible fit? to have a baby you have to be willing to give up any freetime you ever get, you will be caring for this child almost constantly. if you had a baby at this age on purpose I would say that you are selfish and think about what you want rather than the wellbeing of the baby. if your ready to make a baby go through all of this just to get what you want, you shouldnt ever have a child.

2007-03-01 10:44:26 · answer #8 · answered by Silent Jimmy 2 · 0 0

Just use enough common sense to be a BIRD. Female birds wait for a male to :
1- prove he is special (hence the singin competition)
2- has a home he built (nest)
3- can provide for a family (food)
And if she dosen't like any of the above, he's out.
Only after she likes all three basic needs, then they make a baby.
Oh, also, she waits until she's a grown-up bird. At 15, you only think you are all grown up. But a baby isn't a doll from Mattel. And it sure isn't a replacement for accomplishments that only you can achieve academically and socially.

2007-02-28 23:54:33 · answer #9 · answered by Pekoe90 2 · 1 0

Since the age of 12, all I wanted for my future was to have children. My mum said in a round about way the same thing as your mum. I'm now 22, I work in childcare, love my job and don't regret not having children yet.

You need to concider so many things, firstly income, how do you expect to dress, feed, buy medicine, nappies, furniture, toys, put a roof over the childs head, while also supporting yourself, and before you think it, No, your parents aren't your answer.

Have your mum wake you up every 3 hours when your sleeping for 3 months straight, because that's how life will be with a child 24 hours, 7 days a week. And as much as family and friends are great to have around, they are not a baby-sitting service for when you need a break.

What other goals do you have in life?? They can be so much more harder to achieve with a full time dependant child. What about when you reach legal age to party 18 or 21 (where ever you live) what will you do with your child. Give yourself time to mature yourself, to grow and learn who you really are.

Children are for life, they dont' just go away if you think you've made a mistake by having them so young, there are plenty of years ahead of you, don't rush it.

Another thing, who will father your child?? If it's the partner you currently have, chances are high that he will not be your life partner. You will change, grow, mature and in turn, your taste in boys will change to taste in men.

Please think long and hard about the choice your about to make. I don't think that you are Stupid, I just think that you have alot to learn about life and the world around you.

2007-02-28 23:54:08 · answer #10 · answered by Kristy B 2 · 6 0

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