Worldwide Hatred for Israel is Exactly what h_ali stated about the aggressive tactics used against Palestine,in 1948., which Escalated to the Present Days, IIllegal, Criminal, InHumane Murderous Acts, which Are Against , IN VIOLATION, of Most All INTERNATIONAL whuch Neighboring Countries in the Mid-East Regions have somehow Endured. Countries like Afgahn, and Iraq, where U.S. have Invaded, and Basically Conquered, why ? WHO has "Stolen" or who is now In CONTROL of OIL FIELDS ?? In The Post Above, Cherry B NAILS The APRON Linking the US (and OUR TAX DOLLARS) as BILLIONS are Poured into Israeli To Maintain Ground Defensive Weaponry, and a Well Stocked Inventory of Fighter Jetst, Thus AIR SUPERIORTY.. Hey, wait a sec !! What 6 or 7 AirBases in Afghan to Guard construction of "Cross-Country Oil Pipeline.. hmmm... HEY ! Wait a FULL Minute ! Since the '03 ILLEGAL INVASION/OCCUPATION of IRAQ(Bin-Laden Terrorist Camps?) 2 days after crossing Iraqi Borders , The Majority of its Nations OIL FIELDS now Safetly in the Hands of Coallition?Forces, The Slaughter of 10's,- 100's of Thousands,, MOSTLY Husbands(UnArmed, NonThreatening) Going to a Job To Feed The Wife and CHILDREN, who happened to be in The Path of THE Treasure. The Unfortunate Citizens Blasted into ? where "Written Off as THE SPOILS of WAR.. Earlier I named Countries besds Palstn as possible Israeli Targets, ADMITTEDLEY, I Need to do More Research of Isr Mil. aggrsion since '48. OK, Im back gave you O' LIE-ly mindMelt Fans rime to find the Dictionary to look up ADMIT, While youve got the book opened LOOK UP: Logical,,and ScientificAnalogy,, flip forward a few pages an find the Definition of FACT, hell go Bolt the Door so no-one could lable you as a libbterd, or a tin cup what ever those USELESS blabs mean.. Look up FREE- and OPEN Minded, heres one the TRUTH !! look up (on-line) DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE, My RESEARCH is From Media Hype (TV-NwsPapers-Mags,, ONLY ON-Line You Will be "Allowed Access" to Independent Reporting ..Rather than cnn/fox SPIN.. MY Study/Facts are From 30yr PROFESSOR, Structureal/Aeronautical./Electrical/Scientific ENGINEERS !! ExpieriencedPROFFESSIONALS, Yes SUCCESSFUL, Award Winning PROFFESIONALS...You Can PULL AWAY from the Control Fox/FearFactor and SpinDoctor Agitator Sean Hann - Phaggity,.. HAS Your Life IMPROVED since Fox ?? Oh Yea, The Ques !! The Close Association of US/Isr. Cabel , If You Do A VERY SIMPLE Reaseah and if You COMMIT YOURSELF To SELF-STUDY. Plz Allow for TIME.(Hint-Less Distraction, Less TimeSpent. We have ALL heard of Recent Convictions etc. of High Ranking Govt. Officials >,Bribes,Corruuption, etc.(YOU Know the Rest)..CROSS CHECK THESE NAMES.. (HINT #2)If You Start your research with this Character....sorry that word is a misleading and TOTALLY Non Descriptive,name * purposely misspelled* Paww awl Wolf o witz is One BigBag of Slimey Scum w/ ExtraHelping of UnChalleneged Corruption.. This Worm was under Herr D. VonRhummzfeld, dpt ov Dfnce, Also Exec. Director of WorldBank(Follow THAT Trail) Same Worm Main Author/Force Recent Bills that swifly passed thru Congress with Little or NO Congressional Oversight.. If U R still with Me, GET THIS..(THESE BillsPassed At RECORD SPEED, before Dems took Over Nov 7th 06>Officialy 01 05 07. Not the PatriotAct, the sumthin like Militaryblah blah Act Im to Tired,, HEY !! This would Be a GOOD Exercise--Flash Quiz... WAIT I Think I Got IT.. THis BILL Passed/Singed (At 2-3 am?) yea It HAD To BE The "RECESS" as CONGRESS was Breaking for the X-Mas HOLIDAYS ... Should Be Easy 4 you to match the bill 3 the Holiday Recess.. sorry 4 hellter skelter attempted Prose. I think my E-m is accessable .Only Serious Requests for further Info will be read..... This Boys Peepers are FRIED..Check out my other posts, If you made it to here,, Dammm U got gutz ~~
2007-02-28 21:49:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They are hated worldwide because the world is like high school right now. The cool thing to do is hate Israel so if you say otherwise you do not fit in. Israel was carved out of a land occupied by people who did not give a s*** about statehood. The Palestinians took cues from everyone else. When the other Arab nations got freaked out by the existence of a "Jewish" nation, then and only then did Palestinians care. Before '48 Palestinians did not have some sense of collective pride, they were sitting in the sand just living. The state of Israel was then born, improving the lives of EVERYONE under their jurusdiction, and then the crap hits the fan because deep down nobody likes Jews. For god's sake if you want an argument for Israel and against Palestine look no further than the ideology of liberal golden boy Bill Maher who, it seems, despite being an atheist will defend Israel's right to exist to the death. Palestinians only cared about their "home land" after everyone else started caring. Since then it has become the most bizarre pity party ever, everyone shed tears for the suicide bombing Palestinians. Israel should let them run the country for a year just to prove a point. That place would be yet another Islamic rat f*** under Palestinian control. Finally, if Israel ever came out from behind "Momma USA's Apron" there would be serious consequences. Israel would probably be attacked without US help and then it would be game over. Israelis are tough as nails and as a nation they would probably destroy any Arab aggressor. At the very least they would would put up a fight that would be devastating for any opponent.
2007-02-28 21:53:13
answer #2
answered by Darsh 2
Because they seem to scream Holocaust anytime something is said to them.
But for the Arabs this is harder because they feel that Israel can see fit to say to the palli accept the peace deals that have been made in the past yet they dont see fit to follow the deals themselves.
Almost everytime a peace deal is nearly reached its Israel that breaks the cease fire first by sending raids to city's and towns then in turn hamas fires rockets then Israel crys they broke the deal.
think about if you lived in a country that was told to accept a cease-fire just to have your city's and towns bombed or raided would you lay down your arms.....and i know most Americans in the palli's situation would fight till the end.
Yet they also break international laws themselves by using weapons deemed illegal to use on city's and towns....yet does anyone see anything done about they dont.
Most people don t hate them its more that people find it annoying you always hear
"zomg you said something mean you most be a Nazi"
really you cant do anything about anything they do because they go straight to the news and to anyone that will listen and scream Nazi
Yes and to the moron that said
"God gave Israel that land,and it has always been its land.
Arabics claim it is thier land (although the only proof they have is when they 'won it' by slaughtering all the Christians and jews by the sword in 700-1000AD.) "
Go back to school if you knew your history the Arab conquest was aided by the fact at the time they accepted jews while the Christians were the ones with the problem with the jews...moron
2007-02-28 22:39:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
For the world wide anachy they go on doing. The way the provoke the USA to rage war over the world. The way act in sacred places.
Arial sharone killed thousands of Palestenians in Shabra and Sadeela camps in one night.
Arial sharone kept fire to Masjidul Aqsa.
Now also they carry on with construction works in the so called disputed land.
How they threaten the US presidential candidates of murder if they don't support.
How they bought Palastinian lands for money and declared as their own country.
How they fool the American senate.
How a small community of wealthy Jews influence the USA Christian majority senate.
How they still posses the illegally encroached lands of Labanon, Syrias Kolan hills, Some lands of Egypt from the 6 day war.
How they inroduced the porn film culture to the world.
U get more in the film "Munich" about how cunning Jews are.
How they commit mass murder and with the support of USA they escape from UN.
They were named the racist country in the world 1998 by UN and USA and Israel boycotted the conferrence with shame on their faces.
How they bully the innocent US politicians and Palestinians.
How they kill the unarmed stoning young boys of Palestine.
How they don't come to an agreement with Palestine.
How they break international treaties and withdraw from the agreements whenever they want.
How they encroched the palestine and built their new Jewish settlements.
How they brutally kill ladies, elderly people and children of Palestine.
How a few amount of Jews consume the vast majority of US income.
How they don't accept converted Jews and they only respect born Jews.
How they don't follow their original Torah and altered it.
How they disgrase Moses without respecting his words thoug he save them from Feron.
How the tweleve tribes fighted among themselves for water and Moses gave 12 separate springs for 12 tribes even though they were Jews.
How their Rabbis Accepted the Deceitful Holocaust in Tehran by Ahmedinejad.
How they tried to get the world sympathy by lying about holocaust.
How they do miserable works while the world watching that having US support means theres no one to question them
They don't respect requsts from other countries, international laws.
and more.........
for these reasons Israel is being hated worldwide.
2007-02-28 22:44:09
answer #4
answered by Imthath 3
I think that the actions and words of Iran have shown that there is still a lot of hatred towards this country and people like to challenge Israel's right to exist. If it isn't partly about anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, then how come noone challenged Yugoslavia's right to exist? How about Somalia, Indonesia, Rwanda and Armenia?
Jordan, Syria and Lebanon were carved out of the ancient remnants of the Ottoman Empire and never existed before. Azerbaijan and Armenia were ruled by the Russians and the Ottomans. I have never heard anyone insist that Jordan was a mistake or that it didn't have a right to defend itself (it too kicked out the P.L.O. and invaded the West Bank, as well as occupying East Jerusalem, and I guarantee you the West Bank and East Jerusalem do not belong to them). I have never heard anyone claim that the Chechen, Algerian or Kosovan desire for a homeland free of foreign rule and to escape persecution was a bad thing.
Right now Marti Ahtisaari is trying to establish a Kosovan homeland free of Serbian interference and the Serbs claim that it is their land. The Palestinians have the same attitude towards Israel and while the Palestinians never did what the Serbs did, the election results supported a group of people who wanted to destroy the country.
Palestinians engage in acts of hate and attacks on the people of Israel, then they wonder why they are occupied. They reject a homeland over and over, demanding the right of return and Jerusalem, ignoring that they are not entitled to either. Israelis were victims of WWII's Holocaust. I equate what happened to the Jews with what has happened to Kosovans, Chechens, Christians in East Timor, Uganda under Idi Amin and Armenians. So it is partly about radical politics and partly about racism. Political correctness just gets in the way.
2007-03-01 16:06:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
As of December 31, 2001, Israel owed the United States government $1.977 billion. As an American citizen I resent my tax dollars going to Israel when we could make better use of the money here than there.
2007-02-28 22:30:33
answer #6
answered by Debra D 7
Israel, like the United States has been blessed by God.
Do you honestly think a country the size of the state of Newjersy calls for such hate?
Of course not. Acording to the islamic arabics engulfing the small country, Israel is to blame from the tsunamies-global warming. To them as long as Israel stands, that means mohumud was wrong and the korian was wrong, and that is unthinkable to them.
Thoughout history Israel and jews have been persacuted for only being alive. False books have been printed catagorising jews as "pigs and christans as apes".
It is the same spirit lingering thoughout history it has just modronized.
the "palatines" has never offically been a country. Israel was 're-named' palistin by the Roman Empoire Hadrian for rebelling against roman rule.
God gave Israel that land,and it has always been its land.
Arabics claim it is thier land (although the only proof they have is when they 'won it' by slaughtering all the Christians and jews by the sword in 700-1000AD.)
2007-02-28 22:27:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Because they are practicing a religion other than Islam in the middle east..Yea it's ignorant, but Muslims aren't very tolerant of others are they?
The comment about Israel owing the US 1.9 billion and thats why you don't like them was a weak argument.
Our Politicians waste 100's of billions on idiotic things like bridges to nowhere and roads that never get completed..
I think we can spare 2 billion to help an ally.
2007-02-28 22:38:28
answer #8
answered by . 6
Cause they r terrorists,thieves & criminals.
They r opressing the palastinian ppl for 60 years now,they stole their land and other countries land(Lebanon,Syria) and they claim that they r the victims!!!how come?
They use their advanced army,which is mostly us made weapons(warplanes,tanks,smartbombs,,,etc),to commit war crimes & massacresess against the palastinian ppl who fights them with rocks & homemade rockets,and then they claim they r the victims!!!
100s of times they comited horrible crimes against humanity like in Lebanon last year ,and when the world want to convict them in the UN,america veto any decision against them!!!
They r the only country in the region who have nucks,and usa deny that right to any other country!!!???
They kill babies,women & old ppl and then say its self defense!!!???
After all that,dont u think it deserves to be the most hated thing in the world today?
2007-02-28 22:31:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
the answers within this forum are proof enough to see that israel is hated worldwide. why? because they took back their land after 6,000,000 of them were killed in a little stitch called the HOLOCAUST?! some people are so thick...
at least israel isnt chicken sh!t enough to hide behind civilians like the palestinians. ive never heard of radical "jewish" terrorists...
2007-02-28 21:53:31
answer #10
answered by alex l 5