On Ps1: ( resident Evil 2,3 . metal gear . silent hill . Ace Combat 2,3 )
on Ps2:( Prince of persia 1,2,3 . Gta SA . Silent Hill 3 . Resident Evil 4 . Gun . Battle field 2 "Modren Combat" . Ace combat 5, zero . Metal Gear Solid 3 " Snake eater" . need for speed "most wanted" )
On Ps3 ( I Have one ) : Resistance "Fall of man" . Call of duty 3 . need for speed carbon)
2007-03-01 00:46:11
answer #1
answered by ? 4
a million. Crash Bandicoot a million 2. Crash Bandicoot 2 3. Crash Bandicoot 3 4. Crash Bash 5. Crash group Racing 6. Ninja Shadow Of Darkness 7. coronary heart Of Darkness 8. Oddworld Abe's Exoddus 9. Tekken 3 10. Gran Turismo 2 11. Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden thoughts 12. Thrill Kill (Banned/Unreleased) thirteen. potential Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue 14. Grind consultation 15. Vib Ribbon sixteen. Terracon 17. very final delusion (ALL!!!) 18. Spiderman 19. TOCA 2 20. Syphon filter out 21. highway Fighter EX2 Plus 22. Pocket Figher 23. Rayman 24. FIFA 2000 (I hate soccer!) 25. Apocalypse
2016-12-18 03:05:55
answer #2
answered by ? 4
It has to be Final Fantasy series... I played FF7, 8, 9, 10, and currently 12 ...
All of them are outstanding, if you're a RPG fan, FF is a must have... You cant finish the game in a day or 2, even with cheats,
the length of the game makes you addicted to non-stop play, it's just darn fun to play, that's all i have to say...
2007-02-28 21:19:39
answer #3
answered by RainyDayz 2
my favorite ps2 game is Dragon Quest 8: Journey for the Cursed King it is a fun turn based strategy, fighting game. And if you arange Jessica's clothes just write you can make her wear a bikini.
2007-03-01 02:46:59
answer #4
answered by thkilgore251 1
GTA - Grand Theft Auto Series
2007-02-28 23:08:21
answer #5
answered by Bobby 3
Well there kinda is a few...lol....
1.) Final Fantasy Serie
2.) Kingdom Hearts Serie
3.) Wild Arms
4.) Chrono Cross
5.) Tomb Raider..
---SORRY I HAVE SO MANY FAVS I just love those games...and well there all rpg's...an those are my favorite kind of games! =)
2007-02-28 23:34:42
answer #6
answered by XxAngelicAngelxX 2
I have many favourites...
PS1 - Gran Turismo 2
PS2 - Gran Turismo 4
PS3 - Probably the next Gran Turismo =)
If I could only have one game, Gran Turismo would be it.
2007-03-01 00:00:49
answer #7
answered by revoltix 7
ps star ocean 2
ps2 arc the lad
2007-03-01 02:40:30
answer #8
answered by J C 3
im only mentioning one title and i think it's the best release. Metal Gear Solid. snake is the man!
2007-02-28 21:29:03
answer #9
answered by mikerapphone 2
Of course... world soccer winning eleven international
2007-02-28 21:50:07
answer #10
answered by Pratik 2