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Can some tell me if there are any jewish restaurants in queensland or sydney as i have never seen one and would like to know were jewish restaurants are as i enjoy international food and have never eaten jewish food before and i do not feel like traveling to israel yet just for the food? jewish food hunter in australia.

2007-02-28 20:16:19 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

2 answers

Here are several Kosher restaurants listed (in various websites) in the Sydney area .....

1. Beaches Kosher Restaurant
11 O’Brien Street, BONDI NSW 2026
Tel: (02) 9365 5544
Cuisine: Sit down - Meat & Vegetables

2. Elite Coffee & Cake Shop
22B Bellevue Road, BELLEVUE HILL 2023
Tel: (02) 9362 4520

3. Katzy’s Food Factory
Shop 2, 113–115 Glenayr Avenue, BONDI BEACH 2026
Tel: (02) 9130 6755
Cuisine: Dairy, Chalav Israel
Deli-style meals (meat); eat-in or take-away for lunch and dinner

4. Lewis’ Continental Kitchen
2 Curlewis Street , BONDI 2026
Tel: (02) 9365 5421
Cuisine: Meat Restaurant & Take away
Deli-style meals (meat); eat-in or take-away for lunch and dinner plus mini-supermarket.
Kosher kitchen takeaway and cafe

5. Pita Mix
Shop 5, 809–823 New South Head Road, ROSE BAY 2029
Tel: (02) 9388 1424
Cuisine: Meat & Vegetables
Israeli-style felafel and schwarma (meat); eat-in or take-away for lunch and dinner.

6. Red Tomato
48-50 Mitchell Street, NORTH BONDI 2026
Tel: (02) 9300 0707
Cuisine: al acarte sit down, Meat

7. Sabra @ Bondi
78 Hall Street, BONDI NSW 2026
Tel: (02) 9365 1310
Cuisine: Dairy, Chalav Israel

8. Savion
Shop 1, 38 Wairoa Avenue, NORTH BONDI 2026
Tel: (02) 9130 6357
Cuisine: Meat Restaurant & Take away
Israeli-style felafel and burgers (meat); eat-in or take-away for lunch and dinner.
An Israeli cafe specialising in dips and salads

9. Tibby’s at Jaffas Restaurant
Hakoah Club, 61-67 Hall Street, BONDI NSW 2026
Tel: (02) 9130 5051
Cuisine: Meat & Vegetable Restaurant

10. Tom Thumb
2A Campbell Parade, BONDI BEACH 2026
Tel: 0425 313 733
Cuisine: Parve, Fish and Chips
Fish 'n' Chips (parev); eat-in or take-away, low-priced.

11. Avtov Coffee Shop
Shop 4, 38 Wairoa Avenue, BONDI BEACH
Tel: 0407 256 101
Pastries and other Israeli-style dishes (milk); eat-in or take-away for low-priced, light breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Cosy Jewish-Bulgarian Coffee Shop

12. Milk and Honey Restaurant (Milhig)
144 Glenayr Ave, Bondi Beach
Tel: (02) 9365 3005

2007-03-01 09:52:36 · answer #1 · answered by ♫ Rum Rhythms ♫ 7 · 0 0

Kosher Restaurants Sydney

2016-11-12 04:24:12 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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