There's a lot of "cattiness" when you're dealing with nothing but women. I worked in quite a few environments like that, and there's always b.s. in the air. But I think it's so funny yet stupid how co-workers, especially women will step over each other's toes instead of doing their damn job and let their manager deal with your performance issues or lack therof. But I've been there and done that, and believe me, I don't care if it's been a manager there for 3 years, if they're being nasty, they won't last for long. And honey, believe me when I'm in the mix, even if I leave the job, they will be coming out behind me. I had a female manager that had it out for me, and I didn't know why even up to this day, but I ended up having to pull her to the back and let her know in a professional way without trying to fight her ***. But I told her i heard somethings that she said and I wanted her to clear the air on a few things. And she did exactly what I thought she would do, she wasn't even woman enough to admit it. My best advise is do find a way to handle her without it getting ugly, but she'll know her place. There are people out there that want you to fall on your face, but you can't let no one push you into thinking that way. Keep your head up and let 'em hate. Love the hate. You on they minds and they feel threatened, so fear or intimidation is good.
2007-02-28 18:28:15
answer #1
answered by Dr. PHILlis (in training) 5
From my experience, ignore her authoritive approach and look at her as if you speak another language and didnt understand a word she said. If she is the persistant type walk away if you can and leave her babbling. You can also, tell her in a tackful respectful way, how you feel about her attitude and you will not tolerate it anymore. Futher more you are not my boss, you are a co-worker. If the confrontation is too much for you,put it in writting how you feel keep a copy. start making a record of every o.k. almost every annoying, petty, act she does. At the end of your letter you may want to warn her if she dosen't stop you may be force to take this situation to another level. Dont tell her what that level is
however, if you need to you can bring copies of your information regarding this situation to your real boss and see what transpires. you may want to jot down the time, and brief info on this little meeting with your boss. for the record if this doesnt resolve your problem. Write a letter to your boss expressing your situation per your conversation with her or him. After awhile if nothing happens take, this info to the next level which is your boss boss get a letter regarding this situaiton. This should resolve your problem. For me a big meeting was called and the tention came to. I spoke my piece, I made sure my backside was covered. They both looked stupid. My evaluations has always been exceptional and it hasnt change. My boss and I have always respected one another. However, this bossy person was jealous of the boss and my work relationship. What ever you choose to do to resolve this matter make sure your covered.
2007-02-28 18:48:27
answer #2
answered by kahuokaloni 1
Jealousy is the com man factor in every human and especially women to be more specific. So if
I was held up in such a situation then I would understand the fact and proceed towards them to be more communicative and more friendly with them. I would seriously Analise the problems which made them jealous and try to convince them that they are no less in anything to be jealous and in fact I would take the positive in them and show. Then this should help them to think positive and be optimistic.
2007-02-28 18:59:16
answer #3
answered by neeraja_boda 2
You realize that these people never grew up past junior high school and you pity them. You also stay out of their way as much as humanly possible, do your job in such a way that nothing can lead to them talking about you (nothing that would be true anyway), and be pleasant to them when and if you have to be in contact with them.
I used to work in an office like that too. I finally got fed up with the immaturity of it and found a better job.
2007-02-28 18:22:09
answer #4
answered by Esther 7
be super nice to her, she will have a hissy-fit trying to figure out what you are up to! :)
2007-02-28 18:45:04
answer #5
answered by Blitzpup 5