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and everybody is talking about Irans nuclear program..

2007-02-28 18:09:24 · 21 answers · asked by steve 2 in Politics & Government Politics

Korea threatened America itself, why nobody is talking about that?
and Israel is not even a real country, they took it from palastenians, hasn't they??? they got themselves here, by force, what they expect??

2007-02-28 18:19:52 · update #1

i just want a convencing explanation...

2007-02-28 18:35:55 · update #2

when Israel attack palastenians with world-forbidden weapons the world just don't respond!!! and when someone even talk about Israel get captured and shut.. whats this?!!
i just need to clear things up..!!!

2007-03-01 02:53:32 · update #3

21 answers

I answered such question previously and my account got deleted !

Israel a Boss to America......And US can not talk agaisnt it, Israel is running the US actualy and US do whtever Israel order it to do, so no question of pointing out Israeli nuclear program though israel is a big threat in middle east but they are much powerful in US and holding a great share in american Economy...and america can not dare to make it angry by raising such issue....As israel would tell america is reply "who is the Boss"

2007-02-28 18:35:30 · answer #1 · answered by ★Roshni★ 6 · 2 2

That area of the world was vastly empty till the immigration of jews in the early 1900's. Why was it mostly empty till the Jews came?

Well, there was no economy. Not in any modern sense. As soon as the Jews constructed an economy, arabs came. Arabs have for quite sometime lived in tribal-like existence. Most of their countries still exist within very primative political postures. I'm guessing it's the very nature of constant war that seems to haunt that area of the world...which makes political evolution less viable.

People that speak against the Israeli government have some points, but Israel is fundamentally a country that doesn't screw with countries that don't threaten it. Peace accords with Egypt, Jordan and several other countries have made a sense of peace from the chaos of the past.

Iran's leaders are insane. If you don't think they are, you have not reading into it or you haven't listened to their words. The international community believes they shouldn't have weapons. This isn't just the US and Israel. France's comments have come very close to saying they wouldn't allow weapons in Iran's hands. I'm not sure how everyone will go with this, but it's imperative that Iran follows mandates on this, and calms down on their rhetoric.

Most of the international community will allow nucleur power, as long as it's under international scrutiny...which is the basis of IAEA concern. It's just a matter of clarity.

It's in the interest of Iranians, whom voted for more moderate Iranian leadership in the last election. It's the interest of everyone to avoid war. Blaming the jews or muslims in the modern perspective is backwards. Certain people should absolutely not have nukes...based on their respective comments and constituents.

Frankly I don't like nukes period.

2007-02-28 18:39:17 · answer #2 · answered by Rick 4 · 1 1

well pyongyang doesnt have any oil so whats the use its all american propaganda just like the old cold war days hes a commie so he is bad we are capitalist (the so called "free world") so we are good no matter what we do
i would love to see iran get the nukes and see americas reaction israel wont be touched by any nukes from iran the risk is too high to take but if america is at its stupidity again and pre emptive stikes iran america will have hell to pay iraq was just the bombshell iran is the real bomb
if america was so hellbent on imposing nuclear non proliferation in the world today why dont i see US marines marchin through pyongyang or new delhi or islamabad or even moscow most of these countries have nukes india and pakistan are at eachothers throats DPRK will wipe SK of the map anytime moscow has got poorly secure nuke reactors and havent signed the NPT with the exception of russia why dont people admit it its just for oil or the fight of america to save the crumbling petrodollar

2007-02-28 18:41:50 · answer #3 · answered by YR1947 4 · 1 2

They haven't threatened anyone with it! Ones that appear ready to use them are dangerous! Remember the movie about the dooms day device. It was set off when the people were arguing about they still needed to be on top when the survivors came out after the radiation from the dooms day device cleared.

2007-03-04 15:43:55 · answer #4 · answered by viablerenewables 7 · 0 0

Israel desires nuclear weapons in basic terms like the U. S. does. they do no longer admit to possessing nuclear weapons formally, yet they're extensive-unfold to have examined them and particular have quite a few hundred of them, consisting of thermonuclear weapons. Israel gained them initially because of fact of self-renovation throughout the time of the chilly conflict. interior the form of nuclear conflict between NATO and the U.S., Israel could have been left without allies and can desire an overpowering protection against arab international locations attempting to take them out interior the aftermath. The weapons now serve yet another objective as a deterrent against international locations like Iran.

2016-11-26 21:34:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because US and Israel are good friends...

Israel not publicly threaten the world with weapon of mass destruction? but they use it when they attack Palestinians.

2007-02-28 18:50:05 · answer #6 · answered by Linda 3 · 1 0

I will state right at the beginning. I did not become Muslim until I was much older in life. My friends come from all walks of life. All religions. All races. I am a humanist.

However, I cannot take this mistaken impression that Israel does not terrorize. Almost every nation terrorizes. Some are worse than other, but they shall remain nameless because I do not wish to argue over trivialities. I have enclosed a few quotes from the sites listed below in Sources. You can see, plainly, that Israel is not an innocent state. Roshni has it right. But those are her words. These are words of impartial journalists.

"First-hand information gathered by recent Amnesty International research missions to Lebanon and Israel points to an Israeli policy of deliberate destruction of Lebanese civilian infrastructure during the recent conflict."

"Among the recipients of U.S. military and economic aid and diplomatic support, Israel occupies a unique place. Israel is generally portrayed by the U.S. mass media as the victim of terrorism, a characterization that is in part correct.

"Its own role as a major perpetrator of state terrorism is consistently downplayed or ignored, in accordance with the general principle, discussed earlier, that violence employed by ourselves or by our friends is excluded from the category of terrorism, by definition."

"The picture that emerges," former UN Ambassador and Foreign Minister Abba Eban wrote in response, "is of an Israel wantonly inflicting every possible measure of death and anguish on civilian populations in a mood reminiscent of regimes which neither Mr. Begin nor I would dare to mention by name."

“There are other examples that might be cited, among them, the terrorist attacks against civilian targets (including U.S. installations) in Cairo and Alexandria in 1954 carried out in an effort to poison relations between the United States and Egypt; the murderous attacks on the villages of Qibya, Kafr Kassem, and others; the shooting down of a Libyan airliner in 1973 with 110 killed as it was attempting to return to Cairo after having overflown the Sinai in a sandstorm; and many others.”

“Lebanon has been a regular target of Israeli terrorism, including direct invasion and systematic bombardment of cities, villages and rural areas that has caused hundreds of thousands of refugees and many thousands of casualties. Still another dimension of state terrorism is the brutal treatment of the civilian population in the occupied territories, and the murder of Palestinians in the interchange of terror that has been proceeding in Europe for many years. Terrorism in the pre-state period was also extensive, another story that is largely unknown in the United States, where commentators like to pretend that terrorism is an invention of the Palestinians.”

Please do not shoot your mouths off until you know your facts. As I said, every country has the potential to be terrorist. I point no fingers at anyone for terrorism here, I merely offer a few quotes and a few links.

2007-02-28 20:26:56 · answer #7 · answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6 · 2 1

I bet you would like everyone to agree with what you just said! Ha! It is all entirely untrue! Israel is a country who has every right to defend herself and the Palestinians have never had a country, they are Muslim rejects from Syria!

2007-02-28 18:27:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

israel has displayed the responsibilities that accompany the power. you should be applauding the fact they have not nuked the entire region. they have put up with so much crap from the muslim nations around them, but yet they display composure in the face of adversity...

2007-02-28 20:18:53 · answer #9 · answered by alex l 5 · 0 0

because this country is under usa protection.both of them will change this view by making another propaganda such as iranian nuclear project.i sure israel will use it to threat arabic country

2007-02-28 22:46:38 · answer #10 · answered by cool25 1 · 1 0

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