It is because it is rather inexpensive and easy to get into such as you can go to a 2 year community college and graduate making 40,000 to 60,000. Ask many people with bachelors degrees in psychology or whatever. Many start out at 20,000 a year and have a lot more tuition to owe back and some can't even get a job. The thing about about nursing is that you really have to have the heart passion and smarts to do it. Many people graduate from nursing programs get a job in the real nursing world and find out they can't take it after a year or even a few months. Hence, the shortage, but long waits in schools. You really have to want to be a nurse and not just see dollar signs to do that job.
2007-02-28 18:32:02
answer #1
answered by Blah Blah Blah 4
Although there is a shortage of nurses, which can be partially filled by overseas nurses, the real shortage is in instructors, which the overseas nurses cannot begin to help with. The schools cannot pay as much as can be made on the floor so that my former instructors are working with me part time on the floor. Part of this is to keep their skills sharp, and I am overjoyed to have such level of nurses as my coworkers for all they bring, but I think it is wrong for them to be so disrespected as an educator.
If you can't get the instructors, you can't create the nurses. The result is overfilled nursing classes, sending more instructors to administration or back to the specialties that will respect their masters or doctorates
2007-03-01 04:40:51
answer #2
answered by PJ H 5
All of the things that were mentioned before plus job security the nation as a whole is aging and the need for medical personnel will continue to rise thus the need for nurses will be high for the next 30-50 years.
2007-02-28 23:30:06
answer #3
answered by Star of Florida 7
Well there is a huge shortage of nurses, so much so they are getting nurses from overseas, thus there is a chance for higher pay because of supply and demand. They also have a much better chance of having a job just out of school.
2007-02-28 18:03:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
they make ALOT of money :)
2007-02-28 18:07:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
2007-02-28 18:17:23
answer #6
answered by Canadian Time Traveler 3