Throughout history technology has influenced the way our morals have been formed and busted.
When we were living in the caves, we had to work together as hunters and gatherers. Everyone depended on each other. Thus there was a distinct need to stay together and work together. Our survivability depended on this. You had the formation of clans, and tribes, and eventually villages out of this concept. Mainly because there was a cetain interdependency on one another. So there was the basic human need to trust and respect one another.
As technology advanced, we were forced to drift away. Ironically, newer and modern transportation and communication systems saw to the dissipation of the physical human contact and hence even a moral code. The law of the land and perhaps our own individual religious beliefs represented whate-ever minimum morals we needed to survive and get along with one another.
Still newer technologies, like faster trains, planes, telephones, radio, television, and eventually cell phones and the Internet, threw us apart even more Our need to "physically" interact with one another became lesser and lesser. Thus the dillution of our morals too.
The world may have become smaller but we as human beings have actually become more and more separated. And this still continues...
I believe deeply that the desire to maintain morals is deep rooted within all of us. But it's the technological developments which have corroded this and will continue to do so even more as we become more advanced.
I agree with you, in that we can certainly blame all of this on technology. On the other hand, we should not give up on the human spirit either. We are just part of the process actually.
2007-02-28 18:27:47
answer #1
answered by Chandru M 6
Now days people forget the good work done by others and only the flaws are seen.In newspapers,on TV,radio etc all we hear is not the good work but the flaws.This has by large helped in moral values going down.
2007-03-01 01:32:18
answer #2
answered by anshika 3
There never were any "good old days". People have been "sinning" since the concept of sin was first invented.
Now more people "sin" openly, instead of hiding it, thats the only difference. It makes it seem at first glance as though things are different, but when you research and learn about the past, you realize that, as the saying goes, the more things change, the more things stay the same.
2007-03-01 01:33:53
answer #3
answered by Jesus W. 6
People's attachment to money and material wealth as well as love for sensual pleasures are inversely proportional to moral values. When the former is showing tendency of ascendancy, the latter will be on the decline.
2007-03-01 01:54:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
People do things by 2 reasons : By Intrest or By Fear.
Nowdays there is neither intrest nor fear among people to keep moral values.
As far as morality is concern it is out of practice now & in old days they used to taught about morality and try to apply in their day to day life.
2007-03-01 02:58:47
answer #5
answered by kshitijesh 2
People are usually thinking of the '50's when they talk about the good old days of morality. However, let's remember that it had it's share of problems- communist witch hunts, and public lynchings in the south, etc. Plus, if crime was down, it's important to remember that the US people were enjoying an economic post war boom, and less poverty always equals less crime.
2007-03-01 01:41:05
answer #6
answered by M L 4
this happens because now a days pepole dosent follow old
traditions & customs due to adaption of modern technologies people are very much busy in their day to days work this is one of the reason for this cause. anotherb reason is even though , few people belive in old customs and traditions the rest not. this is true nowadays this happens in the society.
2007-03-01 03:31:39
answer #7
answered by ambiku 1
Moral values of people at large can go up if they get healthy food. It is going down due to bad / fast / stale food.
Ealier food was fresh, tasty, with love, with affection / Aadar. Now food is stored, cooked in bad mood, fatafat.
I want my moral value to go up.
2007-03-01 02:11:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
because moral values are not respected by most of the people in this society.
2007-03-01 02:01:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
it is just due to modernity or u may simlpy say that it's coz our increasing greed of money .....people just wanna earn money they don't care to b honest in their jod or they r not worried abt their so-called moral honesty can't b called the best policy.......immense greed of money is leading to older times people used to care abt each other's problems n were ready to help any1.....but taday people just don't hv time to think abt anything else except MONEY.....but still their r sum people who do care for the world !!!!!
2007-03-01 01:51:36
answer #10
answered by smart 2