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prostitution prevents many rapes and such crimes. it also has a big network and provides employment directly and indirectly to thousands. is prostituion then good for society?

2007-02-28 17:05:46 · 13 answers · asked by xyz 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

13 answers

No, it isn't noble, and where did you get your info that it prevents sexual assault? Prostitutes are one of the biggest groups of sexual assault victims, and rape is a crime of misogynistic and sexually-charged violence, not sexual frustration. There is no benefit to society.

2007-02-28 17:11:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Uhhhh . . .prostitution does not prevent rape or any other crime.
If it were to become legal, there would have to be a national law that requires each person employed in prostituting to receive quarterly health care check.
I don't see it being noble, most of the prostitutes are on drugs and pretty messed up emotionally.

2007-03-01 01:20:07 · answer #2 · answered by Who Knew! 3 · 1 0

rape is considered a crime of violence by the 'experts' so I think you don't get any points saying that it prevents rape.

Places where it is legal seem to not suffer greatly from it, and that may keep the disease rates from soaring.

As to it being noble, no way does that work. Some are prostitutes out of desperation, but a huge majority are in it because it is the way they fund any one of a thousand drug addictions.

2007-03-01 01:14:04 · answer #3 · answered by Charles V 4 · 1 0

Prostitution is not a noble work of a woman. It will be a bad influence to the society . In prostitution, you have the tendency to be inflicted with a venereal deceases like HIV gonorrhea, AIDS and many others

2007-03-01 01:26:02 · answer #4 · answered by Jesus M 7 · 1 0

It's really religion that stands in the way. Look at countries where less religion is present, or less people participating on a regular basis and there you will find prostitution, along with other legal drugs too. It's only noble if your a prostitute and the kings daughter....

2007-03-01 01:10:59 · answer #5 · answered by shadycaliber 5 · 0 1

Prostitution has little to do with rape. Rapists are violent hateful people, meanwhile the rest of men that pay prostitutes are NOT POTENTIAL RAPISTS.

It is not noble. But it does provide a needed service and a way to make money. It is neither bad nor good. It just is.

2007-03-01 01:12:08 · answer #6 · answered by justbeingher 7 · 0 2

I have more respect for someone who offers sex for money than someone who uses their body in a sexual teasing way to sell a product. Strippers are con artists who make men feel like they are going to get some action- prostitutes honestly sell their services. You want a ***? Ok that'll be x$. No dinner or drinks to buy. If you really think about it what is the huge difference between getting a full body massage and having the rest of you "massaged"? If it were legal it could be clean and regulated, a natural activity between two consenting adults. A woman could be very promiscuous and "sleep" with ten different men a night and it is legal but as soon as money changes hands it becomes illegal? I am not talking about morality, just legality. It makes no sense.

2007-03-01 01:17:59 · answer #7 · answered by LO! 4 · 1 3

That's true, but it also spreads sexually transmitted diseases and it provides negative publicity for the area. Also, some people think that it's morally wrong.

2007-03-01 01:08:31 · answer #8 · answered by Persephone 6 · 1 0

I agree with the first answer. It spreads STDs and it's morally degrading for the prostitute.

2007-03-01 01:09:49 · answer #9 · answered by Legend 4 · 1 0

Only if you do it to feed your kids or to go to college or something noble like that....

It's legal in some places

2007-03-01 01:11:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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