No, even though it's less harmful than alcohol, society doesn't need any more impaired people walking around.
2007-02-28 16:58:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No, pot does not cause cancer. Any study that says it does, links it with tobacco use. Smoking marijuana with tobacco increases rates of cancer compared to people who smoke tobacco alone, but people who smoke only marijuana do not get cancer.
The government also tries to claim that marijuana contains more tar than tobacco. While pound for pound this is true, it is blown out of proportion. A recreational marijuana smoker who smokes one joint a day is smoking as much tar as 3 cigarettes (minus the carcinogens). This may seem like a lot but considering that living in LosAngelas is like smoking 20 cigarettes a day, why does the government not care about that?
As soon as pot is legalized, it becomes much easier to tax, regulate, and inform the public about it. And it's not likely that more people are going to start using pot if it were legal and we will have a nation of stoners (not that that would be a bad thing). Look at Amsterdam, pot is legal there and they have pretty much the same rates of usage as the US.
It is kind of sad how much more efficient of a drug marijuana is than alcohol. Consider buying a 6pack of beer. The beer is produced by distilling hops or what not in the mideast, packaged in glass or aluminum, put in a cardboard box and shipped across the nation where it is put on a shelf and refridgerated until you drive down to the store and buy it. OR.....
you can pick a flower off a plant in your backyard and smoke it.
I WONDER WHICH ONE IS MORE EFFICIENT? (dont forget the hangover from alcohol when you wake up the morning)
These days the prison system is overflowing with criminals, many of them users of cannabis, who were thrown in jail for choosing to use a drug less harmful than alcohol or tobacco. What's even sadder is that to make room for these people, the prison system has adopted a revolving door policy in which child molesters, sex offenders and burglars are let out early.
From an economic standpoint, legalizing non-psychoactive hemp for industrial purposes could be the best thing this country has ever seen, as hemp has an estimated 25,000 uses.
2007-03-03 14:14:11
answer #2
answered by deltaroo420 2
Marijuana has not been known to cause a single death, and it has never been linked to reckless driving (that I know of). Cigarettes, on the other hand, are linked to lung cancer and drunk people always think they're perfectly capable of driving. Marijuana also has medical benefits (so does alcohol, in small doses). I see no reason to make marijuana smoking a criminal activity when all it does is give pleasure to a person. Of course, it can be abused; but so can prescription drugs, and they are abused far more often than marijuana! Adults who smoke dope are perfectly capable of taking responsibility for their actions. Some people take pleasure in playing computer games or shopping for shoes. Marijuana is much cheaper and provides just as much pleasure. Why should the government be allowed to tell people how to obtain pleasure in life? Their sole objective is simply to make a whole new class of criminals for them to imprison, so that now we have perfectly normal, nice people winding up in jail for an ounce or two of dope! Legalize it and regulate it, I say. That will eliminate the criminal element and cut down on drug smuggling.
2007-02-28 17:07:16
answer #3
answered by Antique Silver Buttons 5
YES, marijuana should be legal. FACT: Amsterdam has the world's lowest crime rate. FACT: Marijuana is legal in Amsterdam. Other than that marijuana is a mellower, people that smoke weed are not going ouot and killing people, theyre sitting on their couch munching out, or making music, or doing some other **** that is not a disturbance to society. The only drawback is that it makes you lazy. Other than that it can be used as a universal medicine, and **** what anyone says...weed is better for you than cigarettes and cigarettes are legal. I cannot possibly comprehend how a naturally-grown plant can be more damaging to your health than something with loads of chemicals and additives that only make the product worse for you. Weed should be legal, period.
2007-03-03 08:35:51
answer #4
answered by SmokeALottaPot 1
Whatever you hear or read that researchers say is propaganda. Period. People who can tolerate weed and are long term users in moderation, prove that the weed is harmless. Abuse of ANYTHING is just that .... abuse.The first laws against weed was only a form of tax.... it was merely only the requirement of a stamp (just like postage). Alcohol was 'illegal' at that time, but, the regulation (control of revenue / taxation) of them both was not only undeveloped, but out of (control). The Us Gov't launched extensive studies on the effects of the weed, yet when the results came in favor that the weed is harmless, the gov't did what they do well ...... they lied and issued propaganda in their favor. They even used early theater, movies and news media to spread their propaganda to incite America to shun the sell, use and possession of the weed. The lies, misconception and propaganda launched by the FBI way back then are still very much in effect today. Nonetheless, in all actuality and full of facts ... the weed is still harmless used in moderation. Moderation is the key, just like anything else, including alcohol. Now, some people dont even need to look at alcohol nor weed in a magazine, let alone use it, because of the affect it has on them (same with prescriptions). But for those who can manage the substances without it managing them, they should be able to make their own choice without any level of gov't oversight or insight. For me, its comparable to women being allowed to give away sex without gov't rule(s), but the moment money is involved, the govt is no different nor any better than a mafia encounter..and the propaganda has the same effect.
2007-02-28 17:23:58
answer #5
answered by Ricque 2
before you read this, visit to see pretty much the opposite of whatever the hell that "recovering marijuana addict" girl was saying....
marijuana should have never been illegal in the first place, it being illegal now is the governments worst idea. marijuana is not bad, for those of you who think it is you are dumb. It doesnt make you ******* retarded, it makes you relaxed and hungry. we arent driving around killing people or noticably "impaired" to anybody. weed isnt addictive, recovering addict, right, yea maybe if you did some coke you could be. you can not be addicted to weed, you are dumb. For those of you who dont smoke it, fine, why the hell be against it?you are only hurting other people. law abiding citizens who are being arrested for possession of a plant. you want another reason for it to be legal?the government restricting the use of it has taken away this country's title as a "free country". They are controlling what you put into your own body which is your own right given at birth or so you would think. it naturally grows from the ground, what more reason do you need.?its not cooked or baked or made or whatever else ****, it grows. Who the hell is the government to tell me i cant use one of natures' beauty. I do believe somewhere in the constitution or somewhere life liberty and pursuit of happiness?well whenever i pursue happiness i get ******* arrested. how is that right?how can this country call itself free?you drink man made alcohol and people die, you smoke man made cigarettes and people die, you smoke some naturally grown weed?NOBODY HAS EVER DIED. EVER. just another reason of why weed should be legalized. its not dangerous. You wanna free up the jail system?legalize weed, you wanna save the government 20 billion dollars of tax payers money a year?legalize weed, the war on drugs is a absolute joke and a disgrace to this country. more money is thrown away in the so called war on drugs then the war on terrorism, a war on our own citizens is obviously more important to the government than any other war. Students lose scholarships because they have drug convictions on their records, but not for theft?how is that right?weed is not dangerous, weed being illegal does nothing more than waste a shitload of money and ruin peoples lives, how is that just, how can this country call itself free?give me a reason why it should be illegal, i will give you 3 why it should be you mother *******.....
o and you wanna know why weed has more drug treatment people or whatever you rambled on about, yea the court orders it when you get arrested for it. simple as that, they arent doing it on their own....
o and for your fact about heartrate.....yea if you shoot some coke that could happen you idiot, we arent talking about coke, all of your so called facts are tampered with and just pretty dumb
2007-03-01 04:21:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
To answer this question you need to work around people that smoke it. When they put you in serious risk because they are so stoned that they don't pay attention to there job and it almost cost you your life, then sure we need more work related injuries and loss of production,now add 2 and 2 and see why illegal immigrants are taking our jobs and China is our major source of consumer products. So why not, lets just screw our country and Americans out of a lot more because some people think that bad things should be OK in there own eyes.
2007-02-28 17:04:51
answer #7
answered by Josh S 7
Kinda hard to say. Some say it's addictive, but scientists say otherwise. I don't think it should be illegal (within limits) I mean you can just walk down the street and smoke a spliff or anything, but if you do it in your home, not around children, and you have your priorities right, and it's once in a while. No harm. Careful...
2007-02-28 17:04:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I think it should be. Its not dangerous like other illegal drugs, and alcohol and tobacco are legal, so why shouldn't marijuana be legal too? Alcohol causes more impairment and tobacco is much worse for your health.
2007-02-28 17:02:07
answer #9
answered by jellybean24 5
I don't think people should go to jail for smoking marijuana, because it can turn benign people into monsters, and our jails are overcrowded already. However, I think there should be a fine to deter people from getting involved with it.
2007-02-28 16:59:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous