Okay. I have met people from other countries such as Jamaica Trinidad and other islands who say when they came here they were introduced to an intire new culture of racism. The people that I speak of have been of black and Indian descent. They say when they were back in their countries there were many different races of people like in America but they did not really recognize these differences. So what is your oppinion on why American people seem to be the most racist people. And those of you who just want to say something stupid like "then they should go back to their country". People just follow the money trail and it leads to America. So shut it smart ***.
15 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
I should have explained my question better. I am fully aware of the caste systems in other countries around the world that are based around race. But if you notice the two places I listed were island apart of the African Diaspora. These are the places I am most interested about. We all basically share very similar histories. And I am also aware of the politcal unrest that many of these countries are in right now, But my question is what do you think the difference is between us and them.
16:33:22 ·
update #1
Not all Americans are racist, but the racism that does still exist has a lot to do with history and current affairs. For example, media, especially music, have distinct racial categories. Such divisions certainly do not help to get rid of racism, they just promote stereotypical ethnic differences.
2007-02-28 16:20:08
answer #1
answered by Ashley 4
I've never been outside of America. And even then, I've only lived in 4 states and traveled to 7 other states. I've seen racism in all those states. But I can't compare it to other countries. I've heard other people say the same thing you are saying. America is suppose to be the richest country, yet we are billions of dollars in debt and have millions of unemployed and homeless people. I think that rich take care of the rich and the poor take care of the poor here. And obviously that doesn't help many people.
I think the racial problem is because racism has never left our country. I am white and don't know any black people personally in my city. In fact there are only about 100 blacks here. Many are Hmongs. --- Anyways, i see all the races being racist. I don't think that will ever stop, sadly. And I see the rich are mostly white and the poor is mostly other races. So things haven't changed much since slavery. It's just that people can't own people anymore. I guess.
2007-02-28 16:28:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I just asked a question similar to this. I know what you mean. I traveled to the islands and there the locals thought of everyone in my group (black, white, Asian) as Americans. Not African-Americans, not white Americans, just Americans. The only answer I can think of is that America is a highly racialized society. It was founded as a racialized society and Americans are obsessd with it. Many Americans unfortunately think of race in terms of scientific and cultural absolutes. Such as all blacks are lazy, all whites are trash etc. They don't take the time to actually realize that skin color is just that. I could go on for days but you get my point.
2007-02-28 16:28:57
answer #3
answered by harry 4
stop exaggerating how racially equivalent everyone else is!! You are full of you know what!! In every country darker skin = lower caste. Its just the way people are. America is better than most for racial equivalence because we recognize excellence first. For example 2 black coaches in the superbowl. Theres no affirmative action for NFL coaching. They got there because they are the best at what they do!!! Stop reading the divisive news and look around. You probably believe that socialist medicine works great in all the countries around the world. Why dont you go there and see for yourself.
2007-02-28 16:18:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
America is not sick...its just America..we are different because we have so many cultures and value systems all mixed together
Most people hate us or love us but American culture is ugly to the rest of the world but we do have our good points..like we can be smooth as silk or rough as a corn cob.
I get tired of all the news on tv being negative but at least most of the world is beating their *** trying to get in and few try to leave..so thats the dif
2007-02-28 16:21:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
you silly goose
with little education
fools can deny that
africans haven't recently with machetes cut off the breasts of women and the hands off of children
hindus bathe in the " sacred " ganges river with rotting body parts floating by
and india has a caste society that has " untouchables "
is an abhorance of ignorance racist ?
or ought you recognize that you are a product of your own, uneducated race ?
tell me please which african discovered electricity or a vaccine.
and why do africans commonly believe that having sex with a virgin will cure aids ?
most civilized folk read books. why, apart fom moslem countries, are there no written languages in africa ?
do you think language and science might rid the world of ignorance, superstition and violence ?
or are the centuries old traditions of tribal warfare ( even cannibalism ) ie: between the bantus and the kikuyus and others in africa going to continue until white folk teach you how to spell words like entire and opinion ?
or do you think violent rap and tacky bling will save the world ?
if so i might suggest
you kiss my smart ***
and take the lot of your violence prone relatives with you
back to wherever
2007-02-28 16:58:02
answer #6
answered by daryl h 1
why are you such a generalizing ***?
american are not the most racist people, and by saying we are without concrete evidence is racist as well.
muslims are the most racist people, because non-muslims can either be slaves, or they can convert. but for the jews and christains, if we want our basic human rights, we have to pay those oppressors a large tax in full view of the town we live in, and we must prostrate themselves to the tax collector. if we dont pay the tax, we forfiet all rights (all rights, even basic human ones given by god to all humans) its called the jizya tax, and it is horrible.
2007-02-28 16:27:15
answer #7
answered by Trid 5
it rather is a crap worldwide, im interior the united kingdom and the only gangs around are youngster gangs. it fairly is pathetic and that they are killing harmless people each and each week/month. there replaced into as quickly as a time you may desire to bypass away your front door open and permit your toddlers run interior the direction of the streets without the fears of them being encountered by skill of those idiots. it rather is the reason my plans in existence are to go in another country to a nicer place. i.e Australia, Canada, Thailand.
2016-09-30 01:15:05
answer #8
answered by ? 4
Look at our history as a nation.. Hatred was rampant..The wild west wasn't just a movie on the screen.... It happened... Slavery was not just a story, it really happened...and I have to say, it happened when Europeans fled to our shores from hierarchy. They brought what they knew and forced it on the true Americans. Puritan's!! I hope we get over this junk !
2007-02-28 16:27:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It is talked about so much in this country and we are accused, guilty or not, EVERYDAY!!!! So I am sure they feel that tension among black people and they look for it whether they realize it or not.
Also, non-black Americans are kinda gun shy fearing they will be accused and tend to distance themselves or over compensate which also makes blacks feel different or whatever.
2007-02-28 16:24:55
answer #10
answered by howdigethere 5