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We are warm hearted, respectful, god loving, hunters, ford loving, hunters, have hospitality, not to mention the southern belles

2007-02-28 16:04:00 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Northerners had slaves too. That is the past, i'm talking about now. It was hundreds of years ago.

2007-02-28 16:08:34 · update #1

18 answers

I've never met a smart southerner. Do you guys hunt at all by the way?

2007-02-28 16:08:25 · answer #1 · answered by scammaj12 3 · 1 2

Well it was originally the South that had slaves to do labor on the plantation. The south had agricultural, while the north had industrial factories. Right now my brother lives in Georgia and I love it in Georgia! =) =) Everyone is so nice there, and always say hi to me even if I don't know them. They also are very polite (plus some of the guys at the college are hot!) but anyway I like the South because of the beautiful landscape (much nicer than Daytona and Ormond Beach) and that Southern Hospitality!

2007-03-01 19:05:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God-loving? Hunters? Not good things to be. There is no God... and as for hunting, well, it's just as valid as buying meat at the supermarket, IF you hunt for the purpose of eating what you kill!
But the whole culture behind it is silly--go grab a spear, not a gun, and attack a bear... see how well you do then!
Ford-lovers? I'd much rather take a high-end European car than any American one.

But you Southerners also have disproportionately high amounts of poverty, bigotry, junk, big ugly hats, awful country music, etc. And what is so strange is that people there will call someone who is only one year older than they are 'sir' or 'ma'am'... hearing 'ma'am' especially annoys me. Why the need to be so formal? Such things only teach mindless obedience and lack of individuality.

The northeast is the best part of the country... we're wealthy and cultured here. We have four distinct seasons--as it should be. Plus we don't eat livermush up here!

2007-03-01 00:31:57 · answer #3 · answered by Rissa 2 · 0 1

Kenray f said it best, "Wouldn't trade my southern upbringing for anything in the world" . My parents are beautiful, educated, and charismatic people. My mother and I enjoy playing tennis at the country club/riding horses/gardening (mom) & I love to shop @ the mall, although we both love to accompany my dad on his boat, there is not anything wrong with the men being men: hunting and fishing. We do have a couple of Fords..(that's true).

Our signature stamp of hospitality and grand tradition makes us the best. That's the bottom line!

2007-03-01 02:30:13 · answer #4 · answered by Sweetgirl 3 · 0 0

Slavery ended in 1865. The time elapsed from slavery will not hit the plural mark in century until 2065. How old do you think this country is? Sheesh. Anyway. I do like southern guys they're sweethearts not to mention most of my family still lives in the South so I'm obligated to at least like you guys a little.

2007-03-01 00:22:05 · answer #5 · answered by Jane 2 · 0 0

I have to disagree with you. I have lived in the South my entire life and I'm leaving as soon as I finish college. The racism and homophobia and ignorance that is so prevalent in this region absolutely appalls me. When you say "god loving," I think you mean "ignorantly believing the ideas that have been shoved down their throat their whole lives." I believe in God, but it's not because of the way I was raised. The number of churches and the number of hypocrites here appalls me. There are no more real Christians here than there are in any other place in the country. And please explain to me how the killing of animals for sport makes this region the best place in the world, because I apparently do not see the fun or good in that. You're an idiot. Please stop being an idiot.

2007-03-01 00:20:07 · answer #6 · answered by erin 2 · 1 1

I was raised in the South - the only thing I miss is Myrtle Beach and Sweet Tea. I had to get the Hell out of the Bible Belt!

There is something to be said for Southern Hospitality, but that's about it (and it is usually reserved to those who conform!) If you ain't interested in hunting, fishin', NASCAR, sports and food, you're considered gay.

People live in the South because they are the kindsof people who do not want change. They want to live simple lives around people who are just like themselves. It is the epitome of an ignorant, middle-class morality which is nearly impossible to resist from the inside.

God, guns and guts - The "South" is the heart of delusional protestantism, over-eating, ignorance, racism and gossip.

Of course, in the eyes of Southerners, it's true, Southerners are the best in the world. This mirrors the automated mentality of Fundamental Christians who are absolutely blind to any objectivity.

Wake up SOUTH! There are all kinds of people inthe world. We're afraid to visit or move to the south becuase of YOU! IN the scope of social and political enlightenment, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!

2007-03-01 00:21:10 · answer #7 · answered by The Burninator 1 · 1 2

not to leave out their historic kindness towards their African neighbors.

Addendum What hundred years ago? The lynchings and Jim Crow laws were recent. In the 1960s the national guard was brought in to admit black students into segregated white only colleges. Blacks couldn't stay at white only hotels or use white only drinking fountains. Lets be real. I lived in Atlanta and Nashville for 11 years and saw racial harassment first hand.

2007-03-01 00:07:26 · answer #8 · answered by Rico E Suave 4 · 0 2

Nah, people from Alexandria, VA (Northern VA) are the best in the world. It never fails to amaze me how many complete strangers will just start talking to me whenever I am there like they have known me my entire life.

2007-03-01 00:13:25 · answer #9 · answered by Ashley 4 · 0 0

AMEN..and look at these ignorant s.o.b.s with racist bein brought up and slavery and all that other bulls*** man you can tell they've never spent a day in the south and they can kiss my southern @$$,profilin peices of s***

2007-03-01 00:19:22 · answer #10 · answered by dWs 2 · 1 1

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