birth control
eminent domain
price gouging
change the course of the war or not
global warming
smoking in public
trans fats
2007-02-28 16:08:41
answer #1
answered by Katykins 5
because of the fact marriage is a sacred non secular ritual that has been exploited by potential of governments and used as a base for expenditures, and for specific rights. it fairly is the actual undertaking. in case you have been allowed the comparable rights to stay with somebody as you do a married couple, then there does not be an argument. Many societies, even many animals, mate for existence. they want not be married by potential of a clergyman or by potential of a choose. In a non secular marriage, there became no potential to divorce, until the gov stepped in. Many Catholics don't think in divorcing their considerable different. I look after if human beings desire to settle for the same intercourse considerable different for existence, do exactly it. Society will the two settle for it or not. Many won't. in case you like one yet another, not something could rely besides. that's barely whilst the gov steps in and supplies rights to a minimum of one and not the different, that the undertaking starts.
2016-10-17 00:01:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Controversial . . . hmmm. Well, pretty much all social issues have a certain amount of controversy.
There is religion versus common sense (sorry, couldn't resist)
2007-02-28 16:06:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The big lie called Man Made Global Warming..
2007-02-28 16:05:25
answer #4
answered by steinwald 4
The biggest issue in the world is Who's right and who's wrong.Both sides say they're right and the other is wrong. most of the time they're both wrong. What's right for some may not be for others.
2007-03-08 09:06:32
answer #5
answered by vancealot2001 1
Here are a few potential conflicts for thought:
The social/economic/cultural differences between the first world and third world
The clash between radical Islam and Western civilization
The religious vs. the non-religious
Science vs. Faith
Mac vs. P.C.
Communism vs. Democracy
The treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS
The threat of nuclear proliferation (North Korea, Iran)
The increasing consumption of fossil fuels vs. global warming
Potential extinction vs. survival in our universe
And finally....
Vanilla vs. Chocolate!
(I have no idea how the others turn out, but I vouch for chocolate) :-)
2007-02-28 16:13:16
answer #6
answered by Dalarus 7
I cannot think of any single issue that brings out the most primitive impulses in people and un-thought out judgments, than
2007-02-28 16:27:40
answer #7
answered by The Burninator 1
It is racism still to this day. We will always have this issue until we can accept one another as humans and nothing else. Not African Italian, Asian, just as humans.
2007-03-08 06:12:58
answer #8
answered by laceywat1 3
Men having to pay child support for kids that were conceived by being tricked or lied to.
2007-03-08 08:40:07
answer #9
answered by sebowers 1
world wide:
1. global warming
2. terrorism
3. nuclear testing
nation wide:
1. same sex marriage
2. abortion
3. war with Iraq
2007-02-28 16:11:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous