racism is only there because we believe it is. we started this problem. It comes from us, humans.
2007-02-28 16:01:56
answer #1
answered by nerveserver 5
Africans weren't targeted for their skin color.
Before Europe started really going into Africa, race wasn't as big an issue. During the "New Imperialism," when Africans were being shipped out by the thousands for slavery, the idea was spread that Africans weren't really human, that they were a "less evolved" species if you will. My point is that Africans weren't targeted because of racism, but that racism became prominent in order to justify the horrendous slave trade.
But you are right, whatever the color people are the same, and I don't see how people can judge others based on how they look and not how they act.
2007-02-28 16:10:23
answer #2
answered by Ashley 4
I think it begins with government and the "ruling class". Look at democracy in this country.. in the beginning "if you were Indian you were automatically the enemy and democracy didn't apply to you, if you were black you were a slave and it didn't apply to you either, and if you were a woman you had no rights so it also didn't apply and if you were a white man who did not own land, you had no taxable value so it din't apply to you, either".... so you see I think it all begins right there. Setting up "criteria" for how you will be treated. Then it just gets carried over because of the indoctrination and "coloniation of the mind" that comes from the way this is taught and carried down thru the generations.
2007-02-28 16:17:43
answer #3
answered by sage 1
actually most people that are racist now do not make much sense, I guess you could call me racist because I dislike lots of the mexican kids at my school, but it has nothing to do with their skin color at all. its about the gangster tough guy culture that many seem to have, that I completely despise. im not saying all are like that, just some. I know some that are nice, cool people that I get along with really well. but the others all try to push everybody around and think they are the greatest thing on the face of the earth. Im not even sure that you can call it racism
2007-02-28 16:10:01
answer #4
answered by Silent Jimmy 2
its all about where your brought up and how your brought up. racism is hereditary, not by genes, but kind of rubbed off on children. People back then were brought up to think of themselves as number one, and when they seen people that were different than the rest of them, they were seen as a lower end of society. And since the English men definetly over powered the African people, they took controll over them. Today, people are tought to think that everybody is equal, but the whole parenting thing gets in the way, because what always was, always will be.
2007-02-28 16:07:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I was about to explain all of what you said to three young blacks Friday night but they wouldn't listen to anything I had to say except when I dialed 911 they seemed to understand that and scattered like roaches. A cab driver and my cell phone saved my life in the real world Friday. Thoughts don't save you from racists, robbers, drug addicts, and desperate, violent people, etc. These young men happened to be black. I did not choose who was about to mug me. It could have been a white guy because I have had some crazies that were white that have done the same. It is a brutal world because of drugs, ignorance, crime, and lack of family structure, etc. Have a nice day.
2007-02-28 19:30:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Historically people have been tribal by nature with a distrust of others outside their tribe or clan. This extends to modern man and racism is a bi product of nationalism and religion. The notion of superiority is manifest throughout. It is illogical and damaging and as a society we need to by greater and make bigotry a thing of the past.
2007-02-28 16:05:33
answer #7
answered by Rico E Suave 4
you think too much!! You have to realize most people arent able to think even 1/2 as much as you do. The biggest intellectual challenges americans are capable of are:
1) the mathematics skills required to balance a check book; an ARM loan where the details are spelled out to you in black and white is still too numerically complex for the state of California see the amazing default rate and public outcry that they were ripped off
2) voting on American Idol; the election of a president is too complex for the majority of americans; see the fact that Gore should have been president but was reduced to a crybaby because he felt like every vote should count
3) racism= it doesnt look like me therefor its probably a threat; see KKK white power black panthers .....
4) religion I cant discuss it in school, Fox tells me there are Islamofascists that want to destroy me therefor everything but christians and jews area threat; watch Fox tv channel
2007-02-28 16:07:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Actually, you make an argument against diversity. Diversity should be embraced.
To keep it short, I would quote from "Fritz the Cat" --
"Sheeet, you white folk done watered down every race you ever came in contact with."
I'm a white folk so I guess I can make fun of my own race, right?
2007-02-28 16:02:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Ever when you consider that i became into little and til at present i've got continuously called my mum "Mummy" and my dad "Daddy". in simple terms because of the fact they in no way replied to "mum"/"dad". and this is continuously caught, i assume. comparable with my siblings, too. I swear each time my mom calls me at artwork, and that i answer asserting "hi, mummy", i'm getting the main strangest seems from my artwork colleagues. They continuously discover that hilarious and frequently take the mic. and that i will certainly see why this is humorous lol yet, this is in no way replaced, and that i doubt it is going to. mom and pa will continuously be Mummy and Daddy. And particularly because of the fact they gained't respond to the rest from their little ones! : )
2016-10-02 03:39:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Not everyone is the same. I think thats whats so great about the world
2007-02-28 16:07:50
answer #11
answered by Mayonaise 6