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and i have no friends here, no family, nothing, and i dont know what there is to do around here for a young guy that just turned 21 ( without getting shot or ending up in the wrong neighborhood that i should stay away from ) so all i do is sit home on my free time and drink by myself, i was wondering if anyone on here could give me a little insight on what there is to do around here like entertainment wise, im a real low-key type of guy and i usually keep to myself when im not around my friends ( which apprently i dont have any here in philly ) so please if you could share some common or street knowledge, pass it on, thank you

P.S. i moved here from long island, NY

2007-02-28 15:42:39 · 2 answers · asked by ifucouldbeme 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

2 answers

You have to get involved and get out of the house/apartment! Do you know of any groups you could join, either social or sports? Also, take some adult classes. You have to get out and meet people and it doesn't happen just sitting around. Join a bowling league or volunteer somewhere. Like any big city you have to be careful, bit don't let fear stop you from living!

You may want to put on your tourist hat and see something new each weekend- like go see the Liberty Bell, or go see Valley Forge, the Franklin Institute, the Art Museum. I lived there for years but had no idea where the Liberty Bell was until one day I played "tourist". It was fun!

Good Luck!

2007-02-28 15:51:11 · answer #1 · answered by beeper 2 · 1 0

do you play any sports? you can go to the park/court and play by yourself. people who want to play will ask you to join them and you can become friends with them. if not, then you could join some club like volunteering and you could make friends. also, if you find a job, you can make friends there. anyone you meet tell them that your new and don't know anyone. you'll find some good people who won't mind showing you around or befriending you.

2007-02-28 15:52:38 · answer #2 · answered by truth hurts 4 · 0 0

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