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I believe that if people that hate on you make you look better because they obviously want to be you!!! Do you agree with my answer? Answer my question then then answer if you agree!!!

2007-02-28 15:08:47 · 11 answers · asked by kwatkins061793 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

11 answers

duh if you a girl and got ten hater you should be trying to get 30 of them ho@s hating on you by sunday and if you a dude 20 haters you should be tryna get 40 of them muthafu9cker by saturday. you need haters!

2007-02-28 15:19:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree with you. There's a saying 'A boo away is a cheer at home.' In the past a lot of women have hated on me, so I just enjoyed it. If they wanted it to be that way, then I became the woman that other women loved to hate. It was fun.

2007-02-28 23:14:54 · answer #2 · answered by sustasue 7 · 1 0

Why would you care what a hater thought of you? They are hateful, insecure ******* that try to make everyone just as miserable as they are and do it for attention. It has nothing to do with you, it's them. The best way to handle a hater is to completely ignore them - because they are looking for the attention. The best way to make yourself look better is to BE better. Don't offset your coolness off of someone else.

2007-02-28 23:14:42 · answer #3 · answered by lanibear55 3 · 0 0

Absolutely. Everyone who hates me is jealous of me. Otherwise why would they hate me?? This is pretty transparent, clear to everyone, their hatred serves only to make me stand out more. I definitely take it as a compliment. Their behavior puts me on a pedestal and themselves far beneath me; they make themselves pathetic! If u want to really piss them off, just tell them that they are jealous! They will go crazy. If they deny it, just ask, "ok, then why do u hate me?" They will give you some lame answer. Just roll your eyes and smirk. ;)

2007-02-28 23:42:45 · answer #4 · answered by F 5 · 0 0

Not really.

If people don't like you, it obviously doesn't make you the greatest person ever. Jealousy is only one reason why somebody would hate on you. It's those other reasons you should be worried about, not automatically assuming everybody hates you because they want to be you.

2007-02-28 23:15:54 · answer #5 · answered by artemis 1 · 0 1

i dont agree people that hate on you might just not like u

2007-02-28 23:11:55 · answer #6 · answered by perry 1 · 0 1

thats a nice way of looking at things...but never occured to u that u also not a perfect being?!.. and what about people who love on u :)..they want u to be "they"?!...strange logic no?... i wouldnt bother if they hate on me..! i am me and they are they...maybe i dont like them too ..! but generally speaking, its normal that u encounter in your life those who hate on u..unless now you are" jesus"? ! :)

2007-02-28 23:25:43 · answer #7 · answered by Night_Star 1 · 0 0

no and no. people may hate you for many reasons besides envy, and most of them would do anything to never be like you.

2007-02-28 23:26:16 · answer #8 · answered by implosion13 4 · 0 1

I agree. K, bye.

2007-02-28 23:12:42 · answer #9 · answered by Nien, CNMI 1 · 1 0

yup! agreed

2007-02-28 23:12:16 · answer #10 · answered by sexii 3 · 1 0

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