I just turned 21 and am in my junior year in college. In May of 2006 my mother's crazy gf from Albany, NY whom she met online came to our little house in Maryland the night after my mother made my father leave the house and go stay with his mother. My mother unplugged and hid the phone so my brother(who is 22 and autistic)sister(19) and I could not call anyone, then they made us pack everything we could in 1 day and move to Albany, NY, and whatever we could not find or bring in 1 day had to be abandoned and was thrown out. I could not even talk to my mother without Crystal yelling at me and threatening to kill me, and when my mother drove me back to Md for college in August Crystal came and cursed my mother's parent's out and my mother said NOTHING, but just looked sad. Now unless I am on campus I must stay with my father at his mother's house where my cousin, her 1 year old twin boys, and 8 year old son are also staying. My father is unemployed, so we can't even get a place of our own
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my father also only has a '91 chevrolet cavalier which will not pass inspection and he only has until April to either get another car or fix the one he has. And my father's mother is very particular about people using water/electric, so I am afraid to take a shower and rarely do so when there. I also have to sleep on the sofa when there which is very uncomfortable and sometimes my father acts like he is attempting to be sexually explicit towards me and it is very wierd, and I also have to deal with the twins/8 year old bothering me constantly. I am also unemployed and can't drive, and there are no places to work around here anyway, and I know they would not hire me even if I applied because they never do. Meanwhile my father calls me at college every night and talks about the problems and how he wishes he could just afford another car or wishes we could so he could get out of his mother's tiny house because he does not want to deal with it.
14:57:25 ·
update #1
My sister was at Penn State, but she had to stay in an apartment and could no longer afford to pay rent, so she just left and I assume she took a bus and returned to my mother and Crystal in NY even though I was hoping beyond hope that I could convince her to come here so I did not have to suffer alone. houses in Maryland are so expensive, and to get any government help/section 8, e.t.c. you have to apply and be put on a waiting list. But if my father and I are going to get into a place we can't afford to wait that long. We need something under $90,000 where we could just pay the down payment and begin financing now, and there is just NOTHING.I can't take all of this anymore. I just can't. I just really wish I had a bf who was around my age, or at least someone who could help me through all of this, but I can't even trust anyone. It seems like everyone is just all about something that starts with an S and ends with an X. But I am really not like that. I am really just a normal person.
14:57:55 ·
update #2
I feel like I am never going to have a bf or learn to drive or have a job. I am in college and it seems like everyone else in my classes has a job, can drive, and lives off campus in their own place with family or people they can trust. And I keep thinking my professors must think it is the same case with me and as a result are hard on me, when they have no idea what I am going through. I go to my classes and try to work positively, but I keep thinking about my situation, knowing that I am going to have to deal with my father, the twins, not having the internet and fear of taking a shower, and it is really discouraging to me. I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any idea how I can ever get a bf, learn to drive, or just get into a place so I don't have to deal with all of this? Would someone age 21,22,23 perhaps want to be my bf? I know I should not be asking on here, but I have run out of ideas. I have to do something.
14:58:28 ·
update #3