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what i mean by ignorant and stupid or either or is the last question i asked and the answers i got back were unbelievable. Like these people didnt even actually read what i asked they just picked a couple words out of the details i gave, then answered whatever came to the top of their meezly little heads.

2007-02-28 14:48:22 · 23 answers · asked by Kris C 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

23 answers

people are whoring for points.
which i think it retarded.

2007-02-28 14:52:35 · answer #1 · answered by onlyblonde1 3 · 1 1

I think it's because some people like to be ignorant or they don't take this seriously and this is a great outlet for that. Perhaps other people are not all that intelligent, but they want to answer questions just because they can!

Whatever the reason, fortunately we're not all like that or this wouldn't be much of a site! Personally, I like to think things through and if I can share some of my knowledge, experience or information, I'm happy for that. If I don't think I have an appropriate answer for the question, I skip it.

I've seen some very rude and unkind remarks here. I guess it takes all kinds! Just ignore the ignorant!

2007-02-28 22:56:44 · answer #2 · answered by Plexed 3 · 0 2

Just because they didn't tell you what you wanted to hear doesn't make them ignorant and/or stupid. Next time you want a specific answer to your question I suggest you include it, along with telling people to not answer if they are going to try to tell you the truth.

Additional: What you were basically asking in your question was how to exert control over your boyfriend and mold him into the man you want him to be. I take it by your further responses that you are probably mostly interested in him because he is what you consider to be a momma's boy, thinking that a woman already has him under her thumb and it is your intention to take her place. So naturally you don't want to move on as people have suggested. Too bad.

2007-02-28 22:54:17 · answer #3 · answered by marklemoore 6 · 0 1

Well, I'm not sure how other people responded to the question you are referring to. I did look it up but purposely avoided looking over any of the responses to your question regarding the situation with your current boyfriend.

After reading your question, three things come to mind. (1) You have a resentment concerning your boyfriend's relationship with his mother. (2) Regardless of your disenchantment regarding your boyfriend and his mother, you stay with him. (3) Consequently, about all you can do with this situation is accept it for what it is or move on.

The ball is in your court. Now go out there and be a tiger!

2007-02-28 23:04:41 · answer #4 · answered by soulguy85 6 · 1 0


I'm not laughing at you- I'm laughing at the responses.

They're proving you right.

What I mean is look at all the grammer corrections, spelling corrections, and snide comments. It's a kind of megalomania. The majority of the people on here are here to prove their own brilliance and are not genuinely concerned or helpful.

In my humble and limited opinion, self-assurance, stubbornness, and close-mindedness are the worst forms of ignorance. People are here to prove to the world by flaunting their intelligence and answering whatever question they can answer spectacularly that they are truly brilliant.

If you want a good answer, look at the simple answers with rhetoric that isn't clever, and spelling errors. You'll get a good answer or a funny one. But don't rely on people like me- people with self-inflated and perpetuated ideas who would like to do nothing more than show how smart they are. And that's why you have so many ignorant people on yahoo answers. They (and I) think they're brilliant, and want you to think so too.



2007-02-28 23:25:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Selective reading like selective hearing only on the net! Or maybe they really are just stupid and can only read every 3rd word or something...who knows. I know what you mean though, the world is full of ignorant, stupid Aholes and they make it impossible for us perfect people to have a normal life *SIGH*

P.S. Have a great night :)

2007-02-28 22:54:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

omg (o my god, in case ur not familiar with shortcuts)
ur still getting stupid answers in this question
i think that people are just answering stupidly because they're just trying to get points to ask their questions and problems, instead of actually caring that their answer has an effect on the person they're answering to
but i'll probably turn like that too. :D i'm only 13 so...i got time to change...hopefully for the better through christ

2007-02-28 22:58:22 · answer #7 · answered by ? 5 · 0 2

Because without all those ignorant stupid people in this world, we wouldn't feel smart, special, and privileged to have 2 brain cells to rub together! :)

2007-02-28 22:52:47 · answer #8 · answered by Megalicious 2 · 1 1

it's people, not peolpe

and your first sentence makes no sense

we all have the right to answer in any way we feel fit. Your question makes no sense to me and that's okay. My answer might not make any sense to you and that's okay. Live and let live.

2007-02-28 22:55:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No Doubt!!! Their just trying to be the first to answer or just want the points and they don't give a crap about providing any kind of answer or... They are really that stoopid! LOL

2007-02-28 22:52:23 · answer #10 · answered by Fireman T 6 · 0 2

Well it shows that they are humans( and also jerks!) People tend to act before they think too, but also they can learn from their past mistake too (by reporting them if they did something inappropiate to the public.)

2007-02-28 22:55:07 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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