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why is it so wrong now days to spank kids.

(Im not a parent and don't plan on being one any time soon), but their are laws that classify spanking, or any other form of verbal/physical discipline as illegal.

how the heck would you disipline kids now?

(this is for a school "parenting" class)

2007-02-28 14:43:42 · 12 answers · asked by Lynx 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

12 answers

I have never bought into the idea that a good old fashioned spanking is wrong! In fact, it is the only thing that some kids understand. Discipline is an individual thing. For some children a good talking to will do. Some need a good time out. For others, they really need a spanking and it is the only thing that works! Discipline is nothing more than teaching. Spanking is a very effective tool in teaching. For instance, if you have a child who is hell bent on running out in the street when told not to, a spanking can be a life saving tool. The government needs to stay out of the home and leave the teaching and discipline of our children to parents who should know what is best for their children! Spanking is NOT abuse! It should be reserved for really bad offenses and never done out of anger ! We do it because we care how our children turn out! To the so called "experts", you are a bunch of know nothings! The only experts I know are the ones who have raised children who have become productive members of society!

2007-02-28 14:55:29 · answer #1 · answered by Marie 7 · 1 4

There are several effective means of discipline not involving spanking. There is the use of the time out seat or chair-child is put there to think about what they did for as many minutes as the childs age, there is grounding-not being allowed to go anywhere except school, taking away priveleges such as phone use or TV, and a lot of innovative disciplines like writing sentences a certain number of times such as I will not annoy my brother, my Dad once made my brother clean the kitchen floor with a toothbrush after he once again made a mess and didnt clean up.

2007-02-28 14:49:24 · answer #2 · answered by elaeblue 7 · 1 2

I think the world would be a better place if children had spanked their kids when they REALLY did something terrible. not for stupid reasons, like, oh no you spilled on the floor, well that is an accident. But straight out misbehaving obscene comments and talking back, those are all things that if left unturned can result into a horrible teenager, and I encounter those every day. The ones who glare at you when asked to do something and say,
"Why don't you make me"

2007-02-28 14:50:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

When a person has to use physical force to get the cooperation of another person, they have already lost that person's respect.

Spanking children or using physical force in anyway is a losing cause unless the child is under three and needs to be carried to bed or up stairs.

If a child is capable of walking on their own, they walk to their room alone for discipline. A simple, "Go to your room and I'll be up to talk to you in a minute." should be sufficient. A voice command is better discipline than physical force.

Patience, repetition and firmness is necessary but never anger and hitting. When an adult begins to hit and show anger and frustration, the child has already won and the child knows it.

Children should never outsmart adults and when adults resort to hitting, yelling and anger, the kid won. An adult can use his size and strength to force an issue but might doesn't make right. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

What are we trying to teach kids anyway...that if you're bigger than someone else, you can always get your way? If you hit someone, you can force someone to do what you want?

Do you need to see how professional child behaviorists teach children...watch The Nanny. That nanny never, never hits or uses physical force against any child and yet the children always end up doing everything she says to do. She is one smart lady and doesn't let any little kid intimidate her or make her angry. Fascinating show.

2007-02-28 14:56:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

You can thank Dr Spock (no not the guy on Star Trek). He was the one to come up with the whole notion of not spanking your kids and the world has gone to hell since the first generation of non-spanked kids. Seriously look up when his book was published...figure about 10 to 12 years after and then go do some research on crimes committed by children around those years....they sky rocketed.

2007-02-28 14:47:44 · answer #5 · answered by Rye Encoke 2 · 5 2

They do fairly plenty the comparable as we do. they have strictness and from time to time harshness to their discipline, yet wink at various transgressions of the extra youthful, extra so on the boys than on the ladies, fantastically as they attitude puberty. returned in the eighty's some adolescents stole some trucks, to take them on a excitement trip ( they are undesirable drivers) They wrecked and have been found out, yet brushed aside at " in basic terms borrowing trucks" and not possibly stealing, for which they wouild have been severly punished for. We individuals have been pleased with their discretionary determination.

2016-10-02 03:35:30 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

This is the "Civil Libertarian" line. The same people who believe that a rapist has rights.
There is a huge difference between spanking/verbal discipline and child abuse.
Children are raised only being taught their "rights" and no responsibility. Teachers, parents and police can't touch them and they know it.

2007-02-28 14:56:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

There are many, MANY ways to discipline without spanking. Hitting anyone, especially a child, is a form of violence. Time out is popular method that is used now.

2007-02-28 14:48:15 · answer #8 · answered by Enjoying Life 3 · 3 3

The PC form of child discipline (if you are doing homework on it- you should spell it correctly) is by taking privilages away for bad actions and rewarding positive behaviors.

2007-02-28 14:48:55 · answer #9 · answered by Mommyk232 5 · 2 2

Children learn a lot by simply mimicking their parents. One way to instill values and good behavior in children is by modelling it. One of the first things toddlers do is hit other kids when a toy is taken from them. And of course, we tell them, "use your words", and don't hit other kids. We try to tell them as they get older that violence doesn't get you what you want. Parents that spank their kids, especially out of anger, are sending mixed signals to their kids. One -- that violence is ok, and that it's ok to express displeasure by hitting others. There are ways to discourage bad behavior without resorting to violence. It's challenging, but ultimately you have kids that trust you and have a bigger bag of tricks when it comes to solving their differences.

2007-02-28 14:50:32 · answer #10 · answered by Liza 6 · 3 3

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