I work with a racist, chauvanistic man. I showed him a picture of my daughters boyfriend who happens to be "turkish"
but was born in texas. He told me that as far as he was concerned the guy needed a bullet between his eyebrows.
I was upset, because I have gotten to know this young man
and he is better than any other guy she has dated. HE is an
american citizen and he has told my daughter that he doesn't
agree with the way things are in Turkey. They are good together
and it really made me feel bad when he said that. Now the guy who said this is a jerk in my book and to be honest, I think hes
jealous because this YOUNG man is working making 17 dollars
an hour and going to college - the guy who made this comment
makes $19,000 a year and he is a very (pardon me) opinionated
we work at a university and diversity is one of the big things here.
what do you think?
4 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
YES I agree everyone has a right to thier opinion, and every one has one. thing about the immediate supervisor, she is
just as bad... chances are that if I get to
move up into her position, which may actually happen... soon.... I will have to
deal with this guy on a whole new level.
thanks for the comments
14:38:17 ·
update #1