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Do you think humans can simply decide to be straight? Or is an erection a very sincere indication of what turns a person on. (through absolutely no fault of their own)

2007-02-28 13:41:57 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

1 answers

GOD loves all people he has said he loves the sinner but hates the sin.homosexuality is not something to wonder about GOD has said it is an abomination to him.it is why SODOM and GMORRAH i probaly spelled that wrong, sorry its why they were destroyed because of the excessive sins and rampant homosexuality of the time.as for what turns you on its simple you dont have to act on it you can choose not to just like anything else you dont have to lie,cheat,steal,or drink or do drugs you may want to but you have a choice.good luck.

2007-02-28 15:54:00 · answer #1 · answered by dixie58 7 · 0 0

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