I used to love history class, but know I hate it. My history teacher started teaching at my school this year. I'm in grade 10, and am learning about Canadian history. At first, I thought my history teacher's way of teaching was very refreshing; he pointed out to us biases in history around us, like our textbooks, and told us how the way history is taught to us can affect us. I found this really interesting, and looked forward to going to class. We started doing treaties and even then I could feel like my history teacher was starting to dislike me. He taught us treaties, but he forced his opinion on us. I'm not trying to sound racist or anything, but he kept saying how natvies had been completely racially destroyed . Now, I agree with him, but I like to hear both sides of the story,so I questioned him a couple times and he just said “I disagree" and brushed me off. I feel like if I don't regurgitate his views, he'll hate me even more. Can racism go both ways? What should I do?
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