People put animals to sleep all the time. Quit exaggerating.
People force other humans to live though situations they wouldn't subject a dog to. People allow a dog to go to sleep but force humans to suffer endlessly and needlessly.
I'm in favor of both abortion (we do continue to spay pregnant dogs) and mercy killing (we put sick dogs to sleep). If we allow it for animals we should allow it for humans too. Humans shouldn't have to suffer more than dogs if they don't want to.
2007-02-28 13:23:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Because not hurting an animal does not ruin your life, whereas not "killing" a "baby" (abortion) can. Why can't you ever think even a little of the mother? YOU are the one that needs a wake up call. I think it's worse to near literaly take away a live person's life, who has already been born than to prevent a fetus from doing so.
2007-02-28 13:19:11
answer #2
answered by nerveserver 5
It is not legal to kill babies in the USA. Abortion is not killing babies. About 90% of fertilised ova abort naturally, either by not implanting on the uterus or by a miscarriage. Most women to whom this happens do not even realise they have conceived. The few assisted abortions are but a drop in the ocean of the natural ones. If you are going to worry about pregnancies that are terminated by doctors, why don't you worry about all those fertilised eggs that end up in incinerators or down the toilet?
2007-02-28 13:24:44
answer #3
answered by tentofield 7
Years ago, women weren't even allowed to say "no" to their husbands and were raped to no extent.
We couldn't vote, we couldn't speak out of turn, in the Bible, we are "unclean, intolerant monsters" who have absolutely no rights whatsoever.
Women in general have had it so much worse than men, because I'm assuming that you must be one, otherwise you'd understand. I believe abortion should be legalized, as long as there are certain restrictions applied to it so that not just every sleaze can get one whenever she feels like it. Abortions should only be administered if and only IF there are plausible signs of violent rape. Otherwise, the woman should be turned away to have her baby.
2007-02-28 13:24:06
answer #4
answered by Lisa J 2
permit me placed down my triple decker hamburger and order of poultry wings and that i'll describe it to you. non secular freaks do no longer rule like they desire they did. people decide for to kill in any respect age ranges and spare no animal. Fetuses would be unable to get Glocks so it rather is greater advantageous to get them in the previous they do. i'm in my view tired of footing the tax invoice for undesirable toddlers that are exploited for a welfare verify and turn into risky criminals in a blink of a watch. i'm tired of seeing anybody shifting to the suburbs mutually as i attempt to hold out coping with those youthful moronic overgrown fetuses that are ruining the yankee dream. No delivery administration = crime, lack of understanding, drugs, homicide, city blight, the destruction of the worldwide, etc.
2016-09-30 01:06:26
answer #5
answered by ? 4
cuz abortion is actualy useful and noboody gains anything from animal abuse and god shouldnt be used as an arguement because everyone is enttled to their own belifs and not everyone belives in the same god if any
2007-02-28 13:22:42
answer #6
answered by darkpayaso 3
Depending on what is the defination of a feotus / life.
If life is formed before the abortion, then its a crime.
Hurting life is a crime.
2007-02-28 13:20:12
answer #7
answered by IIDX Chem 3
Euthanizing animals is legal. Child and animal abuse are both illegal.
2007-02-28 13:19:21
answer #8
answered by KS 7
sounds like you're the one who needs the wake-up call - it's not ok to kill babies, a ten-week old embryo is not a baby any more than a sperm and egg are.
And are you trying to say animal abuse should be acceptable?
2007-02-28 13:20:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Oh really, godbot?
Then explain to me why the Nazi Rifle Association hunt and kill animals.
You are a walking ad for condom use.
2007-02-28 13:23:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous