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It seems to me that the depression rate in American teens/children is getting higher, the crime and drug rate for teens/children is getting higher, the suicide rate is getting higher. Children today seem to have so much more than they did generations ago. And especially more than children in parts of Latin America, Asia, and Africa do. Yet it seems that the American children do not appreciate what they have and are still unhappy. I watched Oprah's program about the school she built in South Africa and after hearing the issues that those girls have to deal with ( being orphaned, rape, Aids, poverty) and yet they still have drive to succeed and appreciate their life but then I look around at American children including my own who have everything and yet want more and are never satisfied or happy. I think back on my childhood and having to eat ketchup sandwiches because that was all that we had but we appreciated it nonetheless. So why are our children, who have it all, still unhappy?

2007-02-28 12:45:34 · 7 answers · asked by Roni 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

7 answers

There was a Greek philospher, before the time of Christ, who voiced almost the same opinions about the youth of his time. Everyone since has felt pretty much the same way about the younger generation. Somehow they keep turning out better than most people believe they will.

2007-02-28 12:53:21 · answer #1 · answered by mustanger 5 · 1 0

In the second world war the white mouse said the people who helped her the most was the people who could help her the least poor people.
In My country Australian when red cross asked for donations the people from poor areas gave more then the rich.
Most times I go over to help a Sudenes neighbour with her reading book they offer me a some thing to eat and every african family I visited have.
American and australia children don't know how to entertain themself when the power is off. They have lot of games toys ect. money wont buy happiness

2007-02-28 23:18:45 · answer #2 · answered by jobees 6 · 1 0

Americans have become spoiled brats.
I hear you and am often ashamed to be American. I love my country, and I defend it. However, young kids and not so young ones (early 20s) will seemingly never understand that they have so much more than previous generations did.
It makes me sad and greatly disappointed.
I read a study that said America is the wealthiest country. And we have the worst social problems.
The problem may be ( and I dare say) with it's diversity. I feel America's freedoms, that were fought for so bravely, are tearing it apart form inside :( American culture has seemingly become every man for himself! F*** the other guy! This makes me angry too. I need to stop typing...

2007-02-28 20:58:52 · answer #3 · answered by elliott 4 · 5 0


Don't cry
Don't raise your eye
It's only teenage wasteland

Sally,take my hand
Travel south crossland
Put out the fire
Don't look past my shoulder
The exodus is here
The happy ones are near
Let's get together
Before we get much older

Teenage wasteland
It's only teenage wasteland
Teenage wasteland
Oh, oh
Teenage wasteland
They're all wasted!

Baba O'Riley - The Who

2007-02-28 20:51:21 · answer #4 · answered by Maestro 3 · 0 1

There are spoiled kids (ie many American kids but not all) and then there are the children of heroes. I have met the latter kids and they are the glory of the universe.

2007-02-28 20:50:37 · answer #5 · answered by Zeek 3 · 0 0

because money cannot buy happiness, that's where they look for it and don't find it, or the way teens go thru phases where they feel no one understands them... i a m a teen and i have gone thru times when i felt like killin myself without even knowing why.

2007-02-28 20:51:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Because they have so much.

2007-02-28 20:54:40 · answer #7 · answered by ny21tb 7 · 1 0

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