Don't worry! All women are different. Some dilate weeks before, days before, and so on. With my son, I started dilating three days before I had him. I was less than a centimeter and 50% effaced. Two days later I lost my mucus plug. Next day, I had him. With this pregnancy, I started dilating today. I am now 1-cm dilated and 75% effaced. My doctor said it could be days or weeks before I have my baby girl. However, seeing as how my entire family doesn't wait that long to have babies, I am expecting her this weekend! You'll be fine, though. If you go past your due date, your doctor may strip your membranes and all that wonderful goodness to get you started. Seeing as how this is your first, I'd ride it out. The baby will come when he/she is ready. Congratulations and good luck!!
2007-02-28 12:57:01
answer #1
answered by herefordsun 4
The contractions you feel now are just Braxton Hicks. You are still 4 weeks from your expected due date, so it's okay that you are not dilated. Some women may begin to dilate for a week or two before labor, and others don't dilate until labor begins. You should relax and enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy :)
2007-02-28 21:11:15
answer #2
answered by Erika 7
I wouldn't worry to much about the dilation when I went to the hospital with my first daughter my cervix was still thick and closed the doctor wanted me stay about an hour to see if I made any progress because I lived 45 min. from Hospital after the hour the nurse checked I had started to dilate which was only a fingertip so I told her I could go home and come back she told me to wait another 30 min. when she checked me again I was 1 and 1/2 I gave birth 4 hours later. So you don't have to dilate early.
2007-02-28 20:49:18
answer #3
answered by what gives 4
The day before I went into labor I had a checkup and was not dilated at all. I went into labor the next morning, and had my baby within 12 hours. This was my first child so I think you'll be fine. Best of luck to you and your bundle of joy!
2007-02-28 20:48:32
answer #4
answered by Laura 2
you will start dilating when your contractions turn into real labor. only real contractions will change your cervix, making it thinner and larger. don't worry about being 36weeks along without dilating, you will eventually. just enjoy the few remaining weeks of pregnancy you have, and have a safe delivery and a healthy, happy baby. congratulations.
2007-02-28 20:51:25
answer #5
answered by danswoodcrafts 2
I was 0 cm when my water broke at 37 1/2 weeks. Don't rush it, you have one week to go to be considered term and up to 4 away from delivering.
2007-02-28 20:58:45
answer #6
answered by Janielle M 2
Some women don't dilate until they start full blown labor. It's nothing to worry about.
2007-02-28 20:46:55
answer #7
answered by Melissa J 4
thats normal, my gf is also 36 weeks and has had some contractions (braxton hicks) the doctor told her she has not dialed any either but her cevix is thinning a little bit. it wont be long for either of you!!
2007-02-28 20:47:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
My first pregnancy I did not lose my mucous plug or start dilating until labor was already in progress.
2007-02-28 20:47:13
answer #9
answered by Betsy 7
Don't worry until your doctor tells you to worry. Sounds to me like you are perfectly normal.
2007-02-28 20:46:41
answer #10
answered by Liza 6