That would be in the ideal world, my dear. However, this is reality. We just need to rise above this and continue on. There are also those of us who take questions very seriously, so hang in there.
2007-02-28 12:38:06
answer #1
answered by JADE 6
Often I do not read other's responses before answering a question due to the very same reasons you mention.
It is almost as though some don't know how to read at all! Three word responses with the remark "thanks for the two points" or inappropriate responses can be maddening if we let ourselves pay much attention.
To be honest, I do not ask questions primarily because I like to share my thoughts and sometimes academic knowledge with others. If I wanted to post a question I would do so, and know that some responders will be right gits. I suppose it is a part of the way an open question and answer forum is supposed to work.
My tuppence worth
--That Cheeky Lad
2007-02-28 16:14:47
answer #2
answered by Charles-CeeJay_UK_ USA/CheekyLad 7
Some people are only after the two points they get for answering so they don't care if their answer matches the question. And no matter what you ask people will twist things just because they can. Let it go. Just ignore them and ask the questions you need to ask. It make take some work but the right words can approach any subject.
2007-02-28 12:41:26
answer #3
answered by Jan P 6
Then don't ask forbidden subject qns like minorities. There are enough of these around to form a 26 volume book series. lol
2007-02-28 12:38:59
answer #4
answered by IIDX Chem 3
Because people are idiots and get points for saying 'square'. It's quicker for them to post anything than it is to post something useful. That way, they still get the points. Here's a hint: If an answer is useful, hit the 'thumbs up' button, and if it's bad, hit thumbs down (near their answer). This will give them points. Also, make sure you always pick a best answer.
2007-02-28 12:40:25
answer #5
answered by christopherashleyhill 2
You're probably going to get alot of answers like this, but I agree with you. I get alot of the same thing... Why do these people even answer if they don't have the answer in the first place?
2007-02-28 12:39:12
answer #6
answered by ED 2
Communication is always a compromise between what the speaker thinks was said and that the listener thinks was said. Some answerers only hear what they want to answer. But there are also unintentionally ambiguous questions too. (Some are downright incomprehensible.)
Rather than looking for ways to punish offenders, you might practice your question asking skills to make it harder to be misinterpreted.
2007-02-28 12:45:30
answer #7
answered by skepsis 7
Because, you just talk "type", to much sometimes, and there attention span is not that long. They work all day, they are tired, forgive them. They have not attained your level of near perfection. They can only humble them selves before you, your hineass. Go to they are waiting for you there.
And take Krissi, with you.
Come on readers I need some thumbs up here.
2007-02-28 12:42:02
answer #8
answered by brp_13 4
lol well i agree ,,, also it sucks cuz they only read the first dam@ line and answer without reading on and i am trying to be the first answer and it takes more time to read and then type more then a brief answer so high five i am with ya on this :) but you know it will never stop
2007-02-28 12:39:28
answer #9
answered by mala 3
because many people just answer something something stupid to get 2 points they dont really take into consideration that you are in need of help and they just want to waste their time and your time and did i mention they just do it to earn 2 points... its the truth. not that i do it but thats why others do it....
2007-02-28 13:02:01
answer #10
answered by D21 3
Becos dey iss fik off coarse. Why iss people wit chips on sholder single outs, how else you cary hunderd wait bag of Chips, on hed praps.
2007-02-28 12:40:13
answer #11
answered by petrovitch m 2