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thats under water with tunnels that feel w/water if u try to get it someone tried and part of it is under water now. I think it had sommething to do with the Civicl war relics?Thanxs for all you help.

2007-02-28 11:41:38 · 1 answers · asked by mrneely86 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

1 answers

the story or myth is based on the Masons. The idea goes that the knights templar, when disbanded by the pope, formed the masons to hide. The masons are believed to have aquired vast fortunes and relics of history. They then came to the new world and many became part of the emerging US government, many of our fore fathers for example. The story continues that teh masons financed the wars in the US with those vast fortunes. These vast fortunes are believed to be hidden in a vault made by the masons near some lake or on an island and protected it with variuos traps, tunnels, dead ends and such. I think this what your asking for. Hope this helps.

The Syko Ward

2007-02-28 11:54:58 · answer #1 · answered by The Syko Ward 5 · 0 0

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