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2007-02-28 10:58:55 · 27 answers · asked by ? 3 in Politics & Government Politics

27 answers

It's none of my business and if it makes then happy, go for it.

2007-02-28 11:02:27 · answer #1 · answered by Herr Raging Boehner. 5 · 2 1

Gay marriage is not possible for the same reason the ERA failed in the 1970s: the "equal protection under the law" clause.

As Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, "Listen to me now and believe me later".

Do you know WHY Conservatives oppose gay marriage? Once you change the strict definition of marriage from one man and one woman, you absolutely cannot reverse this. Every other group that wants its own definition of marriage can challenge the government in court, and they will most likely win due to the "equal protection under the law" clause.

That means, the perverted old and middle aged men in NAMBLA can try to marry young boys. Mormons can start openly having multiple wives. A person who wants to marry an animal can claim his right to do so.

This is not some wild eyed supposition; this is exactly what lawyers themselves are warning. Everyone can devise his own definition of "marriage", and neither common sense nor decency can prevent the floodgates from opening. Once you have opened Pandora's box, you can't shut it again.

So, now we understand that Conservatives are actually very smart in not pandering to the gay marriage concept, don't we?

This same "equal protection under the law" clause is what doomed the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) for women back in the 1970s. Every silly, whiny, nitpicky thing a person didn't like could have been challenged in court, and it would have made society unworkable. You couldn't even have had separate bathrooms! Why? Anyone could say the bathrooms were "not equal". Same thing for High School football teams. Girls could have demanded to be allowed to play because a girls team would be "separate, but not equal".

Once again, we see the triumph of Conservative wisdom over the Liberals pandering to the naive public to get votes.

It irritates me to no end that the dumb Liberal media panders to the most stupid people in society. Conservatives are the good guys. We're the responsible ones who have to chide the airhead Liberals for their loony ideas.

2007-02-28 11:14:01 · answer #2 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 0 0

In germany you can. When the Queen visiting the federal state and city of Berlin, she wondered, about the mayor of Berlin Mr. Klaus Wowereit. His "spouse" Mr. Joern Kubicki - a surgeon was amusing her.

With the mayor of Hamburg it is the same.

It s Okay.King Frederic II said. After the church accused a miller of having something with his donkey: Everbody should het happy on his manner.


2007-02-28 11:27:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It doesn't really bother me. I am a straight woman and I have been married for 23 years. Gay people have jobs and pay taxes and they should have the same rights as anyone else. I have a much bigger problem with people on welfare and watching my paycheck get smaller so the have nots can have some of what they don't want to work for.

2007-02-28 11:03:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I believe that Marriage should only be between a man an a woman and done only in churches and NOT recognized by state or government. Couples who choose to MARRY should NOT have the rights traditionally given to those that are married. Rather i believe that civil unions SHOULD be given to 2 adults REGARDLESS of gender. then the state and government should ONLY recognize and give benifit to those who are in a CIVIL UNION ONLY..

2007-03-02 03:38:46 · answer #5 · answered by Miss Angela 1 · 0 0

Marriage = 1 man + 1 woman

2007-02-28 11:04:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

there are only two types of people who worry about gay marriage:
1) gay people who want to marry another gay person, and
2) homophobes stuck in the closet that worry that being able to have a family with their real sexual preference, through adoption, might threaten their current marriage.

to us straight people who really like the opposite sex, it is a non-issue.

I say let em suffer like the rest of us.

2007-02-28 11:08:41 · answer #7 · answered by jj 5 · 1 0

As a conservative, i actually support gay marriage. REAL conservatives DON'T want the government involved in day to day lives of Americans. Now the NEO-CONSERVATIVE "we will tell you how to live, bring god into the government, the hell with the constitution crowd" will ***** all day about it. Funny how the party that used to be the "small government" party nows expects the government to tell you how to live.

2007-02-28 11:04:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am against it. My main reason is because America was founded on God, and Christ says it is an abomination. It's gross, too, but I didn't intend to type that, but there it is
Read Romans chapter 1, verses 21-32 for facts of God's feelings on homosexualism.

2007-02-28 11:14:23 · answer #9 · answered by xenypoo 7 · 0 0

gay couples appear to have all the joys and struggles as hetero relationships. Being against can be considered nothing other than discrimination. Only religions consider it a 'sin', ,and I take issue with anybody who thinks they know what god wants.

2007-02-28 11:05:26 · answer #10 · answered by Morey000 7 · 2 0

I believe marriage is a union of a man and a women sanctified by God. So I don't support Gay Marriage.

2007-02-28 11:05:12 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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