Liberals hate everyone.
Sitting around day after day, waiting for their welfare check, causes them to be mean.
2007-02-28 10:50:56
answer #1
answered by wolf 6
Actually, there are Christian liberals. There are even pro-life liberals. The idea that liberals hate Christians is based on a stereotype, and it ignores the reality that a diverse group of people call themselves liberals for a diverse number of reasons, and most of them don't hate Christians.
That being said, there are a certain number of people out there with liberal political views who do, in fact, hate Christians. Many will come right out and say it. I think the reason behind their hatred has little to do with fear of dying and going to hell. Christian-hating liberals don't believe in the Christian concept of hell and therefore would have no reason to fear it.
Instead, their hatred is based on a stereotype as well. Some liberals think that all Christians are oppressive, violent, misogynist, uncharitable . . .
The list could go on and on. It's a horrible stereotype -- disrespectful and hypocritical, especially given the principles that most liberals claim to support. But then again, the stereotypes that some Christians have regarding liberals (evil, wicked, immoral, out-to-get-you . . .) are just as disrespectful and hypocritical, especially in light of the New Testament. (John 8:7)
I don't pretend to know what you personally believe about liberals, Christians, or anyone else. So I'm not calling you a hypocrite. But I do believe that stereotypes are harmful, and neither Christian nor progressive.
2007-02-28 19:00:05
answer #2
answered by Ben H 4
First, the Christian Right wants to destory our democracy, then they want to convert the entire world so that Jesus can come back. I don't hate Christians, I hate what their leaders have done and are (though not so successfully lately) trying to do.
Christian Coalition Rates the U.S. Congress, 2004
The Christian Coalition was founded in 1989 by television preacher Pat Robertson to take over the Repuliban Party from the bottom up. It has been remarkably successful at getting candidates elected. While the organization is now considered a sinking ship -- they have been surpassed by Focus on the Family and The Family Research Council -- their Congressional scorecards are still useful. Their ratings cover a broader range of issues than the other groups, showing the breadth of their agenda.
In 2004, forty-eight out of fifty-one Republican Senators voted with the Christian Coalition ****100% of the time****. One Democrat also received a 100% scorecard -- Zell Miller who has since retired.
But the theocratic right is not a movement of tolerance. In the words of the Christian Coalition field director, Bill Thomson, the "leftist" foes should be destroyed:
"You're going to run over them. Get around them, run over the top of them, destroy them - whatever you need to do so that God's word is the word that is being practiced in Congress, town halls and state legislatures. That's your job."
Jesus would be so proud.
2007-02-28 18:50:42
answer #3
answered by justagirl33552 4
I'm a liberal and I'm a Christian. My problem comes with the selective interpretation and citation of the bible. So here's a few citations of my own.
The only instance of violence by Jesus was when he drove the moneychangers from the temple: "This house is the house of God but you have made it a den of thieves"
Defending Mary Magdalene:"Let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone"
"Whatever you do for these, the least of thy bretheren, you do for me"
"Love thy God with thy whole heart, and thy whole soul, and thy whole strength, and thy neighbor as thyself"
And on the cross he sought forgiveness for his executioners: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do"
As I survey the the "Christian" landscape, with it's Jerry Falwell, it's Oral Roberts, it's (God help us!) Benny Hinn, and yes, it's George Bush, I see condemnation, not forgiveness. I see a mean spirited denial of the basic requirements life, like food, shelter, medical care. I see a mean spiritedness that is at odds with my belief in a loving God. I'm not feeling the love for neighbor that Jesus espoused.
Most of all, I see the moneychangers with their greed and their win-at-all-costs attitude towards their money. Shouldn't these evangelists be staying in cheaper hotels and giving the overflow (they're all millionaires many times over) to the poor?
"if you have two talents give one to the poor and with the other buy flowers to feed your soul"
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven"
So show me where these Christians are. I'll be down in the city this weekend renovating a house for a veteran who can't afford to do the work. Have those Christians meet me there.
2007-02-28 21:22:51
answer #4
answered by Charlie S 6
unfortunately for them I don't think they believe in hell. It's biblical fact though that we are all at enmity with God before we get saved. So if we Christians are walking the walk, we are representing God and therefore drawing the hatred which is our validation.
I suppose the entire Christian Right is going to hell Answerman? It does not make me greedy because I don't believe liberal ideology works either. You think it's ethical to steal from someone under the guise of taxes and give it to someone else?
2007-02-28 18:55:22
answer #5
answered by archangel72901 4
After 6 years of Republican control, why are there no national ban on g--ay marriage? Oh! and abortion too?
Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter Mary Cheney joins Republican Unity Coalition - Brief Article
Advocate, The, May 28, 2002
Since Dick Cheney was elected vice president last year, his lesbian daughter, Mary Cheney, has declined to discuss her sexual orientation. But she may be having a change of heart. On April 22 Cheney announced that she had joined the Republican Unity Coalition, a Washington, D.C.-based g.ay-straight political alliance.
"Working together we can expand the Republican Party's outreach to nontraditional Republicans," Mary Cheney said in a statement. "We can make sexual orientation a nonissue for the Republican Party, and we can help achieve equality for all g.ay and le.sbian Americans."
Cheney's father didn't seem to mind. Said spokeswoman Jennifer Millerwise...."
Did the real Christian Conservatives got the Cheney BOOT...?
2007-02-28 18:48:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
First of all, it is LIBERAL.. and second of all. no. There is no such thing as hell to me, and the reason I hate christians is because I am ...a. An atheist. b. dont care all that much about religion. and c. I am sick of stupid christians pushing their religion upon me.
I am not scared of dying, and I am not afraid of hell.
Hell is just a way to force christians to believe in crap. thats right, I said CRAP.
So Maybe if the christians will leave me the hell alone and let me practice my religion, which really is none, then maybe I will hate them less.
:EDIT: I hope that most of the people that read this understand SARCASM...
BTW what have liberals done that makes them so bad? and what have liberals done to America?
I dont get that at all
2007-02-28 18:44:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Friend, I am not going to hell, I have accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, I am not a hypocrite like the repuglicans that take from the poor an give to the rich, this is not what Jesus would have done. So when you say your prayers tonight maybe you had better ask to be forgiven your sins, greed is a sin.
2007-02-28 18:56:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Right-wing republicans, shouldn't lump all people in one group. In their eyes their is no such thing as a Christian, who is liberal and a democrat. How stupid!... I guess in a right-winger eyes, if Jesus was walking the earth today in 2007, he would be a "white, right-winged, Neocons republican. You see how stupid this kind of thinking is?
Conservatives are going to get the shock of their lives, when they go to Hell and see so many of their conservative idols down their with them. Or if their fortunate enough to make it to Heaven and they see alot of liberals who they already have condemn to Hell. Either place Heaven or Hell ... conservatives are going to be shocked to see who is theire, and who is not there.
2007-02-28 18:52:28
answer #9
answered by jdoh10 4
No, it does not, and liberals don't hate "real" Christians. They hate the "fake" Pat Robertson Christians who have abandoned all the teachings of Jesus Christ and themselves preach a gospel of hate and death. Jesus would accept gay marriage. Jesus would not have killed a couple hundred thousand Iraqis for essentially no reason. Jesus would not have lowered taxes on the rich and cut programs that aid the poor. Jesus would not have called for the assassination of Hugo Chavez. Jesus would not try to dismantle social security. Jesus wouldn't hate Jews and blacks. Heck, Jesus was a Jew himself, lest you forget.
2007-02-28 18:46:34
answer #10
answered by vt500ascott 3
So is the devil like George Burns or more like John Lovitz from SNL? Or robot devil from Futurama?
2007-02-28 18:43:17
answer #11
answered by Pete Schwetty 5