Are you serious?
Liberals have been trying to do those very things for years.
Taking away rights & freedoms is what liberals do.
And taking away our paychecks with their taxes on working people.
2007-02-28 10:29:58
answer #1
answered by wolf 6
Liberals. They hate God, Jesus, Christmas, Hannukah, and freedom. They hate America in general. The proof is in all the litigation all over the country brought by liberal lobbying groups, but this too they will blame on Bush, cause that is all they really know how to do well.
2007-02-28 10:34:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Christians are extra likely to be and independent authorities. at the same time as Atheist , Jew and Muslim extra independent keywords comprise the bennefit of all the individuals? Hindu Bhuddist Agnostic would strattle the fence?
2016-12-05 02:02:34
answer #3
answered by ? 4
lol there are liberals that are religious.. Liberals aren't all Democrats..
conservatives want the USA to be back to the 1800's or earlier so they are afraid of change.
The reason why, is that in the constitution it allows for freedom of religion, and also freedom FROM religion.
As an athiest, I wish that america would avoid religion altogther on our money, in our schools, etc.
As for conservation of the environment, what does that have to do with anything?
As for speech on colleges, bible thumpers should be banned from underminding science in science classes. I have been in classes where said behavior was in disruptive to the point of the professor asking the person to either shut up or leave. So in that case it was ok, the point of the class was NOT to discuss religion, but to discuss geology. And one other thing to note, if we allow christmas carols in public schools, how about muslims beliefs, Jewish, Hindu, etc....
when would it stop? we'd spend all of our lives talking about religion and ignoring important things like math, science, and of course English.
If you want your kid to learn religion send them to a private school where you can have your kid learn whatever you want, otherwise, shut up and stop trying to paint all Liberals and all Conservatives with such a broad brush, it gets our country no where.
2007-02-28 10:37:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It will and has started by the ACLU which represents the far extreme left of our country. It will not be the liberal , but, the extreme liberal who will push these issues.
2007-02-28 10:43:03
answer #5
answered by meathead 5
a) Non-Fundo Christian ones? Cons
b) Lightbulb= science. Science BAD!!!! Cons
c) It will be replaced with "To This We Bow." Cons
d) Next time Bush or Cheney come to your town, check out the "free speech zones." Some things you can't make up. Cons
They want to take away our rights and freedoms because when people think and act freely, they don't vote Republican.
2007-02-28 10:35:44
answer #6
answered by Schmorgen 6
These questions work both ways. Who would ban gay civil unions, who would ban the qur'an in schools, who would ban the use of any other religion in the school system, who would ban teaching of evolution, who would ban the teaching of global climate change caused by humans. Come On......Are those not freedoms? I'm not saying I believe in any of those things I'm just using them to prove a point.
2007-02-28 10:31:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
fry pan bush,,but the con,s are the good-guys and the libs are the freaks of ban...its a homosexual nightmare of lets do anything we like to the constitution,buttt fuuuck too...decider
2007-02-28 10:43:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
a) The ACLU
b) Already been proposed here, by a, you guessed it, liberal Democrat
c) Michael "King of the Atheists" Newdow
They only want to you have the freedoms they agree with.
By the way, i have another one:
e) Right to spank your kids? (already being propsed in CA by, oh my, another liberal democrat)
2007-02-28 10:35:59
answer #9
answered by MoltarRocks 7
I am an indipident and let me first say that; it is A FACT God doesn't exist; anything designed to crush religion is a good thing.
c) And about time
2007-02-28 10:36:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous