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About two months ago I woke up having a huge anxiety attack aswell as depression to go along with that. The thought that I woke up with was that "What if I have fallen out of love with John (my current boyfriend)" The thought scared me to death and slowly my feelings came back. I went from hating him one day to loving him the next...back and forth for about 2 months.

So all in all I am wondering if what I am having anxiety because I HAVE fallen out of love. Am I convincing myself that I love him...I almost feel like I have someone telling me "no you dont love him" I dont know what to do. It is ruining my end of the relationship.

I want to be with this guy forever and it will kill me to have to end things with him. Keep in mind this is my 1st non dramatic relationship and it is a "healthy" relationship. My friends say I am most myself when I am around him. So I dont know what to think about it, how do I know if I am convincing myself or not?

I hate this!

2007-02-28 10:04:08 · 2 answers · asked by dawson190154 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

2 answers

To convince yourself one way or the other, try to look objectively at your relationship. Love has many specific aspects (nurturing, intimacy, companionship, chemistry, trust, respect, acceptance, shared interests, shared values).

Consider those, one by one, in your relationship with him. You'll likely see that some areas are great, others not so. Now turn it around: how would he rate *you* on those factors? Or even better, get him to do it himself.

Finally, talk over with him what you learned from this exercise. If you really love each other it'll be easy -- if not, that also tells you a lot.

2007-02-28 11:48:50 · answer #1 · answered by will_o_the_west 5 · 0 0

been there...done that....bought the t- shirt and sent it back...well if u think u don't love him then u have to sit back and think of all the pro's and cons. i told myself for years that i loved myfirst husband and i knew that he loved me in his own way...but beating a woman isnt love so i left and i think about him all the time even tho i am remarried.. he is alone and i know that it would have been different if he left his hands off of me... but i guess u snooze u lose...u need more conversations and intimacy with him and ask him if he really loves u or not...if he loves u and admits it that is the first step....gl they say love is blind but marriage is the eye opener...

2007-03-01 11:56:30 · answer #2 · answered by featherlover2002 2 · 0 0

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