I'm about 5 weeks pregnat and I don't have any morning sickness! I know I'm tired as heck and just my nipples! That's right just my nipples are sore. When do u think I would start to feel more pregnant?
16 answers
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Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
Ok. I was just doing some research and the time I had sex and the first day of my last cycle and from that it looks as though I'm about 6.5 - 7 weeks pregnant.....
I'm gonna stop I'll just wait until my prenatal exam and the first ultrasound. I am excited and so is my 6 year old little boy! This babys' daddy is still in shock, but excited.....thats all
09:38:55 ·
update #1
Be happy! Some people do not experience morning sickness. Eventually you might have to pee all the time, not be able to see your legs anymore, not be able to lie on your back, get extremely hot and want to walk outside in a t-shirt during winter (people will stare at you) you might get super constipated all the time, drowsy, dizzy, moody, you might feel fat, so many things will happen. Pregnancy is so exciting things keep changing and happening whenever they please. Eventually pregnancy will get boring and you will be ready to have your baby/babies!
2007-02-28 09:39:18
answer #1
answered by divinity2408 4
I didn't feel pregnant for like 25 weeks. It was extremely disappointing. I didn't even find out for two months because my nipples were never sore and sure I was tired and nauseous, but I felt more sick than pregnant. For me, i had a preconceived notion before pregnancy that I would feel an incredibly strong presence of my long-awaited for child. I didn't; I just felt sick ,fat and hungover a lot. Even when I felt her move at 18 weeks, it just felt like gas. But that is just me and it varies for everyone. Be patient and enjoy the miracle unfolding within you as much as you can. Feelings of pregnancy will happen.
2007-02-28 17:41:08
answer #2
answered by rebecca h 2
Becareful what you wish for :) All of my morning sickness started about 6 weeks but with my first I had no mornig sickness at all and didn't really feel pregnant until I was about 16 weeks and started showing and feeling him move.
2007-02-28 17:55:19
answer #3
answered by Brandi H 1
hi my daughter was exactly the same, she wouldnt believe it until she went for her 12 weeks scan, even now she is 6 months she still doesnt believe it,she thinks its happening to someone else.lol
but once you see your scan and then at 20 weeks when you see baby bigger and moving more you will feel it then.
not everyone has morning sickness i never did with my two, every pregnancy is different
good luck
why are people saying 3-6 months,she isnt asking when baby moves shes asking when she will feel pregnant
2007-02-28 17:28:46
answer #4
answered by ♥♥™Tia™♥♥ 6
I didn't feel like I was pregnant until I started showing. I didn't have ANY problems, not even sore brest. I was tired but that was normal for me. I took a few different pregnancy test just because I didn't feel pregnant! But don't waste your money like I did. Give it a few more months and you will feel pregnant
2007-02-28 17:27:48
answer #5
answered by Hope 1
First of all consider yourself lucky that you are not having morning sickness, but I didn't really feel sick in either of my pregnancies until I was about 7 weeks. Congratulations though, and I wish you all the best!!!
2007-02-28 17:26:52
answer #6
answered by MommyX2 2
Believe it or not, lots of people feel this way. I'm 12 weeks preggo and besides the increased appetite and fatigue, I didn't feel pregnant. You should be very thankful. But now, my lower abdomin is starting to feel kind of funny (like the ligaments and muscles are starting to stretch out), it feels like it's sticking way out but I'm really not showing. No one would know I'm pregnant unless I tell them. So now at this point, I'm starting to feel pregnant. Hope this helps and congrats!
2007-02-28 17:29:23
answer #7
answered by DGBrandy 2
You won't feel the baby move until closer to 15-20 weeks. For now, be happy all you have is sore nipples.
2007-02-28 17:25:26
answer #8
answered by chelebeee 5
Probably in 3 weeks because the baby is still
really small so u reallly don't feel sick or pregnant.
2007-02-28 17:30:39
answer #9
answered by Whitterz 1
Be thankful that you don't havemorning sickness. Not everyone does. I am 17 weeks and I still don't feel pregnant.
2007-02-28 17:25:28
answer #10
answered by Craig's wife, mom of 3 4