OK I know that it is very rare to get a false positive, however I have seen so much on false positives when you use the clearblue easy digital test. So, with that said, I took a test with first morning urine today and it said "pregnant", it is 4 days before my period should start. My husband and i are so so very happy. Has anyone used this test, and got a false positive, or got a positive. Also i bought the first response, should i take it now or wait until the morning and use first moning urine? Thanks so much.
10 answers
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Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
Also, around 10am i had three really small spots of light pink blood and some when i wiped, but none since then.
09:14:15 ·
update #1
Never used that test. I've never gotten a false positive or a negative. I would wait a few days and try the other test. The blood could be nothing. Unless you have a lot of blood (like a period) or cramping, it's probably nothing. Congratulations!
2007-02-28 09:16:51
answer #1
answered by leaptad 6
Hmmm, I've always used clearblue easy digital, and I never got a positive until I was actually pregnant. No false positives or false negatives. That's actually the bran I recommend to everyone because I found it to be so reliable and easy to use. As for the first response, use first morning's urine with it as well. I also used this kind and got a positive when I was pregnant and negatives when I wasn't, but even though my period was already late, I only got a very faint line...I had to take it in the sunlight to see it. That's why I found clearblue digital easier...no squinting and guessing, just answers.
2007-02-28 17:19:15
answer #2
answered by grayhare 6
i have never used the digital tests i think they are a little less accurate because they dont allow for the faint line if its not strong enough to read then it says not pregnant but if you use a regular test with the lines it allows a different level to be read and while the line for positive may be light or faint it will stay strong after the time to read it is up and never fade while if the line test is neg then the lines show up after the dont read time frame
using the first urine was a great move and it sounds like your pregnant so congrats and i wish you the best just try a line test with the first urine and then you have something to keep forever if you want just keep the cap on it good luck
2007-02-28 17:26:14
answer #3
answered by sexy b 3
I'd wait a few days before you take the next test. Don't worry about the blood because I had a full weeks period the day after I conceived and then again for a few days in the first month and I'm now a healthy 8 months pregnant. If you have blood clots or bleed more than a week I would talk to your doctor.
2007-02-28 17:20:28
answer #4
answered by Hope 1
I think many women test more than once, and try not to get their hopes up at first. I had accurate results when I did it -- and that was 23 years ago, so the tests must be a lot better now. I do remember that first morning urine is more concentrated, so more likely to get a good result.
A little pink spotting is probably nothing -- but it can't hurt to try and take it easy when you can. The laundry's not going anywhere.
Best of luck to you!
2007-02-28 17:19:17
answer #5
answered by jacketprof 2
well, when i thought i was pregnant i took 5 test before i believed the results. i took 2 first response- and got a negative and a positive. then i took wal-mart brand test - got a positive and then i took 2 clearblue easy both were positive and then after all five test i went to an ob and got tested and it was positive. my clearblue's were right. you can take the test anytime. i took mine all hours of the day. but , you are supposed to take them with your first urine of the morning before you eat or drink anything. good luck
2007-02-28 17:19:21
answer #6
answered by mrs garfield 5
I have used the Clear blue digital and have never gotten a false positive. If the test says pregnant, than ur pregnant but if it would make u feel better than test again. You can take it now or tomorrow morning..does'nt really matter.
2007-02-28 17:37:12
answer #7
answered by ButterFlyAngel 3
If you want to take another one, go ahead. False positives on any pregnancy test are really rare. Take one in the afternoon! If it says negative for some reason, wait a couple days and do it again.
2007-02-28 17:19:11
answer #8
answered by Andrea 2
if you think you got a false positive you might want to go see your doctor. if the next test tells you the same thing then there could be a factor causing it or that congrats are in order and that you are pregnant. but if it said positive right away very clearly then more than likely you are soon to be a mom
2007-02-28 17:18:12
answer #9
answered by mrsmonkey829 2
My wife had taken about 6 tests before finally deciding she was pregnant. :) Its such a profound life changing moment that sometimes we need a bit more evidence before we accept it!
Regarding spotting, she spotted off and on for the first month or so. Definitely a bunch in the first 3 weeks. It was usually pinker than it was red.
2007-02-28 17:19:26
answer #10
answered by Dexter 1