There is nothing wrong with you it,s the customer and your right the customer is not always right just like this site these are the same people that come into your store and buy things so now you know what your dealing with good luck and keep up the good work
2007-02-28 09:33:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I used to work in retail; I had two jobs in retail. They say that "the customer is always right" but for the most part, that's bullsh*t! There's nothing wrong with working in retail, as long as you enjoy what you're doing, and you get paid pretty decent. But one thing's for sure: you gotta have patience when dealing with customers and their attitudes and personalities.
2007-02-28 17:16:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think people who work in retail, or waitressing, are brave, mainly tolerant and usually most helpful. People can be so rude! It's a power thing for them to talk down to those in a service position. It's not right. I try to make 'em smile & laugh & where appropriate, I leave a bigger than average tip. Hang in there, you ARE appreciated--at least by most of us.
2007-02-28 17:11:59
answer #3
answered by Clycs 4
I think retail is also a commendable job, WHY? Because it's a job! You're providing something and you're doing something productive. I don't look down on any job, no matter how crappy, I look down on lazy people that can work but instead choose to sponge off of welfare!
Wackowoman, you are awesome. thank you for understanding the difference between server and servant!
2007-02-28 17:06:59
answer #4
answered by Tina 3
I think they don't have easy jobs.
I also think that many don't have the proper "people skills" required to deal with the public.
Are some stupid? - I have to say they present themselves that way.
Are customers rude? Many are - it comes with the territory.
2007-02-28 17:07:41
answer #5
answered by nycguy10002 7
just trying to do their job, some people are assholes there's nothing you can do about that.
2007-02-28 17:11:57
answer #6
answered by Red Gamine 4
(Unless they're a manager) There's something wrong w/ them or else they would have a real job.
2007-02-28 17:08:19
answer #7
answered by Anonymous