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Hey cons. It's good to progress in society.
Gays shouldn't have the same rights...blah blah. Why must you have such a primitive mindset? Oh I forgot...you are not liberals.

2007-02-28 08:36:36 · 27 answers · asked by The_Thinker 1 in Politics & Government Politics

27 answers

Gloating takes perseverance

2007-02-28 08:42:41 · answer #1 · answered by leonard bruce 6 · 1 3

WHAT are you talking about? I'm a conservative, but I don't "preach" intolerance, extreme or not, and I don't speak out against minority rights either.
Of COURSE homosexuals should have the same rights. But how is it ever going to happen? No matter what, a bill allowing same sex couples to wed would NOT pass. If the Republicans have the majority, the bill would be killed in committee. If the Democrats are in the majority, the Republicans will kill the bill by adding something that the Democrats would never agree to, like putting prayer back in public school, or illegalizing abortion.
I just don't see it happening. If the homosexual community instead asked for civil unions, I'm sure they'd get it.

My mindset is not primitive, and I've met many liberals who are considerably more primitive than I am.

Insulting and stereotyping people? THAT'S primitive.

2007-02-28 09:26:46 · answer #2 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 0

As Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, "Listen to me now and believe me later".

First point: you have been lied to all your life by the Liberal media. They control how you think because they filter every piece of information you receive (unless you watch Fox News).

Do you know WHY Conservatives oppose gay marriage? Once you change the strict definition of marriage from one man and one woman, you absolutely cannot reverse this. Every other group that wants its own definition of marriage can challenge the government in court, and they will most likely win due to the "equal protection under the law" clause.

That means, the perverted middle aged men in NAMBLA can try to marry young boys. Mormons can start openly having multiple wives. A person who wants to marry an animal can claim his right to do so. This is not some wild eyed supposition; this is exactly what lawyers themselves are warning. Everyone can devise his own definition of "marriage", and neither common sense nor decency can prevent the floodgates from opening. Once you have opened Pandora's box, you can't shut it again.

So, now we understand that Conservatives are actually very smart in not pandering to the gay marriage concept, don't we?

This same "equal protection under the law" clause is what doomed the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) for women back in the 1970s. Every silly, whiny, nitpicky thing a person didn't like could have been challenged in court, and it would have made society unworkable. You couldn't even have had separate bathrooms! Why? Anyone could say the bathrooms were "not equal". Once again, we see the triumph of Conservative wisdom over the Liberals pandering to the naive public to get votes.

So far from being the primitive knuckle draggers the liberal media has made you believe, we are the most progressive thinkers. Consider President Bush. He talked about the "soft bigotry of low expectations". While many lazy teachers would contend that they simply must coddle minority students because they are not capable of passing tests as their white and Asian counterparts do, Bush enacted the "No Child Left Behind Act". Teachers are screaming bloody murder because now they actually have to make students learn. No more excuses. (by the way, Catholic nuns ALWAYS had success teaching students; it didn't matter if the child didn't speak a word of English the first day of class).

Once again, we can see Conservatives actually "walk the walk", while the hapless Liberals just talk, whine, and complain.

How about Bush's cabinet? There is actually a disproportionate number of minorities represented. Have you failed to notice Condaleezza Rice in her ultra-prominent position as Secretary of State? This is indisputably the second most important position in U.S. Government! The Department of Justice and the Department of Commerce are both headed by Hispanics.

So, I am confident I've proved my case. You have a lot to think about, and if I were you, I'd stop watching the mainstream news and start watching The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News.

2007-02-28 10:13:25 · answer #3 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 1 0

Just a since of morality. People like you seem to think it's ok to let people lead life with out any consequences. No such thing as 'good or evil' 'right and wrong'.

If 2% of the US population wants to change the definition of marriage to bad, a democracy is about the Marjory,you get the most people happy. Why should 2% have the right to override 98%?.

In each state the issue of same sex marriages has been put up to vote,and no state has passed a credo on it. It has been baned in even the most liberal states,dose that not say that only cons feel that way?

Marriage is not a right. under the Constitution it is a privilege granted by the church,when it is done,the government recognizes it and grants them additional benefits such as shared taxes,and such.

2007-02-28 08:48:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Why is it liberals don't understand the difference between tolerance and acceptance. The majority of conservatives have no issue with diversity nor tolerance towards anyone, but this is in no way tantamount with acceptance of a lifestyle that is in conflict with our value system.

Conservatives will simply not bend their value system to satisfy the whims of an exceedingly twisted society that seemingly takes no issue with a variety of items that make Sodom and Gomorrah appear tame in comparison.

My advise to you is get over it, and run to the fringe left who will be all too willing to embrace you with open arms. Just don't expect society at large to go changing any laws around just to make you feel better.

2007-02-28 09:43:44 · answer #5 · answered by Jarhead 91 2 · 1 0

Well, I think it's just another form of control.
If our government or any conservative person makes us suspect and be afraid of each other, then it creates a form of control for them over us.
And moreover, it distracts us from what THEY are doing. Which is always worse than what they are pissing and moaning about.
Take 911 for instance, or the vote to outlaw gay marriage, which by the way isn't exclusive to gay people, it infringes the rights of anyone who is not in a "proper marriage".
No matter how you look at it, it's just to create fear and doubt amongst us, so that we don't trust each other and fear each other.
Diverting our attention away from things that are truely dangerous and detrimental to our lives.
And it allows conservatives to have open season on our rights and lives.
While we are busy looking out of the side of our face at each other.
All the while convincing "well meaning" people that they are just doing "God's work", cleansing the earth of "evil".
Won't they be surprised when it all comes down.
People are starting to see the truth of these so called "conservatives" and I think that is evident from this last Congressional Election.
But, we still have along way to go, before we get to the real truth of things.
In the meantime, we have to just recognize it for what it is and make up our own mind.
That's really all there is at the core, to being a liberal. Just thinking for yourself.
It's a new concept for some people, but whenever someone, regardless of who it is starts to tell other people how to live, you have to wonder what their motivation is.
The Christian religions teach that you should love your neighbor as yourself and that only God can judge.
So I guess they could just have a "God Complex" and think that they are God.
Just put it all into perspective.
And consider the source of their rantings.

2007-02-28 08:53:56 · answer #6 · answered by Harley Girl 3 · 0 3

Their variety of religion has ALWAYS stood against moral progress. They used the Bible to justify slavery, the oppression of women and now persecution of gays. Not only is it not a surprise, it is to be expected. When you think your god is a white man, that makes it kinda hard to respect other genders or races. When you follow a book where the god requests the stoning to death of children, you get a viscious people. (Deuteronomy 13:7-11.) The Bible is its own best detractor.

2007-03-01 16:15:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Only in the Liberal Mind does "no, you can't do that" equate to "I hate you".

Please clarify what minority right we are infringing on, if you can. Gay marriage isn't a right, as "marriage" is construed in the eyes of God. Why don't you hear anyone jumping up and down about Civil Unions? It's just as good as marriage from a legal stand point, and that was the gay argument in the beginning, wasn't it? The wanted the LEGAL privileges of marriage?

just my .02

2007-02-28 08:49:28 · answer #8 · answered by Amer-I-Can 4 · 2 1

I am a conservative. I believe that all humans should have the same inalieable rights regardless of sex, race or creed. I have no problem with gays or minorities. I do not know what you are talking about.

2007-02-28 08:42:39 · answer #9 · answered by Truth B. Told ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID 6 · 10 2

Same reason liberals preach intolerance and openly speak out against economic rights.

What entitles you to other people's money?

Oh I forgot, you are liberals.

2007-02-28 08:44:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 3

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