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With so much vitriol, dislike and resentment towards American foreign policy on Y/A, what one foreign policy act could this or any other American administration put into place which would reflect America in a positive light?

2007-02-28 06:59:11 · 28 answers · asked by Devil's Advocate 3 in Politics & Government Politics

As always, the imbeciles or the illiterate manage to crawl through the security fence.
"Non Americans" in my understanding of the Queen's English denotes those who are neither American citizens nor those who call America their home.

2007-02-28 07:24:19 · update #1

Sincere apologies should my question have alluded to me being American. I am neither American nor call America my home.
I simply wish to listen to the thoughts of non Americans, as to how the world view of America can be changed to one that is positive.

2007-03-01 11:01:48 · update #2

28 answers

If the US were to realise that the rest of the world have as much right to be here as they do, if not more considering how young a nation America is compared to the rest of the world, then it might in turn unearth the answer to your question. They, the US, should take a lesson from our, the UK, history. Once we were arrogant and rode rough shod across the globe. Taking what we wanted and treating the natives as a sub class. Look what happened to us. Reading some of the answers from US citizens on this thread just goes to show the US inability to accept it's mistakes. "oh it must be envy" comes the cry. No, I for one do not envy America. I pity it for it's lack of understanding and complete ignorance of the truth. The worrying thing is that I'm sure there are Americans who are fine, upstanding, intelligent and well grounded people. Unfortunatly their voices are not heard.

2007-02-28 07:09:43 · answer #1 · answered by Timothy S 5 · 9 2

People have hated America forever. Much is jealousy but some of the hatred tossed our way is deserved, admittedly America has made some mistakes. Its funny though. I bet most of the people on here who make anti-American remarks have no "personal" reason to hate us. In fact I bet most of these people have benefited greatly from America - though they may not know it.

What can America do to end anti-Americanism?
America is the greatest nation on earth and is by far the most powerful and can do whatever it wants, but I think we should be a little more respectful of other nations and their opinions. We don't have to follow their advice but we should at least listen to it and consider it. We humiliated much of the world by going into Iraq. We basically showed them just how ineffectual they really were by going it alone - against their wishes and I guess they felt powerless - a terrible feeling.

Anyway, there is no policy we can enact, to end anti-Americanism -we just need to show the world a little more respect. We can act alone when we think its right but need to include the world when our decisions affect the world over.

A little common respect and decency toward the world will go much farther than any amount of aid we can ever give away.

2007-02-28 16:05:42 · answer #2 · answered by quarterback 2 · 1 2

As Bush might say 'God helps those who help themselves'. Kinda sums up the slackness of the US Government, Bush, Condi et al.

Just to answer the question, there are a few foreign policies the administration could put into place:

The arms trade: stop selling arms to corrupt regimes. In fact stop selling arms full stop!! If a country wants weapons let them make their own. The Geneva Convention is there to protect countries that cannot.

The environment: America has the most clout in the world, their government should now face up to its moral obligations and help to safeguard the future for our children. All the other G8 countires are willing. Whatever we believe about global warming, we cannot deny that resources will run out eventually! If we dont seek alternatives there may be anarchy!

Anyway, those two policies would give me a positive view of the US. Oh and please stop calling the Beautiful game of Football 'soccer' - that really winds me up lol! IT IS FOOTBALL, OK!

But I have visited America, and the people are great in general.

2007-02-28 10:20:34 · answer #3 · answered by Cale 2 · 2 2

I don't think its a hatred of the American people in general,I think that most "non-americans" are disappointed that the American public is gullible enough to believe what their corporate controlled government allowed them think. How sad. A once respected and proud country reduced to the level of a thieving bully for nothing more than corporate gain. And the worst of it is,most of the voting public stayed home on election day and allowed that waste of skin and eyeballs to continue "leading" them. So it isn't hatred that we feel,it's disappointment,pity,surprise, and amazement at the lack of public interest in your own government and what they have done to your credibility as an open and tolerant nation that was once "America".Try doing what you say. Try acting in a responsible and ethical manner. Try doing what you pretend to be. Try having some respect for the rest of the world.Try asking instead of lying and stealing.Stop killing your own people under the guise of "liberation" and the good of the world. Get with the program and join the rest of the planet,instead of trying to kill everyone that has something you want.

2007-03-01 06:17:38 · answer #4 · answered by Logical Earthling 2 · 1 1

Many people are going to have difficulty with American politics, doesn't matter when or where. Our current foreign policy seems to be crush the dissenter, which is contrary to what was put in the Declaration and The Bill of Rights. But we are in the minority in how we operate, we are more of a libertarian democracy and not a social democracy.

2007-02-28 07:08:04 · answer #5 · answered by Amy V 4 · 1 2

the anti American comments are mainly made by liberals who want to live in a Utopian fantasy world and they blame America for it not coming to fruition. i however live in the real world where Islam is evil, immigrants are causing untold damage on our country and culture and liberals are trying to rule the majority.

America will try loads of new policies if they have a new administration but they will always be hated because lots of people don't like there way of life.

2007-02-28 11:54:13 · answer #6 · answered by mowhokman 4 · 0 2

All it takes is one person to begin a topic that is anti-American and the rest of the "sheep" follow.
It`s the same whenever a person on Y/A has a dig at Blair, the "sheep" follow. Anyone who has a dig at the NHS, the "sheep" follow.
There are - sadly - a lot of people who don`t have a clue.

2007-02-28 23:18:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Because American foreign policy is causing soo much hatred for american governament........for me, so i hate my president following Bush's orders without saying a word and for that he did kill so many peoples in my country ..just to make Bush happy....If America stop giving orders to other countries and just sit in their own place and let others live on their own in their own places......there would be no problem at all.....this world would become a better place to live.......Do u know how much tension we get on our nerves when we just watch a news channel for half an hour? everywhere killing and killing......and most of it is influenced by American governament sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly........If bush just stop interfering other countries internal affairs, there would be definitely some peace in this world..........but its just a dream i know!! a dream that would never come true !

Btw we peoples have problem with American foreign policy only. and i respect the country and its peoples because they are veyr nice ones(have very good freinds from america)

2007-02-28 09:16:55 · answer #8 · answered by ★Roshni★ 6 · 5 2

I think it's normally a cop-out to say, 'we like you, it's just your government we don't like,' because the old adage says that you get the government you deserve. However, one might have a little compassion for the people of the USA, since it's not at all clear that their Pres. was actually elected first time round.
As things stand at present, we non-USA citizens are given to believe that it doesn't matter whether we like you or hate you, you (your elected government) are going to rule the world and space, and the rest of us can go hang. Now where is the positive light in that?

2007-02-28 09:40:25 · answer #9 · answered by cymry3jones 7 · 3 2

I'm an American - and proud to be one.

The first step this country could take towards improving its global image would be to stop meddling in other countries affairs. It always backfires - and if you look at history, every time an administration has attempted to take sides in a conflict, removed someone from, or put someone into power in an attempt to 'stabilize' a country, they invariably back the wrong horse, and have ended up installing some of the most heinous criminals and dictators in history. Iraq, Iran, the Congo, etc. etc., ad nauseum.

The arrogance and ignorance which some of our leaders (and their followers) have brought with them when dealing with other countries - and the way we are convinced that we have it all figured out, and are 'obviously' in the right because of some imaginary deity have gauranteed failure.

It is going to require removing ideologues and war profiteers from all echelons of government. Despite the actions of a few fascist idiots, and their loyal followers, America has a proud history - starting with the founding fathers who realized that blind obediance to an authority figure is not how free men define themselves, rather it is he who questions authority, and asserts his right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness who we should look to for guidance.

2007-02-28 07:12:33 · answer #10 · answered by joemammysbigguns 4 · 7 3

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