I believe that cat food is higher in proteins because cats need that also cat food has a high calorie count and more flavoring because cats have better taste glads. I remember once I was told that cats should not eat dog food because it is not high enough nutritional levels for them and dogs should not eat cat food because there are way top many calories for a dog. I will see if I can find the article and I will post it for you!!
Here is one for you!!
Pet Column for the week of October 14, 1996
There are some who believe that it is all right to feed dog food to cats. There are others
who feel that it is all right to feed cat food to dogs. It is time to set the record straight on the
nutritional habits of our favorite furry family friends.
"Cats are very peculiar in their dietary requirements," says Dr. Allan Paul, small animal
Extension veterinarian at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine at
Urbana. "They are not small dogs."
The first major difference between cats and dogs, explains Dr. Paul, is that cats are true
carnivores, requiring a diet mainly of meat and meat products. Dogs are omnivores, having
the ability to exist on a diet of meat and plant products.
"There are certain nutrients that cats need that can only be found in animal sources," claims
Dr. Paul. "Dog foods are higher in grain products and lack some of these essential
Taurine is an essential amino acid that is crucial for a cats■ health and is only found in animal
tissues. Without taurine in the diet, cats can experience heart problems, blindness, and
respiratory problems. Dr. Paul remarked that the blindness caused by a lack of taurine in
the diet was first seen in cats that were fed strictly dog food.
The next nutrient Dr. Paul mentioned was vitamin A. Dogs have the ability to convert
beta-kerotene to vitamin A. Cats on the other hand need pre-formed vitamin A in their diet,
which can only be found in animal tissues.
Arachidonic acid, a necessary fatty acid, can be synthesized by a dog using linoleic acid.
The cat is unable to do this and needs to ingest arachidonic acid in their diet. This, too, can
only be found in animal tissues.
Finally, Dr. Paul stated that cats have a much higher protein requirement than dogs because
they use protein as an energy source.
"Because of all of these differences, you should not feed dog food to your cat," states Dr.
Paul. "Because cat food is not formulated for dogs, you should not feed cat food to your
If you would like further information on this topic, contact your local veterinarian.
2007-02-28 06:59:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
as you probably know a dog will eat just about anything and not be ill this is because a dog has more acid in his gut ( the reason for very smelly farts!) a cat however has a very sensative gut and therefore needs lots of extra nutrients so a cat can only eat cat food as dog food does not contain these and you will end up with a very unhealthy cat but i don't think it can harm a dog to eat cat food.
2007-03-01 00:03:07
answer #2
answered by RACHIE-D 1
they can eat each others food for a few days in a pinch,for example ur snowed in or something.however,cats have a need for a amino acid called taurine,which dogs only need a little of.cats need A LOT of it.if a cat is fed a diet of dogfood only,it will go blind and its heart muscle will degenerate,leading eventually to death.by the way,dont u wonder y there's no "mouse flavor" catfood?seems a natural,but the "yuck" factor is so strong,i guess no one would buy it !!!!!
2007-02-28 07:01:13
answer #3
answered by kyra k 4
I have 3 cats and 1 dog, if allowed or i don't see them the dog will not only eat his food but eat the cats as well and the cats not only have a go at their food they will munch the dogs food if they like it or it tastes better than theirs.
2007-02-28 09:32:15
answer #4
answered by thumbelina1956 2
The pet store told me dog food has more protein and will make your cat fatter. I feed my cat dog food but she is an outside cat so gets plenty of exercise.
2007-03-03 13:39:24
answer #5
answered by Linz 1269 2
"Which is it that can not eat the other food due to digestion problems ie Can cats eat dry dog food safely?"
Cats are obigate carnivores (they have to eat meat and their diet should consist of mostly meat and a higher protein level). Dogs are omnivores (their diet should consist of higher fiber).
If a dog eats lots of --or exclusively-- cat food, they'll get far too much protein, which can lead to indigestion, & eventually kidney or liver damage.
If a cat eats mostly dog food, they won't get the amino acid taurine - which comes from meat and is added in extra amounts to dry cat food. Taurine can be synthesized by dogs & humans from other amino acids. However, cats cannot make this themselves & must get it from their diet. Dog foods don't have an adequate level of taurine for a cat, so a cat on a dog food diet gradually develops heart failure, blindness & muscle degradation.
Pets--Keeping a Balanced View of Them
2007-02-28 07:17:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Cat food contains an amino acid called taurine.They need it and without it will go blind and their hearts will fail.Ferrets have the same need.
Dogs on the other hand have bodies which make taurine for themselves.
2007-02-28 15:04:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
According to the manufacturers, they make different kinds of food for different kinds of pets based on their nutritional needs. However, our family dog was eager to eat our family cat's food and the cat would eat the dog's food. They both had very long lives and were in very good health.
2007-02-28 07:01:56
answer #8
answered by Denise T 5
Different animals need differing amounts of protein, fat, etc. to keep them healthy. Remember, that's the only food they get so it has to have just the right amount of everything for them! Cat food, for example, typically has a higher fat and protein content than dog food. Guinea pig food differs from rabbit food in that it has vitamin C in it; guinea pigs and humans are unusual in the mammal world in that we can't make our own vitamin C like dogs, cats, etc. I have pet rats; they love dog food, but I only give it to them as a treat because its high protein content will give them skin rashes and cause loss of hair. They need food with about a 15% protein content.
2007-02-28 07:23:38
answer #9
answered by brigida 2
i was pet sitting a dog for a friend and my cats and the dog switched foods, cats were eating dog food and the dog ate the cats food. well after a few days the dog got sick, so i don't think it is a good idea
2007-02-28 07:24:26
answer #10
answered by allattitude247 2