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The neocons are at it again--they've spent years fighting envorimental reform and now are trying to slander Al Gore. Here's the facts (look them up in the news stories if you don't want to take my word for it:

1) a neocon group (Tennessee Center for Policy research) claimed Gore uses a lot of electricity and is being a hypocrite.
2) This group lied about contacting the power company--and the figures they published for Gore's power use were exaggerated.
3) Al Gore is currently in the process of converting his home to solar energy
4) In the meantime, Gore is purchasing carbon credits (at hs own expense) to balance out his energy use.

Oh dear! Seems like the neocons aren't being entirely honest. Imagine that!

2007-02-28 06:47:38 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

Reality has a distinct liberal bias.

Since the right-wing crackpots can't confront the message, they attack the messenger.

2007-02-28 06:52:45 · answer #1 · answered by chimpus_incompetus 4 · 5 5

Let's not quibble about a few sqare feet in the size of the house. I am quite satisfied that Gore is living in a very large and expensive house. The electricity usage, even if suplimented through solar panels will still be far more than the "average" american.

Also, even if he has 10 solar panels, what is the carbon footprint caused through the creation of the things in the first place? Well, it is pretty high you can be sure.

So, if I wanted to "purchase" carbon credits, who would I purchase them from? Other individuals? Meaning that if "Joe" has 1000 carbon credits he can sell say 50 of them and could then only use 950 himself? Or does Al buy the carbon credits from the power company? Well, who allocated carbon credits to them or how did they acquire them in the first place?

I do assume the "carbon credit" is a marketable item that anyone can buy and sell since big Al is buying. Could be a good investment right?

Or maybe this is all just BS anyway. If there were true integrity in the global warming community, then there wouldn't be special cases made for special people who can afford it to offset their swollen carbon footprint with "carbon credits".

The fact is that the global warming community is embarrassed that their lead spokesperson is such a hypocrite because I don't care how you try to spin it...he consumes FAR more of the overall carbon footprint than he should if he were truly honest that he wants to save the environment. He flies personal jets, rides around in a limo, purchases solar panels that have a huge carbon footprint and generates a cumulative footprint that you could lose a city in.

Good grief...the logic overwhelms me!!

2007-02-28 15:10:20 · answer #2 · answered by cappi 3 · 1 1

Per your "factual" reporting without siting a single resource and yet, full of name calling... It's nice to see that Al may at last be putting his money where his mouth is. Tell us, do you think he REALLY hangs his Armany suit out on the clothes line? And how do you suppose he gets from one engagement to the next? How about the energy he expends presenting his "facts," do you suppose it all comes from an environmentally safe and friendly source as well? No, his Global Warmng "Facts" aren't really facts at all, they are "Theory." And that theory was being toted back in the 70s long before your parents were old enough to vote, by the same folks who declared the long lines at the gas pumps to be because the world was suddenly running out of oil -- never mind that Carter had pissed off the OPEC nations and they'd instituted an embargo against us. Yep, they said we'd only have enough oil left for another ten years or so... Fact. But don't take MY word for it. Go ask your grand parents. Fact, fantasy and theory. It's a far stretch. and by the way, I'm not a "NeoCon." There's very little that's new about me. Infact, I'd probably better be served being classified as a dinosaur.

2007-02-28 15:05:29 · answer #3 · answered by Doc 7 · 2 1

Purchasing carbon credits? How does that help to balance out energy use?
How about we attack the problems with his research and his failure to publish the actions that were previously taken to protect the environment and how they failed with the proof being the hole in the ozone layer? Ozone was considered bad for us 30 to 40 years ago and now we find out that without the Ozone we'd be in more trouble.

How about we promote truth in everything and proof positive about the effects of actions that we are taking. How about that we show how evolution has caused the insects to adapt to our poisons and how the genetic engineering of our plants and animals is actually upsetting the balance of the earth -- most recent evidence -- the honey bees stinging plants instead of pollinating them.

Everything on, around, in, over or under the earth has a unique purpose and a unique dna/rna, chemical or unknown composition. The minutia that we don't understand or these seemingly inconsequential particles or changes may not have a visible effect today, but ten years down the road, or maybe even 100 years down the road, we have found, are finding or may find that we have done more harm than good.

Burning is a natural way to replenish the earth and when we stop burning our leaves or depending on chemicals to do what burning or natural selection would do, we are upsetting the balance of nature and more than likely doing more harm than good. If we weren't, then cancer wouldn't have gone from 1 in 100,000 people affected 50 years ago to 1 in 3 people affected today.

Wake up and smell the roses. It's not nice, right or beneficial to mess with mother nature!!!!!

2007-02-28 15:11:04 · answer #4 · answered by MH/Citizens Protecting Rights! 5 · 1 1

Man this must suck:

"Then there is the troubling matter of his energy use. In the Washington, D.C., area, utility companies offer wind energy as an alternative to traditional energy. In Nashville, similar programs exist. Utility customers must simply pay a few extra pennies per kilowatt hour, and they can continue living their carbon-neutral lifestyles knowing that they are supporting wind energy. Plenty of businesses and institutions have signed up. Even the Bush administration is using green energy for some federal office buildings, as are thousands of area residents.

But according to public records, there is no evidence that Gore has signed up to use green energy in either of his large residences. When contacted Wednesday, Gore's office confirmed as much but said the Gores were looking into making the switch at both homes. Talk about inconvenient truths."


2007-02-28 15:08:18 · answer #5 · answered by Michael E 5 · 2 1

Ok how about if we get our facts straight.

Gore does use more electricity in a month to power his 10,000+ square foot home than a lot of of people use in a year.

Gore is currently in the process of converting his home to solar energy. Why is he just now starting? Why did he wait until he came under scrutiny for his hypocrisy?

Gore is purchasing Carbon Credits at his own expense(who else do you expect to pay for it) to balance out his energy use. So what your saying is even though the guy is telling all of us that we need to cut back on our CO2 production that its ok for him to keep burning the juice like its going out of style because he could afford to buy credits?

Gore didn't even begin to buy "Green" energy from his power company until about 3 months ago. He has been the one standing up and telling us if we don't change our ways we will ruin the planet and then goes home and uses more energy than 3-5 families.

And maybe look up the word slander. You cannot slander someone with the truth.

2007-02-28 14:56:10 · answer #6 · answered by meathookcook 6 · 5 2

Carbon credits are tax write-offs. Does it balance out his energy use? Or balance out his taxes. What is a Carbon credit. It's a lazy man's way to have a tree planted for you. He was the VP for 8yrs and never uttered the words Global Warming. It's not about Al Gore, he is just a pawn. It's the big business behind the theory of Global Warming. I'm just amazed that GW has increased the lefts approval of "Big Business". You have been pwned. I guess you can market anything, and anyone will follow it.

2007-02-28 15:06:41 · answer #7 · answered by mbush40 6 · 2 1

I wait for the day a Liberal is honest. Every time a Liberal hears a Conservative say something, they call it a lie. Also, it will be appropriate if you were to give information about every accusation you just made against Neocons (as you call them), instead of just your word. Your biased non-question doesn't provide proof, Sir. Get some, and I can give you a more thorough answer. Do you suppose if Al Gore is REALLY converting his home to solar energy, he is doing it with the money that he made from the book, he claims to have written himself, off the liberals about Global Warming, that is nothing more than a theory, and not fact?

2007-02-28 15:02:01 · answer #8 · answered by xenypoo 7 · 2 2

You should provide the breaking news story from a legit news source before you spew. The truth is, Gore squeals about global warming, but he flies around the world in his big old jet! That jet uses more fuel than my SUV will use in a life time! Gore has been on this global warming kick for years, and years, and if he's going green as far as the energy in his home, it's only because the hypocrite was exposed as a fraud, and a liar. You Libs are a hoot. You'll stand up for a man that clearly has not been practicing what her preaches!

2007-02-28 14:56:06 · answer #9 · answered by mojojo66 3 · 3 2

Actually, there are a lot of green groups that were admonishing Gore for his energy usage way before the neocons got onto it.

But I'm glad that he's getting solar power. A little late in the game, but good for him.

2007-02-28 14:54:57 · answer #10 · answered by mamasquirrel 5 · 6 1

How about Paul Harvey's 02' report of how Gore cut down an acre's worth of trees in the rain forest to give his speech on preserving the rain forest? Since you won't believe that... lets leave it at this, according to Gore we have about 10 years before cataclysym. I'll bet against that finding, do you think he'll apologize for spreading false panic?

2007-02-28 14:58:49 · answer #11 · answered by Scott B 7 · 3 1

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