I am confused a little on the prenantal vitamin thing while trying to conceive. They say you should take it while trying to conceive but I heard that it can cause nausea and sometimes the nausea can get bad. Well if your trying to conceive and taking the vitamins, how would you know if the vitamins are causing the sickness or if it's pregnancy?? I am just asking cuz I might already be pregnant, I haven't started taking them yet, but I plan on buying some here soon. I am kind of scared to take them and for them to cause me to have nausea. The question has just eating at my head!!
10 answers
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Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
Yes I know I need to take them!! But I am tryng to conceive and I am afraid that I will not know what is causing the nausea, the vitamins or being pregnant. I'm scared if I am not pregnant this time then I will start taking them and getting sick then I will think I am pregnant, but it not really be pregnancy? Do you get what i mean?
06:00:09 ·
update #1
OMG I KNOW I NEED THEM. I don't think ppl can read! I DON"T KNOW IF I AM PREGNANT OR NOT. I might not even be, but i don't want nausea from the damn vitamins unless I know for sure I am pregnant, then I don't care about nausea, but I am the type of person that when I get any kind of symptom from anything I hope it's pregnancy and I end up delaying my period and everything just hoping i am pregnant, and it just causes alot of bullcrap! I can't help it cuz I want a baby so bad. AGAIN I DON"T KNOW IF I AM PREGNANT OR NOT. IF I AM I AM GOING TO TAKE THEM ASAP.
06:04:38 ·
update #2
Prenatal vitamins will give you the extra folic acid needed when trying to conceive. They usually aggravate morning sickness (nausea) in women who already have it. i haven't heard of it actually causing the morning sickness. They are big pills and taste gross as i am sure you know already which i think is the big part of aggrevating morning sickness. The big pill and icky taste are very gag inducing. Plus usually people take them first thing in the AM on an empty stomach and when the stomach is empty is when you will get nausiated. The morning sickness usually doesn't kick in until weeks 6-9 - usually - so if you are trying to conceive and think you may be pregnant, you won't be nausiated this early on. Also, if the prenatals cause nausea, take them at night. I take mine before bed and have not had one bit of nausea. If you're scared to take it for now, just try a folic acid supplement and a daily multi-vitamin. Hope that helps!
2007-02-28 06:25:00
answer #1
answered by Just Me 2
you NEED to take prenatal vitamins... it gives you and the baby everything that you will need during the pregnancy plus will help prevent some birth defects that a baby may have. i had nausea with or without the prenatals. so it doesn't really matter..... but its something that is worth it. in the end i think its worth being able to have a healthy baby if i have nausea for a few months. your doctor can perscribe you some great ones, and even liquid prenatals if the nasea is so bad. its just one of the sacrifices that you should make.
if you are TTC it might help you to do so! there are a lot more symptoms, such as a late period, to tell if you are pregnant. nausea is a symptom, but i wouldn't rely on it!! get a test!
2007-02-28 06:00:21
answer #2
answered by ricleigh 3
Ok, here's the deal. Some people can handle them, and some people can't. My sister had no problems with them, yet I tried every kind of prenatal vitamin out there (while following the directions) and was sick after all of them. I ended up using Flintstones Vitamins. Yeah, you can laugh now, but my doctor said that I NEEDED vitamins and that we'd go with whatever I could keep down. They constantly monitored my vitamin intake, made a few adjustments to my diet (so I'd fill in any gaps), and found that the Flintstones worked GREAT for me. I didn't start taking them until after I'd found out I was pregnant though, as my husband and I weren't expecting to get pregnant so soon!
Also, don't forget the OTHER vitamin sources such as cooking with an iron skillet for iron.
2007-02-28 06:22:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Mine did not cause nausea. You can get a perscription from your OB/GYN for a pre-natal that does not cause it. If you are already pregnant, you NEED to take them. The baby can have severe spinal issues if there is not enough folic acid in your diet.
Also, I wouldnt be too afraid of nausea - Almost every pregnant woman gets it, its just part of the package.
Sweetie, by the time you are getting sick from pregnancy, you should already be late with your period. Take a pregnancy test to find out. I didnt start getting sick until like my 8th week (which is 2 months pregnant already).
2007-02-28 05:57:39
answer #4
answered by Soon2BMommy 3
The thing about prenatal vitamins is that not all will make you sick. I am 18 weeks pregnat and I am always sick and LET me tell you that is the only thing I hate about being pregnat. I love the feeling that you have some one growing is side u and to feel it kick for the first time makes the sickness ok, this is my second pregnancy and like the first everyday all day long I am sick. So if you are and when you become I hope you are not as sick as me.
2007-02-28 06:15:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I never got nausea with prenatal vitamins (but the iron can cause constipation so make sure you get lots of fiber in your diet). Even though they're an over the counter item, you can ask a pharmacist about side effects.
2007-02-28 05:59:30
answer #6
answered by Heather Y 7
They only make me nauseous if I take them on an empty stomach. I do fine as long as I eat SOMETHING, even just an apple will do. The things to look for in a prenatal vitamin are at least 400 mcg of folic acid and Iron as well.
Good Luck.
2007-02-28 07:44:15
answer #7
answered by Rosie B 2
I took prenatals 6 months before I started trying, which is exactly how long they advise you to start taking them.
I never felt sick from the vitamins. Sometimes women can feel sick from the iron, but that's once they are pregnant, not before they become pregnant.
Also, if you take the pills on a full stomach and/or before bedtime, you won't feel sick at all from them.
2007-02-28 07:01:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Take them and assume that you are not pregnant until you see other signs that may point to pregnancy. If you want a baby as bad as it sounds, it should be a small price to pay to be a little sick just trying to conceive.
2007-02-28 06:02:54
answer #9
answered by #2 in the oven 6
i really don't see how or why they would cause nausea. they're just vitamins. i suppose they could with someone who has a sensitive stomach and take it on an empty stomach, but there isn't anything in the that would cause a problem.
2007-02-28 05:57:38
answer #10
answered by redpeach_mi 7