Do any of you pregnant mommies play with your babies while they are in utero?
I have so much fun sitting up in bed and pushing my belly around to make the baby kick me. Sometimes I swear that he is having fun too, because he will stick his elbow/knee/foot really hard into my belly, and when I rub it (like a mini massage) through my belly he'll push harder.
I tell my husband that the baby is having a party in my belly because it'll seem like he is dancing in there!
Do any of you play with your baby while its in your tummy?
9 answers
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Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
Kilroy - I think maybe you are jealous?
Hmmmm. Just a thought.
06:06:10 ·
update #1
My husband and I love to lay in bed and watch my's like we're watching TV!!
We'll watch for my belly to jerk or bounce and we'll feel her moving and I'll rub spots on my tummy and she'll play back. It's a fun thing to do...I can't imagine what she's thinking "what is this thing poking and rubbing my house!?"
2007-02-28 06:41:51
answer #1
answered by LittleRoo 4
I was feeling around on my belly, and thought I was feeling the baby's bottom or head, so I cupped my hand under the knob a little, and I felt the biggest kick, followed by a push. I told my hubby, and he, in his very careful nature, suggested that I be careful (go figure). Then I worried if I hurt the baby...
I'm glad that I ran across this post; now I know that it's safe to do this type of thing :-)
2007-02-28 06:11:14
answer #2
answered by Sylves 3
When i found out i was pregnant i couldnt wait till i could get a big belly and feel him move. When my boyfriend felt our son kick for the first time i think reality set in that he is about to be haiving a son. He loved it and they would play together i would hold him to go to sleep and i think the baby actually would get jealous because he would kick his dads back until he moved then he would be calm i think they had more fun then me! My son still does it to this day when he is sleeping with us he will spread his legs everywhere on us until he has his own space i love being a mom.
2007-02-28 07:00:31
answer #3
answered by ? 2
My fiance just started playing the baby last night (I'm almost 27 weeks). Before he never got a response, but last night, after eating some lasagna, we were lying in bed and he began poking at my tummy. The baby kept kicking back at us in the same spot! It was so amazing and cute to watch and I kept laughing. When my fiance got bored, I snuggled up against his back with my stomach pressing up against him, ready to sleep and relax. I don't think Baby liked to be ignored because he began kicking and moving with stronger movements. Lol. We're going to try that trick with the flashlight later this week and hopefully it'll be a lot more fun! We also always sing and talk to our son, but it's hard to say if he enjoys it from inside the womb.
2007-02-28 06:14:43
answer #4
answered by keonli 4
I do! She is starting to become more active regularly- I give my belly massages... and I think she has become aware of my hand compared to her daddys. I play with her constantly and talk to her like shes right beside me. I cant wait to have her here!
2007-02-28 06:11:58
answer #5
answered by MommyTwice-TwiceTheLove 4
Yes! It's one of my favorite things to do! He'll push at me, and when I push back, it just makes him push harder! He's all over the place! I am SO ready for him to get here!
2007-02-28 05:58:52
answer #6
answered by Camille 2
My husband likes to draw circles on my belly with his finger to "relax" the baby.
2007-02-28 05:58:16
answer #7
answered by I love sushi 4
HA! I did this exact same thing with both of my boys. When number three refused to play this game, I had an inkling that it was a girl....and guess who was right?
2007-02-28 06:05:34
answer #8
answered by mamasquirrel 5
I had twins and they used to play with each other, it was pretty cool.
2007-02-28 06:00:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous