the only way to not get preg is to obstain but the other sounds fun to watch
2007-02-28 05:53:49
answer #1
answered by howdy doody 3
Do you realize you could become ill from doing that??? You want to know how to NOT get pregnant...this may come as a surprize to you but DO NOT HAVE SEX!!! That is the only sure fire way to be 100% safe. And obviously you're not using a condom so you are also allowing yourself to get an STD which could KILL you! Why do people worry so much about getting pregnant when a quick ten minutes could KILL you!? Use your head girl, coke is not a form of birth control!
2007-02-28 05:55:40
answer #2
answered by musicpanther67 5
No, its not true. The sperm that gets you pregnant isnt the sperm in the birth canal, its the sperm that has already entered through the cervix during ejaculation. You cannot squirt coke into your uterus.
But it is an excellent way to screw up your pH and get an infection.
2007-02-28 05:52:54
answer #3
answered by amosunknown 7
OH MY ******* GOD!! *shakes head sadly* NO! What fool told you that?!?!?!
The only thing that WIll stop you getting pregnant for sure is abstinence (not having sex).
However, making sure to use contraception every time - and I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME - will prevent pregnancy to a rate of about 99% effectiveness. Oh, AND condoms protect you and your partner from STIs.
You are OBVIOUSLY not ready to have sex if you think stuff like that is true.
2007-02-28 05:55:11
answer #4
answered by swelwynemma 7
No. Hasn't been working for over 50 years now
The best contraceptive use for a Coke is to use it wash down your daily birth control pills with.
2007-02-28 05:51:53
answer #5
answered by wizjp 7
I never heard that one. I looked some stuff up though and it pretty much seems to be a myth.
Some researchers say the "old" cola works better than "new" cola, some say its a myth. Seems to be controversal.
Here is a site I found that can tell you more about it from research actually done.
2007-02-28 05:59:02
answer #6
answered by highdle 3
Only if you shove a mento up there right after you squirt the coke in ya. It should all explode out of you like a volcano.........
2007-02-28 05:58:07
answer #7
answered by rideabanjopicker 2
No, it won't. And, doing that can cause so much more damage than it's worth. Forcing air into one's vagina is very dangerous. That can cause a lot of damage. It doesn't work, so I wouldn't try it.
Check out this site for more details -
2007-02-28 05:56:13
answer #8
answered by Mommy of 2 Girls 2
That is just stupid.
Sperm swims much faster than you might think. A lot of it would be long gone before you could do this.
Do I need to mention the risk of infection?
Please don't have sex. You need to educate yourself.
2007-02-28 05:53:01
answer #9
answered by Cassandra K 3
Go ahead and get an infection. The only thing that will do is raise the acidic environment and help you conceive a girl.
2007-02-28 05:55:47
answer #10
answered by wheezerthill 4
Oh please! the fool who tries that is an idiot! It is not a form of birth control, once those sperm start swimming up, too late - well unless you take a morning after pill
2007-02-28 05:52:37
answer #11
answered by Anonymous