We should never have gone in. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, Saddam didn't have WMDs, and was being successfully contained by UN sanctions. Bush lied his way into war, and then mismanaged the war by ignoring the advice of generals.
Now we have a complete mess. Iraq, which was a nation created by Britain after WWI, has always had different ethnic/religious groups that never got along very well. We went in, destroyed a deteriorated infrastructure and allowed the various factions to get hold of weapons without establishing security in the country. The best we can hope for now is that Iraq becomes a federation with seperate, autonomous states for the Kurds, Shia, and Sunnis. We should look to the Arab League for help in allowing this to happen--and ask them to step in as we withdraw. If we stay, we are only targets for insurgents--and we are empowering al Qaeda and other terrorist groups in places like Afghanistan, where the Taliban is again on the rise. I support the idea Rep. Murtha had for withdrawing from Iraq but keeping troops nearby, to go into Iraq if things get more out of hand.
2007-02-28 05:41:33
answer #1
answered by KCBA 5
That's difficult. Saddam was a horrible dictator who was responsible for many innocent deaths. The problem is that we're starting to cause similar things to happen there now. Personally, I wouldn't have gone in. Iraq was by no means a well-run country and we should've definitely been putting LOTS of pressure on them just like we are to Iran and N. Korea. But out of the 3 members of the Axis of Evil that was the weakest and the least-threatening.
What should we do now? Well either go all in or all out. If we stay in this awkward grey area we're just going to get more soldiers killed and more innocents killed and every time innocents are killed all the terrorists have to do is blame us even if it was their fault and what'ya know. More terrorists joining up. This isn't a simple war vs. terrorists in which the objective is kill all terrorists. And if you think it is you're an idiot. This war is about winning over the people. If we can't win over the people then we should leave. They don't want us there anyway. What's the point of instituting democracy if they don't want us to do it?
I think Bush's followers don't yet understand how this war is fought/won. Political discussion in this country has been perverted thanks to Evangelical take over of the GOP and extremist liberal take over of the Democrat party. I think we're finally starting to cool. The problem is that I still see so many close-minded bigots here claiming we should just "nuke those towel-heads". It's ridiculous. I seriously hope most Americans don't think that way.
2007-02-28 13:49:57
answer #2
answered by ? 5
First thing you need to know, is that the mainstream media is as much a part of the war machine as is a tomahawk missile. It is the medias job to propagandize the war. They help the Pentagon sell you the war. This is why most Americans are in the dark about what is really going on in the Middle East, because the media is not telling the whole truth, and often times lies. At best the media gives you a quick blurb about an event, not a comprehensive view, but just enough information for you believe that war is the right thing to do. Much of the time the reports are scripted at the Pentagon (remember the Palistine Hotel in Bahgdad (en. wikipedia.org/wiki/ taras_protsyuk [remove the spaces]) US military approved media only. All others will be killed. If people really saw what war was about, it would stop fast (Just as we lost Viet-Nam at home, due to honest journalism, America saw how F**KING UGLY war is, and saw the false flag operations that brought it about). All is not lost, there are good independent sources of information. www.indymedia.org.
The Plan for the invasion for the Middle East was crafted by a member of the Counsel on Foreign Relations, Paul Wolfowitz, former cabinet member of the Reagan administration, in a paper produced by the Project for the New American Century in 1997
and a paper written by Dick Cheny called Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century
Now if you do the research, you will find the Middle East invasion is not about getting cheap gas to Americans, and it is not about 9/11. It is about global dominance, by controlling the worlds major energy source (oil), America controls all of the countries (and their military) that depend on the oil, get it? (Pinky and the Brain).
Now you need to know that 9/11 was a false flag operation (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_f... an inside job.
OK, now you have a clue, google the rest. In fact check out "Loose Change" streaming on Google video: video.google.com/videoplay?doc...
Now is someone lying? Or are you in need of more information?.
OK, back to the media, as a war machine. Is this your only source of information. How unfortunate, because the war to control your perceptions IS ON. The objective - keeping your belief system as far away from reality as they can take it.
Patriotism is in desperate need of salvation, the enemy is at home, not abroad.
There are DVD's circulating amongst the population that give great detail to what is really going on, want one?
When you take the time to do the research you will find the war unjustified, oppressive, and wrong.
I do not get my education from ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, or the Associated Press. I get my education from books.
2007-02-28 13:38:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Iraq was a peacefull beautiful country. We were tricked into going to war there by lies from the Bush media. Americans are dieing there and all Americans will be paying for this war in one way or another over 100 billion has been wasted there and more will be going
2007-02-28 13:35:47
answer #4
answered by trick1us 3
I was against the war from the begining, and now, even more so.
60 minutes – Dissention in the ranks
Soldiers Speaking out - Video
. "There is no better way to support those who are fighting in Iraq than to guarantee that no more of them die in the service of political miscalculation"
Anna Quindlen, Newsweek 2/19/07
2007-02-28 13:52:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I don't care a lick about Iraq. I care about American and Americans. If they Iraqis wanted freedom so badly, they could have used their IED proficiency against Saddam....but no they'd rather kill Americans who are just trying to help these stupid fools.
Peter O'Toole in Lawerence of Arabia said it best..."You are a silly people and you will always be a silly people."
I'd be happy not to hear the word Iraq again...ever.
2007-02-28 13:43:14
answer #6
answered by KERMIT M 6
to tell the truth, im confused about Iraq.. I know we went there to try to stop terrorists but we have lost so many lives there, so I dont know if i like that we went to iraq, but i do think that we have been there 2 long
2007-02-28 13:36:57
answer #7
answered by hersheyfan222 2
I feel great about it and so does my son who spent two years there in combat and so does the Iraqi people. They are so grateful for what we have proivided them, the opportunity for freedoom and democracy. Now it's up to them to see what they do with that opportunity. Right now we should still be there trainging their troops, so the newly elected government can stand on it's own feet. We should have a time table (only know to each governement) once we feel they can take it by themsleve and start reducing our troops strength in 2007 and by the end of 2008 be out!
2007-02-28 13:39:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I don't really care "why" we went into Iraq. I care about what has happened as a result.
25 million people liberated.
A genocidal dictator put out of power and his "living" status revoked.
The birth of a new democracy, a new hope glimmering and struggling against the adversity of being a fledgeling nation.
2007-02-28 13:35:49
answer #9
answered by The_Music_Man 3
Shouldn't have gone. We should pull out now.
2007-02-28 14:07:58
answer #10
answered by Ajax 3