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I am not trying to sway one side or another. I am 100% serious about getting answers as to how we can all make America better. We have ben waiting for our elected officials to get the ball rolling but it seems like they just never get much done, for whatever reason. What can we, the people, do?

2007-02-28 05:17:01 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

23 answers

We have to give law-abiding citizens the power, the tools, and the education needed to ensure that jobs stay in America, that our identities are secure and that we have equal treatment under the law and that we are not discriminated against.

When our Officials claim that the United States is a Nation of Laws, we need to demand that those laws are enforced and that the enforcement is equal. A nation of laws without enforcement is a nation of corruption and lawlessness.

We need to secure our borders and ensure that all illegal aliens are not given any amnesty whatsoever. We need to take legal action against all illegal aliens and collect damages and seize their assets. We need to charge all illegal aliens with trespass, illegal entry, wrongful death (when they have driven without licenses and insurance and/or otherwise caused the death of a citizen) and we need to tax every dollar that is leaving the United States to go to Mexico or any other foreign country -- my suggestion is 25% tax. This will help to compensate the law-abiding citizens for the free education and medical care and other subsidies that illegal aliens have received at our expense.

We need a national identification for everyone! While we agree that it violates certain aspects of our rights to privacy, a National Identification will at least assist us in ensuring that we will have recourse when our identity is stolen, that corporations will have more difficulty money-laundering and evading taxes and the law etc.

We need to do away with credit reporting agencies and central data collection centers, giving the individual the right to control who gets or receives information about themselves and limiting the access by all these foreign owned corporations to data that aids and abetts illegal acts. The government and corporations have proven that they can't be trusted to keep our personal information and data secure and therefore they should be held accountable for all misuse/abuse and consequences for their failure to keep our data secure.

We, the people can start by becoming discriminatory in our purchasing power and by registering to vote and then voting but only for candidates that we have researched and who keep their campaign promises. Also, we can demand a "none of the above" category on every ballot so that we can show our government that, while money can put you on the ballot, only your actions and integrity can get our votes.

We need to safeguard our personal information and treat it like it is the key to the kingdom. Make every person you give information to sign a non-disclosure agreement and a pledge that the information will be used only for a specific person and released to anyone else only upon court order and/or a signed release by you. Make them accountable for any damages.

Require every citizen to talk to his elected officials at least once per year and require citizens to write postcards to those elected officials with demands, attaboys or awshits!

Do not lease, sell, or otherwise allow foreign corporations or governments to access our infrastructures, our tollways, lotteries, computer programs, etc. Stop the outsourcing.

Become proactive in checking identifications of anyone who does work for you. Ask to see identification, green cards, proof of legal status, etc. Report all illegal activity.

The law is for our protection. The Constitution is for our protection and to insure that the Government doesn't overstep its bounds. Unless we become involved in all aspects of that protection, we will lose our country.

2007-02-28 05:37:59 · answer #1 · answered by MH/Citizens Protecting Rights! 5 · 0 0

anytime you don't like what is happening you should write or call your elected officials. this goes for local, state and federal levels.

the problem is people complain all day about the government not doing anything, but they don't voice these complaints.

i'd love for us to all stop bickering about every little stupid thing.

sure we all would love to make more money, have more afforable healthcare, and be able to collect our social security once we become of proper age. however it is very hard.

raising wages would be great but that also makes everything go up in price so you are making more but paying more for everything. i'm not sure of the right answer

healthcare costs are thru the roof for a lot of reasons. if we had a universal plan it would cost taxpayers a lot! i don't know if we can afford this system. we need something different though

i'll never see social security - i wish i could opt out of the program and say that i will not take aid from SS fund.

i would love to see a new stronger more centralized party form that is a little bit of both "wings". i mean most of us fall in the middle and aren't far right or far left.

2007-02-28 06:21:32 · answer #2 · answered by Jenn 5 · 0 0

Protect our borders, bring all US troops home from any base not in US Territory, protect American Businesses by forcing equal trade with China, protect American intellectual property by refusing to trade with nations that steal copy-righted and trademarked technologies, and be open to free trade, but protect American workers and businesses with tariffs when necessary - such as steal. End give-away programs to both individuals and businesses (welfare and farm subsidies). Cut the federal governments spending by 20% a year until it reaches an acceptable level.

Eliminate the income tax - go to a national sales tax or just run the government with taxes on imports and exports. Eliminate the Federal Reserve. The amount of debt we pay every year is equal to the amount of individual income taxes that the government collects. That interest goes to private banks and into the hands of the JP Morgan family and JD Rockefeller Family.

Do all that, and America would be a great country again.

2007-02-28 05:33:35 · answer #3 · answered by Marcus 3 · 1 0

good question first make all elected office only one term this way we will aways have new people in office that means no person getting elected time and time again. Stop making money part of ruining for election everyone should be on the same pay roll if one person has a TV ad the next person should have the same chance even if he doesn't have the cash.

2007-02-28 05:25:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1. Health care.
We can encourage those physicians who practice wellness--that is, they check people and tell them what to eat and how to exercise so that they stay well. Some physicians have created non-profit foundations where wellness care is given at a reasonable cost--here's an example:

2. Economy
We can be consciously aware of where and what we purchase. Local businesses contribute directly to the health of a community, and whenever possible, it is a good idea to shop with a local business rather than a big chain store that contributes little to the local economy (some of the big box stores make deals so they don't even pay property taxes for several years).

3. Ecology
Walk when you can. When you can't walk, bike. When you can't bike, carpool. Buy high mpg vehicles. Buy used clothing rather than new--you're more likely to find made in the USA clothing that way-and often you are supporting a Hospital Auxillery by doing so. Buy solar panels if you can--insulate your house--make sure new appliances you buy are energy savers.

2007-02-28 05:27:33 · answer #5 · answered by KCBA 5 · 0 1

People can start by taking a question like you ask seriously. We can get rid of the pettiness and name calling that has taken the place of actual political debate. We can remember that democrats aren't going anywhere and neither are republicans so if we're going to accomplish anything we need to work together. We need to be constantly reminding politicians that their primary allegiance should be to their constituents and to the country and not to their political party.

2007-02-28 06:11:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We can spend and expend all our efforts upon minor points, there are multiples of them from saving trees to packaging waste filling our garbage dumps and lose the most valuable thing we can posess, Freedom.
One hears about Democracy in US yet no one can define it, and no one wonders why they can't define it.
What was the last thing most people actually voted upon, a school levy, a new sports stadium, a new highway bridge, and when they voted did they actually understand how those things were going to be paid for and who we were paying? In other words your infrastructure cost you while the ones who buy the bonds, the people you work for and the government employees, reap the benfits.
Then you voted for people, who got thieir campaign funds from Corporate interest, or people within the Government bureacuracy who wanted to keep the status quo in their advantage.
Is all their bills put together over the last 60 years realy improved the United States?
Why is the current rate of foreign owned property within US increasing at the rate of 500,000,000 dollars a year?
Actually since 2005 to present it has increased around 3 trillion dollars.
Our health care system now ranks along with the lower portion of civilized industrial nations.
Our education ranks highest cost in world with the least educated being the product of that system and the least percentage of popualtion having access to it to around 15th in world.
Our domestic and foreign owned entitys keep either bringing in more people from other nations, or farming out the work to foreign nations, and while wages are flat and decreasing for lowest 60% of Americans the rate of increase in upper 15% of populace is risen over 500 % annually in last 8 years.
Americans do not own homes they own more debt for those homes.
Americans do not own autos they own more debt for those autos.
The amount of personal savings has all but been erased in US populace, now negative, for the lowest 85% of populace but increased over 500% for the 15%?
There are many more examples, 700 military bases around the world and we are still increasing total yet today US people are safer by joining military, or governemnt both economicly and security wise, than upon our city streets.
Does this mean we must militarize society in order to protect our economic base?
Of course it does!
Does this mean we must face danger of continual warfare?
Of course it does!
Does this mean we must allow those in power to protect us by whatever means they can?
Of course it does.
Does this mean we trade material wealth and safety in exchange for some of the freedoms and dignity the old system afforded us?
Does this mean what used to be the United States ideals as set forth in Constitution have changed?
Of course it does.

2007-02-28 06:35:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He has presented countless jokes for comedians. different than that he has been between the worst presidents in modern-day circumstances, alongside with Clinton, Bush a million, Reagan and Nixon... so a good distance as Iraq, i do no longer see how that has made u . s . of america greater advantageous, what number hundreds of U.S. troops are ineffective and how many greater are wounded, how intense is gasoline stunning now and what's the manage the financial device all of that seems to be interior the lavatory stunning now and Iraq is not greater advantageous off in case you look on the placement we are in we're not greater advantageous off because of the fact Bush and the government invaded Iraq. edit: as a good distance because of the fact the full terrorist attack element valuable we've not had one for the reason that 9/11 yet why did we enable 9/11 too happen if Bush replaced into so great then he could have listened to his advisors and used the lots of information he had and stopped 9/11 in the previous it occurred. did no longer you people learn something from Pearl Harbor??? the assumption is to no longer wait till the assaults happen, the assumption is to artwork to stop them in the previous they happen. Why is it that persons are allowed to take flight training and not locate out the thank you to land and are not stopped and questioned real rapid and why the hell is it that as quickly as Bin encumbered assaults u . s . of america, the government facilitates his kinfolk to bypass away the rustic and not get asked to respond to some questions (and why have been they the only ones allowed to fly?) additionally blaming Clinton won't be able to help something he dropped the ball and did no longer do something in all hazard because of the fact all you idiots cared approximately replaced into him getting a BJ so because it rather is all he could desire to rather concentration on, it replaced into Bush's accountability at that factor to assert ok something needs to be performed quite than sitting their going "derrrrrrr" and then permitting a terrorist attack to happen whilst quickly as we had in all hazard greater desirable than adequate advice to stop it in the previous it occurred!

2016-09-30 00:35:17 · answer #8 · answered by intriago 4 · 0 0

First of all we need to clean up our country, starting with the politicians then work the way down get rid of white collar crime then there would not be so many poor people that resort to crime to survive. then get rid of all the free-loading losers that sit on their buts and collect from the government, if they do get help then make then earn the money by working doing community service, let them earn some of those benefits they are getting nothing should be free then maybe the cycle would be broken.

2007-02-28 05:24:42 · answer #9 · answered by kissybertha 6 · 0 1

Shaz, thats an exellent question. We as the public need to continue to take it upon ourselves to not compare what others are doing, but to take it upon ourselves to recycle, conserve, and let others know "what we do to be better". Most people in America want to do better but don't always know what the right thing is. Stand up and oppose what you feel is wrong and be counted as to being the one who said "I agree". The biggest thing I know of is to not be intemidated of ANYONE, due to power, or position. Great question, the imagination is your limit. Something I do is to call TV stations and ask them to get invovled with what i agree with or disagree with, you'd be surprissed at what this can accomplish

2007-02-28 05:27:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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