i dont smoke, but i have worked with young children for years.
most children born to smoking mothers dont really have anything "wrong" with them. but they do tend to get sick more, develop allergies more often, get more ear infections, ect. than children of non-smokers.
but all that can be caused by 2nd hand smoke after the baby is born too.
prenatal risks are low birth weight, permature birth, increased risk of miscarriage or still birth, ect.
here's a good link
2007-02-28 04:52:50
answer #1
answered by TN girl 4
I smoked with two of my 3 children...my second daughter I smoked and she was born full term extremely healthy and is still a very healthy 4 1/2 year old who other than 2 colds and 1 ear infection has never been sick.
My youngest daughter I smoked with as well(I actually craved cigarettes...I know sounds crazy but I did) She has taught me a major lesson and if I am lucky enough to become pregnant I will not smoke with it. She was only 2 weeks old when she developed asthma(or was 2 weeks when the symptoms started) we had to call 911 several times for her as she would start to coughing and couldn't stop and was turning blue. She was diagnosed with severe asthma at 6 months old and had to be put on medication that was not even recommended until the age of 4 but we had no choice at that point. She gets sick very very often and when she does get sick it generally turns into pnuemonia which requires hospitalization because of her lungs being so weak. We also almost lost her several times.(all of this doesn't even include the ear infections, the heart defects and others that she suffers from) She is now 2 1/2 and we still have to deal with this on a daily basis. I kick myself in the butt every single day as I know it is my fault.
If you smoke and are pregnant please try to quit as soon as possible. You could get lucky and nothing be wrong but if you don't get lucky enough then you too will kick yourself everyday for it. Do it for you unborn child if for nothing else.
2007-02-28 12:54:19
answer #2
answered by mom2ace 4
Just because they're born "healthy" doesn't mean they're the weight and size they should be at if mom was a nonsmoker during pregnancy. RSV, SIDS, and a number of other problems down the road have been shown to directly correlate to moms smoking. Quit while you can. It's a nasty habit anyway. Besides, you don't want your baby to inhale that crap when he's born. Why not try to be the healthiest you can be for your baby, and actually have the chance to see him graduate college without a tank of oxygen or a body full of premature wrinkles?
2007-02-28 12:50:36
answer #3
answered by Another Nickname 3
None whatsoever. I know several women that did as well and there were no complications. My kids are 8 and 12 and are hardly sick, never had ear infections and get all A's and B's. I'm not saying that it's a good thing to do..just answering the question.
2007-02-28 13:08:23
answer #4
answered by KathyS 7
I did not smoke during pregnancy, but my cousin did with her baby, first of all let me say how selfish it is. Do you not realize how harmful nicotine is to a newborn infant? I am a non-smoking adult and when I smell a cigarette i can barely breathe. Not only that, but it can result in premature birth, low birth rate and harder learning skills for the baby. Ok, back to what I was saying, my cousin smoked with her baby, he was born with jaundice, a heart murmer and 1 month early, was a slow learner, he did not learn to walk, until a year and half, he talked and gooed until he was year and half. I would not suggest it.
2007-02-28 12:51:04
answer #5
answered by yahoocraze 3
I occasionally smoked during pregnancy and my son was 8lbs and 5 ozs at birth and didn't have any complications after birth.
A little side note, my mother smoked whilst she was prego with me and I am very healthy, no breathing problems at all. However she didn't smoke with my brother and he was in and out of hospitals for the first 2 years of his life because his asthma was so bad.
2007-02-28 13:01:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well, i am not a smoker, BUT my mother was. She smoked AND drank wine during her entire pregnancy with me (now granted, she is not an alcoholic - more of a social drinker) and i was fine - she said i had no problems except some colic - but even babies born to mom's who don't smoke have that and I even started sleeping all thru the nite at about 2 months. Hope that helps some.
2007-02-28 12:52:34
answer #7
answered by Just Me 2
He had a lot of ear infections starting at about 15 months, but he was in daycare then. His father had them so bad he had to have tubes, and I can guarantee you his mother did not smoke. My son doesn't have asthma or any other health problems. I wish I had totally quit, though.
Better safe than sorry, though, so do your best to quit.
2007-02-28 12:58:24
answer #8
answered by scarfyrre 3
My daughter had no complications. My daughter was a big baby and I was three weeks past my due date. My daughter has always been ahead on things for example she was walking at 7 1/2 months old.
I was told by my doctor NOT to quit smoking since I was a high risk preg. (miscarriage before) but told me to cut down which I did. I went from Reds to Ultra Lights.
2007-02-28 13:19:39
answer #9
answered by snugglesrn 2
Same here. I smoked my whole pregnancy and my son was on time (not early), and perfectly healthy. He's 4 1/2 now and completely normal. Not that I condone it at all...obviously you are taking a risk if you do it. But, for me...nothing happenend.
By the way...for those who are saying things like "your kids are still young...you don't know if they really are healthy blah blah blah....I am NOT still young...I'm 27 years old, and my mom smoked when she was pregnant with me, and I have never had a single problem. No asthma, no allergies...none of that. I was a full term healthy baby and stayed healthy...even though my mom smoked when I was in the womb, and throughout my whole life. And furthermore...WHY are people answering this who DID NOT smoke during pregnancy???? Did you not see the headline????
2007-02-28 12:46:30
answer #10
answered by Angela S 1