Dude, Where have you been living for the last 20 years? The cold war is over and Russia is now a democratic state.
2007-02-28 03:52:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
First, not all Americans think the same on anything, much less whether or not Russia is free or not.
Second, ask yourself just how you got all that freedom. There would still be a USSR and Politburo and Communist rule had it not been for the pressure the rest of the free world (not just the USA) put on the Eastern Block countries for 50 years or so after WWII. Or perhaps you liked it under the old Stalin Rule.
Third, no one in the U.S. that I know of has ever mentioned going to Russia for any reason, much less to invade the country and "give you your freedom."
Fourth, since you obviously don't know a thing about Americans, I suggest you go get a few books and read them.
2007-02-28 11:56:19
answer #2
answered by Faye H 6
Why arn`t you asking other countries this question instead of America?? Don`t you realize that your "envy" is showing through when you {yourself] call my country the "land of freedom" ?? What we believe about Russia is that [ your government] hasn`t "allowed" their citizens the rights that WE [as American citizens] have "taken for granted" for all our lives.Only you would know. for certain, if you are "living in HELL" or not. But, to prove a point, are people trying to "get into your country" no matter what the RISK, because the conditions in their own country doesn`t offer them, what MY country does---FREEDOM of CHOICE. And why does Iraq interest you,if it isn`t your country?? Are you trying to make a comparison between their dysfunctional country and your own?? I don`t think your government would appreciate your disloyal attitude towards the "ones-in-power", do you??
2007-02-28 12:15:44
answer #3
answered by brokenlady 1
I'm an american and I like russia and would love to visit there, where did you get the idea that americans think that of your country? I havent heard anything bad about russia for nearly two decades, from what I hear things have really turned around over for you guys and things are looking up.
Keep up the good work!
2007-02-28 11:52:55
answer #4
answered by kloops1 4
Well, nice to meet you too. For one thing, just because you are American does not mean you all think the same about things. I am greatly opposed to the way my country leaders are handling Iraq. We should not be there. The people of America are not the problem; the problem comes through the leaders of the American government. The citizen body as a whole is greatly disgusted with the way problems are being handled right now. By the way, do not use so much of your attitude in your questions....are you trying to start WWIII?
2007-02-28 11:59:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Russia is known for it's totalitarian government. Russia incarcerates it's citizens because of their individual beliefs. Russia oppresses itself by stifling the imaginations and the dreams of it's people. We have our problems in the West however we are FREE to express ourselves not only in the arts, and literature but we can also verbalize our thoughts, our beliefs, our hopes for a better country for all. Can you do all that in your Motherland without fear of reprisal? We can.
2007-02-28 12:01:19
answer #6
answered by scooter 2
No. I think it's because you guys used to be communist. We don't like communism because it's bad. And then after we crushed you guys during the Cold War, we pretty much considered your government to be an autocracy, where people needed to be self-sufficient to survive. So, we don't really care about giving you freedom. But, if you think about, we did FREE you from communism.
And, it's really cold there.
2007-02-28 11:54:32
answer #7
answered by nicoleblingy2003 4
Why would anyone want to go to Russia? Unless it's a man looking for a mail order bride.
2007-02-28 13:10:39
answer #8
answered by ViolationsRus 4
NO it's simply because of history. the COLD WAR is still fresh in our memories. our children won't remember and things will change. give it time. I would never move to Russia, even if USA is invaded!
2007-02-28 11:51:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Do you vote for your elected leaders? Can you say what you want about your government without repercussions?
Can you go to college if you work hard? Can you move where you wish? Can you do what ever employment you wish? Can a poor man work his way up to be a rich man if he wishes?
God bless you
2007-02-28 11:52:25
answer #10
answered by Jeanmarie 7