Iran certainly has a history and heritage to be proud of.I don't think that it would do any worse than the US if it acquires the bomb. All these loudmouth posturing is only that, posturing. They have the same ambitions as the US, to be a superpower. I think they are entitled to it more than the US, going by the principles US folows;might is right ! you are right. The present regime has been the most dangerous for world peace since Hitler.
2007-02-28 03:59:43
answer #1
answered by irumporayar 3
Iran has a very advanced nuclear program and the backing of many uncivilized countries. Too late, the bomb is already in Iran. The reason the United States is trying unsuccessfully to stop what has already been achieved is because of the threats that the Iranian president has made. I'm sure most of the Iranian people are fine but their government is wishy washy.
2007-02-28 11:36:47
answer #2
answered by 14 4
Because theyre crazy enough to use it. they will do worse than the US. the us understood the horrors after using the A-bombs on nagasaki and hiroshima, that it is an abomination, and not does a lot of damage, is also spreaks poisonous radiation over a large area.
Nowadays, the bombs we can make are about a 10 fold stronger than the bombs used in second world war. And a country that is clouded by faith, and has vowed to wipe its neighbours off the map. should NOT have this power.
They will most definately use it to commit genocide against the jews of israel.
2007-02-28 11:37:31
answer #3
answered by mrzwink 7
Their leadership is likely to use it. If they launched a strike against Israel (who they chant "death to") the volley that would follow from Israelis retaliation would turn Iran into a smoking pile. The disruption to the global economy and subsequent "jihads" that would follow would be a threat to human existence. The religious crackpots that run the country are likely to use it and even without it are dangerous and already running a proxy war in Iraq.
2007-02-28 11:41:29
answer #4
answered by Rico E Suave 4
It's a two fold apparatus. A domino affect would occur if one big one went off. To me, I could care less if a country ran by 'wishy washy' people had a nuclear bomb. If I was the U.S. negotiator I would tell them, "sure, have one" Why?? b/c I would tell them with the utmost straight face, "you ever light one off and I will wipe, you, your neighbors, and everything that is know about your culture off the face of this planet."
I don't care how low someone's IQ is, you have to know, if you light one off, your dam n sure getting one back. So, to me, with all this huffle puff about "you can, and you can't have one" Who cares! B/c, for one I live in one of four countries with the most powerful nuclear warheads on the earth, and if Iran blew off the jews, or took out our east coast, then I would really feel sorry for that little country. I'm talking about total 100% anhilation of that country.
The only reason I know this is b/c of my degree in college where I took an International Terrorism class. We had a CIA agent come in and give a speech on WMD's. He handed out a tac map of the State of Texas. The United States most powerful nuclear warhead in it's arsenal, if set off in the city of Austin, would go 100 miles north into Oklahoma, and a hundred miles south into Mexico. That's how big of a blast hit we have. I've seen the map.
So, to me when all this di ck swinging goes on about who should and who shouldn't........let them have a nuke. We are bigger than most countries and could handle a hit. Sorry to put us at risk, but hey guess what? We started it, so we have to deal with it.(hirshoma, nagasaka)
What people don't realize is that under the table on our sh it as s foreign policy is that the U.S. uses our nuclear stronghold as threat if other countries comply with what we want. We bulldog other countries into making them do what we want or we cutt off banks, trade, threat of nuke attack, cut off their friends who do business with us......and quite frankly people around the world are sick of it. Someday, we'll be taught a lesson on how the world feels about it. I just hope that I don't live anywhere near what they decide to do. It's sad, b/c innocent people die to line another man's pocket. And b/c we're number one, somebody, somewhere thinks they have the right to be the bulldog to make more money. Money they will never use by the time they die.
That's what is sad.
2007-02-28 12:07:53
answer #5
answered by John G 2
Because the US says no.
And what happens to those who don't listen to the US?
Demonized by the media, nothing else =p
And that coming from the only country to have ever used a nuclear bomb on innocent civilians.
2007-02-28 11:35:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
First if they had it they would use it.
They are rebellious,aggressive and have participated in many wars,even sending their children in to fight.
Would you really want to see them have the bomb?
2007-02-28 11:47:23
answer #7
answered by Billy Butthead 7
It a very unstable place and the last thing they need is something that makes them think that they are larger than life! That they could overpower any place they want! Unstability!
2007-02-28 11:35:55
answer #8
answered by WRF 3
Because they'd be like a two year old behind the wheel of a mac truck...DANGEROUS to the world.
2007-02-28 11:35:27
answer #9
answered by ViolationsRus 4
Because they support terrorists and say that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth, for starters.
2007-02-28 11:37:43
answer #10
answered by ? 7