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Apparently my current anti-virus cannot delete it. Why? Who the F knows! Is there another anti-virus that can do it? And can I have 2 anti-virus installed?

2007-02-28 03:13:27 · 5 answers · asked by Maria M 1 in Computers & Internet Security

5 answers

You have to manually search and delete some files.
from the hard disk and from windows registry

see the link below for procedure to locate and detete entries from windows registry

2007-02-28 03:24:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

One antivirus at a time. Two or more will conflict with each other and lock up your system. To get rid of the malware infection just follow the steps bellow, t's my time proven method of killing malware.
1st-Make sure to get all Windows updates DLed and installed.
1st A:Many versions of malware can, and do, hide in your system restore files. If you are sure you have a malware infection, go to Start-->Control Panel-->System and click on the System Restore tab and put a check in the 'Turn off System Restore' box. Turn it back on after you are clean.
2nd-Go to BitDefender.com for a free virus scan and cleaning. TrendMicro now charges to clean.
3rd-Download, install, and update Lavasofts's Ad-Aware (free). Do a full system scan and delete the crap it finds. Do this weekly.
4th-Download, install, and update SaferNetworking's SpyBot Search & Destroy (free). Do a full system scan and delete the crap it finds. Do this weekly
5th-download, install and update AVG Anti-spyware.(Both free and paid versions available).Do a full system scan and delete the crap it finds. Do this weekly.

If you dont have a firewall, GET ONE. ZoneAlarm has a free version.
For an anti-virus I recommend ESets Nod32. It's the best available and it's not very expensive (about $40 US.) Whatever AV client you use, keep it updated and do a full system scan at least weekly.

We all hate the 'weekly' stuff but it's necessary in today's net environment. "Get it clean and keep it clean!" should be your motto.

If this doesnt fix the problem, create a free account at techsupportforum.com and download HiJackThis. Just enter the "HiJackThis Log Help" section of the forum. Follow the instructions given and you'll soon be free of malware. There are other sites but this a good, free site! DO NOT use HiJack This unless you are extremely knowledgeable about Windows and it's processes. You can seriously Bork your system. Let the pro's direct you.

For a safer, more secure, easier to use not mention faster browser, try Mozilla FireFox. For an e-mail client try Mozilla Thunderbird.

2007-02-28 03:36:31 · answer #2 · answered by BoNe 3 · 0 0

You shouldnt have 2 antivirus installed because one antivirus could look at the other's virus signatures and thing you have a virus when you really dont

2007-02-28 03:43:59 · answer #3 · answered by Tyler 4 · 0 0

You should not use two AV programs but if your running AVG then you need to.

(AVG need to be backed up with Free bitdefender 8, they work well along side each other.)

If i was you i would do a online scan from the first link below then look at getting a good AV program like Nod32.

2007-02-28 05:22:15 · answer #4 · answered by Sly_Old_Mole 7 · 0 0

You can download a free anti virus/trojan version and remove them
Check out http://sumiram2006.googlepages.com/comba...
It has good downloads to detect and eliminate virus/trojans
Best wishes

2007-03-01 12:06:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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