I think it's more the state of mind of the individual than the actual age ... whether or not they keep their minds and bodies active. There are people in their 70s who keep fit and active who can keep up with those in their 30s -- ski, tennis, golf (on foot, not cart), even surfing I've heard.
So, if one thinks, "Oh, I'm too old to do that anymore," then maybe they are even though there are others the same age or even more that are doing it because they don't think they're "too old."
2007-02-28 03:17:03
answer #1
answered by S D Modiano 5
I was reading an article the other day about a nurse, who at age 60, decided to work on a doctorate degree and run in her first marathon.... which she has done. Also, there are more 100 year olds who are still working in some capacity or another. One of my neighbors is 90 and goes dancing every Saturday night. So, if you remain young at heart..... I guess there is no number to really define "old" anymore.
2007-02-28 03:29:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
2007-02-28 03:10:01
answer #3
answered by Urchin 6
i am 50 and not old get a grip on your self last year i went to Hawaii ...........on me own went in a cage to the sharks which i really enjoyed went snorkeling got a tattoo the year before Poland and that's brilliant i am diabetic suffer from artrise and got a kidney transplant and i don't sit around love age is just a number in my hearth I'm still 16 and still going and i will live for ever and i firmly believe that till the day i die so there yer have it
2007-02-28 03:43:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Age is relative. The old phrase you are only as old as you feel is pretty accurate. I used to be afraid of turning 30, but now that I am almost there I can't wait. I still feel like I am in my early 20's!!! As we age our idea of old changes.
2007-02-28 03:13:17
answer #5
answered by sassypants_911 2
I'm 14, so right now, old is like 40. But I think that when I become 40, I'll think 55 is old. And when I turn 55, I'll think 60 is old. Old is just a growing number.
2007-02-28 03:13:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Funny, the older I get, the more I realize, the people I thought were old, really aren't that old. I guess 90 may be old!
2007-02-28 03:11:53
answer #7
answered by wish I were 6
It changes every year :-) I used to think 27 was old, but now that I'm 27, I moved the goalposts back a little =P
2007-02-28 03:09:51
answer #8
answered by CelticPixie 4
Around 73.
2007-02-28 03:48:53
answer #9
answered by chris p 6
after 60yrs old is considered old,but it all depends on how you feel because,some people feel young at that age & some don't.
2007-02-28 03:13:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous