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I don't think it is... but some women get soooo catty if they see another woman's thong sticking out a little from her jeans...
OH NO! You can see her THONG! She must be a slut!
I sometimes let my thong peek a little bit over my jeans... so what? I think it looks sexy. I'm letting women I potentially might be in a relationship with know that I'm uninhibited and free and sexy. And I find it a turn on when a beautiful girl wears low-ride jeans and you get a 'thong shot'... omg, that is hot.

I think big old-fashioned panties, or the cheap sort you buy like 5 in a pack for $10--those are the panties people should be saying 'ewwww, gross!' over, not sexy thongs!

2007-02-28 02:56:48 · 7 answers · asked by Rissa 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

7 answers

You're right, if you look good in it, why not? Please, though,

gigantic ladies, leave it alone.

2007-02-28 03:10:28 · answer #1 · answered by judy f 3 · 1 1

Thongs are hot! Granny-panties are not. Butt floss is in, stomach controllers are out. If you have the bod, they look hot. If the thong is revealling a womens fat rolls and stretchmarks, I get the urge to vomit.

2007-02-28 13:51:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Some women have all kinds of body issues that make them either jealous or angry women who display their bodies. Reasons could be a history emotional or sexual abuse or just a 'prudish' upbringing... hence they are not comfortable with an overt display of sexuality. To me this is understandable and OK and your feeling about it is ok as well.

2007-02-28 11:19:05 · answer #3 · answered by larrydoyle52 4 · 0 0

Its not the thong, its the thong above the pants line. Just looks tacky.

2007-02-28 11:16:34 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 4 0

I don't think that women who wear thongs are sl#ts..I just think it is nasty for it to be sticking out...They are called underwear....so, you should wear them UNDER your clothes...

2007-02-28 11:37:22 · answer #5 · answered by Prettycutetk 5 · 3 0

Because they are :) not that im complaining of course

2007-02-28 11:15:54 · answer #6 · answered by Jean Bernard L 2 · 3 0

even in turd world countries they don't walk around with strings up their butts!

2007-02-28 11:06:11 · answer #7 · answered by Billie R 4 · 1 2

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