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12 answers

~I think it will be, since it has been a problem for thousands of years.~

2007-02-28 02:42:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

As long as people exist there will be racism, sexism, and all other kinds of 'isms' to generalize others dislike of other people. I even know someone who told me they don't like bald people.... now what kind of ism is that? I work with children with disabilities who are discriminated against all the time. What makes you think these kinds of problems will end when people will always dislike other people and generalize their dislikes to particular traits of 'those types' of people? I'm not sure where you got your education on human behavior and the social environment but you may want to study up a bit. Although I admire your optimism!

2007-02-28 10:54:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Racism will be a problem as long as human nature is what it is. We are ALL racist by nature, and the only way to fight it is to be aware of one's own racism and counter it when you can. As far as OTHER people's racism, a swift kick in the pants will suffice there. Bend over, Farrakhan!

2007-02-28 10:59:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Look past your naive western mind and look at the rest of the world. Racism is a problem everywhere. There is no such thing as political correctness in second and third world countries.

2007-02-28 10:45:35 · answer #4 · answered by sweet cheeks 3 · 1 0

Hey, if people can be divided instantly over what team name they're given in some dunb sociology class, then hey,
they're always going to be divided and compete along permanent and obvious lines.
We're animals, pure and simple.
Like it or not.
Did I SAY I like the idea?
No, but if we had more mixed race children like I did in this country, we might eventually become a nice blend and this crap could die out a bit!

2007-02-28 10:45:32 · answer #5 · answered by starryeyed 6 · 2 0

i'm worried that it will. i work at a resturant that has 1 italian, 3 white americans and the rest are hispanic (about 15) and one of our customers is my boss from my 2nd job. she said last weekend (it was horribly crazy in there) that there was this family sitting next to her and the kid started complaining "this isnt what i ordered" and the mom just turned to the kid and said "what do you expect, those people dont speak english".

i mean, if thats what parents are teaching their kids, then those kids are going to grow up with some of the same racist views and only see people as infirior to them and will never become tolerant.

its sad, really.

2007-02-28 10:46:03 · answer #6 · answered by mickey g 6 · 0 2

I think it will always be a problem as long as people make it a problem. If no one was racist, it wouldn't be a problem. As long as there are people who think there color is better than another's, it will be a problem.

2007-02-28 10:44:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i dont think it will be much of a problem but i think people will always have the Race stareo types and will mostlikey say it behind there back and not to their face.

2007-02-28 10:42:40 · answer #8 · answered by mjc1428 1 · 1 0

I think it will be. It's been going on for millions of year, it's not going to end without a fight.

2007-02-28 10:47:35 · answer #9 · answered by Jude 3 · 0 0

i dont think it will always be a problem but it will continue to be one for many years to come

2007-02-28 10:42:12 · answer #10 · answered by links305 5 · 0 1

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